Category: Republican-Fail

Republicans now admit (a) it’s THEIR shutdown and (b) it’s killing the economy

Republicans now admit (a) it’s THEIR shutdown and (b) it’s killing the economy

Here, Republicans, have some crow. It’s delish. Graphic by Anne C. Savage, special to Eclectablog Facing the fact that everyone in the country who isn’t a die-hard Republican thinks the current shutdown of the federal goverment and the impending crashing of the U.S. economy resulting from a failure to raise the debt limit are their responsibility, there are some interesting […]

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The GOP just can’t take “yes” for an answer: A reminder of what we’ve achieved under Barack Obama

The GOP just can’t take “yes” for an answer: A reminder of what we’ve achieved under Barack Obama

I see what you’re doing here. We all do. I think all of us are, like Amy described in her righteous rant yesterday, sick and tired of being held hostage by extremist right wing ideologues who behave like petulant children when they don’t get absolutely everything they want. What’s most infuriating about it is that these very same ideologues have […]

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GOP gives up taking a law enacted 3 1/2 years ago hostage, now it’s laws enacted decades ago: Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security

GOP gives up taking a law enacted 3 1/2 years ago hostage, now it’s laws enacted decades ago: Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security

Wow, you guys are incredible I suppose it’s a good sign that Republicans are finally waving the red flag on repealing the Affordable Care Act as a condition for not putting a bullet in the brain of our national (and possibly the international) economy. For weeks now, that has been their precondition for passing a budget to fund the government […]

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Arizona Republican state rep goes full Godwin, compares America under Obama to Germany under Hitler – twice

Arizona Republican state rep goes full Godwin, compares America under Obama to Germany under Hitler – twice

“Germany started with national health care and gun control before any of that other stuff happened” Arizona Republican Brenda Barton posted on her Facebook page that “Someone is paying the National Park Service thugs overtime for their efforts to carry out the order of De Fuhrer.” The post was still up on her page as of 6:30 p.m. today: Sparking […]

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POLLS: Michigan tea party Congressmen Walberg, Bentivolio, & Benishek in deep, deep trouble over #GOPshutdown

POLLS: Michigan tea party Congressmen Walberg, Bentivolio, & Benishek in deep, deep trouble over #GOPshutdown

Ruh roh, Raggy The whole “if you’re in a hole, stop digging” thing seems to really be escaping the tea party members in Congress these days. This past week, for example, my Congressman, Tim Walberg, sent out an email hilariously titled “Rep Walberg Works to Reopen Government”, claiming that he “passed four pieces of legislation to fund the entire government”. […]

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Eric Cantor: “We’re are really in an unprecedented place, President Obama is refusing to actively engage”

Eric Cantor: “We’re are really in an unprecedented place, President Obama is refusing to actively engage”

Remember that time President Bush canceled an overseas trip because Democrats shut down the government? Yeah, me neither. Photo credit: Anne C. Savage, special to Eclectablog President Obama had scheduled a trip to Indonesia and Brunei over the next few days but, because Republicans insist on holding the government hostage to exact some sort of concessions from President Obama and […]

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Were there any Republicans giving press interviews at the MLK, Jr. memorial in Washington, DC this week? Just askin’…

Were there any Republicans giving press interviews at the MLK, Jr. memorial in Washington, DC this week? Just askin’…

Such utterly blatant pandering ought to be below ANY politician. Even tea partiers. It was a VERY busy couple of days at the World War II memorial in Washington, D.C. First, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann made an utter spectacle of herself, diving in front of cameras to slather herself in patriotic, anti O-BAH-mah rhetoric with elderly WWII vets as a […]

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Today’s “Biggest Jerk in Congress” winner: Randy Neugebauer who forced a U.S. park ranger to apologize for doing her job

Today’s “Biggest Jerk in Congress” winner: Randy Neugebauer who forced a U.S. park ranger to apologize for doing her job

What IS it about Texas Republicans??? I posed this Q&A on Twitter this morning: Q: If a bad guy says, "Come closer and I'll shoot this guy" and someone comes closer, who do you blame for the guy getting shot? A: Obama. — Chris Savage (@Eclectablog) October 3, 2013 This is, at its most basic level, the situation in Congress […]

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UPDATED – Republicans reject proposal to end healthcare subsidies for government employees because it would affect their staff

UPDATED – Republicans reject proposal to end healthcare subsidies for government employees because it would affect their staff

File this one under “Hypocrisy, blatant” This right here? This tells you everything you need to know about just how hypocritical Republicans in Washington, D.C. are: One other option includes canceling health-insurance subsidies for some government employees, including members of Congress and their staff. But there’s internal resistance to this measure among House Republicans, mainly because low-paid aides would be […]

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UPDATED: Today is the day House Republicans punch themselves in the face

UPDATED: Today is the day House Republicans punch themselves in the face

“Why won’t you compromise on our refusal to compromise?!” – House Republicans That’s gonna leave a mark So, this is hilarious. After five years of Republicans refusing to compromise on just about everything and doing all they could to impede any initiatives President Obama put forward, including their own, we get these sorts of comments from GOP leadership regarding his […]

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House Republicans: “We won’t crash the economy if you give us EVERYTHING!!!”

House Republicans: “We won’t crash the economy if you give us EVERYTHING!!!”

“The House GOP’s debt limit bill isn’t a serious governing document…It’s a cry for help.” House Republicans are pretty clear what they want in exchange for not crashing the U.S. economy and maybe even the global economy by not extending the national debt limit: everything. Via Ezra Klein at the Wonkblog: The House GOP’s debt limit bill — obtained by […]

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