Category: Republican-Fail

Michigan GOP caucus won’t support sales tax hike proposal to repair our roads that THEY passed in 2014

Michigan GOP caucus won’t support sales tax hike proposal to repair our roads that THEY passed in 2014

Last fall, Michigan Republicans, aided by some Democrats who effectively negotiated for some very good things for Michigan schools and working people, passed a package of bills to fix our crumbling transportation infrastructure and soon-to-be-rubble roadways. The entire thing is predicated on the passage of an increase to our sales tax which voters must approve in May. Given that they […]

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USA Today commentator: Hillary Clinton will be the Democrats’ nominee because they are afraid of women

USA Today commentator: Hillary Clinton will be the Democrats’ nominee because they are afraid of women

An op-ed in USA Today this week, penned by Rutgers University political science professor Ross K. Baker, puts forth the argument that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee for president in 2016 because Democrats are afraid of “powerful women”. It’s such an utterly preposterous idea that it’s worth exposing for all ridiculosity. Here’s what Prof. Baker has to say: […]

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GOP Senator wants to end the tyranny of handwashing by restaurant workers

GOP Senator wants to end the tyranny of handwashing by restaurant workers

We’ve all seen the signs in restrooms of restaurants we go to that say “Employees Must Wash Hands Before Returning to Work”. Why do you see these? Because it’s the law. The Food and Drug Administration requires it. That’s a good thing, right? Because, as the FDA’s regulations say, “Proper handwashing reduces the spread of fecal-oral pathogens from the hands […]

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Freshman Michigan tea party legislator Todd Courser whines about seating assignments on House floor

Freshman Michigan tea party legislator Todd Courser whines about seating assignments on House floor

Tea party Republican Todd Courser is the comical gift that keeps on giving. His latest social media missive is titled “What about the seats?” and is over 2,000 whining words about the tyranny of the state House seating chart. Srsly. It’s hard at times to know what should and should not be shared with people about the mechanical processes of […]

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Fred Upton & Greg Walden, authors of GOP’s fake net neutrality bill, are top telecom money recipients

Fred Upton & Greg Walden, authors of GOP’s fake net neutrality bill, are top telecom money recipients

“Absolutely the First Amendment issue of our time” – Senator Al Franken The Federal Communications Commission will soon issue its new rules on net neutrality which will prevent large telecommunications corporations from regulating access to the internet by allowing some customers to get better, faster, and/or more reliable access through pricing arrangements or other deals. President Obama has come out […]

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Republican U.S. Senator sues to stop Obamacare because it’s hurting his political reputation (srsly)

Republican U.S. Senator sues to stop Obamacare because it’s hurting his political reputation (srsly)

It takes a lot to surprise me when it comes to Republicans these days but this story is leaving me with my head shaking. U.S. Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin is suing to stop the Affordable Care Act because, according to him, it has hurt his political reputation and his political career. You can’t make this stuff up. Explaining this […]

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VIDEO: Rick Santorum thinks we have an immigration problem … with LEGAL immigrants (UPDATED)

VIDEO: Rick Santorum thinks we have an immigration problem … with LEGAL immigrants (UPDATED)

Rick Santorum’s grandfather came to America in 1923 as an immigrant but that fact does not deter him from thinking that we have a big problem in this country that’s “almost as bad” as illegal immigration. The problem, according to Santorum, is LEGAL immigration. According to Santorum, all those legal immigrants coming into America are taking the jobs meant for […]

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UPDATED: As Republicans continue to defund education, Michiganders support MORE funding and higher teacher pay

UPDATED: As Republicans continue to defund education, Michiganders support MORE funding and higher teacher pay

For the past four years, Michigan Republicans, taking their cues from the anti-teacher group Mackinac Center, have defunded education, gone after teacher pay and benefits, and done just about everything they could to put public education and public educators out of business. Their model is to make teaching so unattractive that the professionals abandon it as a career, leaving the […]

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For a Party that hates abortion, why do they practice it so much?

For a Party that hates abortion, why do they practice it so much?

This past week I have been mired in the aftermath of the Board of Regents meeting at Eastern Michigan University, where a politically appointed and partisan Board of Regents ignored the will of those in attendance, the thousands who signed a petition, mountains of evidence that prove that Educational Achievement Authority (EAA) is failing students in Detroit as well as […]

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GOP Todd Courser campaign worker: “Would you change your vote if you knew his opponent has ‘faggots & blacks working for her?'”

GOP Todd Courser campaign worker: “Would you change your vote if you knew his opponent has ‘faggots & blacks working for her?'”

A year and a half ago, Michigan Republican Party Chair got the scare of his life when tea party hero and “Freedom Caucus” favorite Todd Courser nearly defeated him in a narrow 833 to 768 vote for the Chair position. At the time, Courser made it very clear that he was working toward a tea party takeover of the Michigan […]

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BREAKING: More corruption in the Snyder administration: $26.4 million in no-bid contracts awarded to campaign donor (UPDATED)

BREAKING: More corruption in the Snyder administration: $26.4 million in no-bid contracts awarded to campaign donor (UPDATED)

The Michigan Democratic Party released bombshell news today that the Snyder administration awarded $26.4 million in no-bid contracts to a high-dollar donor to the Snyder reelection campaign. On June 9, 2014, the owners of J&B Medical Supply, which supplies diapers and other incontinence products to Department of Community Health, hosted a lavish fundraiser for Rick Snyder in Bloomfield Hills which […]

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