Category: Republican-Fail

Michigan Senator Rick Jones demonstrates blatant hypocrisy in favor of Big Oil

Michigan Senator Rick Jones demonstrates blatant hypocrisy in favor of Big Oil

The GOPocrisy, it burns Back in 2011 when subsidies for the filmmaking industry in Michigan were being debated, state Senator Rick Jones said, “The government is not qualified to pick winners and losers. That’s a case of the government being short-sighted.” Pretty standard, boilerplate rhetoric from so-call small-government Republicans. They hate subsidizing industries with tax payer money. Until they don’t. […]

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Detroit bankruptcy on hold, Snyder admin. smacked down by judge for “cheating good people who work”

Detroit bankruptcy on hold, Snyder admin. smacked down by judge for “cheating good people who work”

Surprise, surprise [Caricature by DonkeyHotey from photos by Anne C. Savage for Eclectablog] Yesterday afternoon, Detroit Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr, with the blessing of Governor Rick Snyder, filed bankruptcy paperwork for the city at 4:06 p.m. An emergency hearing by attorneys representing city pensioners was scheduled for 4:00 p.m. in the court room of Ingham County Judge Rosemarie Aquilina. The […]

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GUEST POST: An open letter to Michigan Senator John Pappageorge about Medicaid expansion in Michigan

GUEST POST: An open letter to Michigan Senator John Pappageorge about Medicaid expansion in Michigan

If only having a big heart could overcome having an afflicted neurological system…

The following open letter is by 28-year old Emily Todebush. Emily was recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and faces a lifetime of medical problems and major health issues. But Emily is fortunate: she has health insurance. Thanks to her health care coverage, she doesn’t have to face catastrophic medical bills that would bankrupt families without health insurance.

In Michigan and every other state in the United States of America, millions of people who go to work to earn a living don’t have health insurance and don’t make enough money to pay for insurance on their own. These are the people that the Affordable Care Act, though the expansion of Medicaid, would be saved from bankruptcy, crippling diseases, and even death.

Despite the fact that she has health insurance, Emily understands the critical importance of expanding Medicaid in Michigan. While others would be preoccupied with their own problems were they in her shoes, Emily has a heart big enough to care for those not as fortunate as she is. She understands that upwards of a half million Michiganders — WORKING Michiganders desperately need this life-saving health insurance. This is a situation in which, though the tea partiers and conservatives would love to simply shout “GET A JOB!“, having a job is not enough.

Unfortunately, Emily’s senator, John Pappageorge does not understand any of this. Pappageorge is one of the many Republicans with hearts too small and ideologies too large to understand just how important expanding Medicaid is. He is far more concerned about harming our president’s legacy and making sure that he has no successes, even one that would help so many people.

So, Emily wrote to Senator Pappageorge. He has not responded.

You can read Emily’s important letter after the jump.

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Is Joe Hune actually not smart enough to be a Michigan state senator???

Is Joe Hune actually not smart enough to be a Michigan state senator???

Dude, do your JOB! I had a look at the state senate district maps recently and was horrified to learn that, after working hard to get solidly progressive Rebekah Warren elected to the senate, she’s actually no longer my senator. Instead, thanks to the flagrantly gerrymandered 22nd senate district, I’m now if he’s reelected, I’ll be “represented” by Joe Hune. […]

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Pennsylvania lawmaker: Gays don’t have free speech rights

Pennsylvania lawmaker: Gays don’t have free speech rights

First amendment, schmirst amendment…

Philadelphia Republican Daryl Metcalfe is a deeply religious man. So deeply religious that he believes his God hates gays and so deeply religious that he believes his version of God’s Word allows him to prevent gay people from exercising the right to free speech.

Yesterday, during a state House session, Democrat Brian Sims, an openly gay man, rose to give comments on the floor of the House regarding the Supreme Court’s rulings striking down the Defense of Marriage Act and California’s anti-gay Prop 8. Metcalfe used a parliamentary procedure to prevent him from speaking. Why? Because “there’s no free speech on the floor”. Not for gays anyway.

Click through for more.

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The State of Michigan steps in to save Buena Vista schools. Oh, wait. No they didn’t.

The State of Michigan steps in to save Buena Vista schools. Oh, wait. No they didn’t.

We regret the error

While the State of Michigan has stepped in to save the failing Pontiac schools from closing its doors due to lack of funding, they have NOT done this for Buena Vista schools. Rather, the federal government has, albeit in an absurdly lame fashion. The school is closed for the remainder of the school year but the feds are providing money for a voluntary “enhanced skills camp”.

Much more including video of Congressman Dan Kildee speaking about this issue on last night’s All In With Chris Hayes on MSNBC.

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Help Progress Michigan hold Michigan Republicans accountable for Dave Agema’s bigoted anti-LGBT lies

Help Progress Michigan hold Michigan Republicans accountable for Dave Agema’s bigoted anti-LGBT lies

Progress Michigan staff are our state’s leading progressive warriors against Republican overreach

I haven’t written about Michigan Republican National Committee Chair Dave Agema’s offensive, lie-filled Facebook post a few weeks ago primarily because (a) I didn’t want to give him any more attention than he already has gotten and (b) others have done it well already. You’re probably aware of Agema’s latest foray into the land of anti-LGBT bigotry but, if not, he put up a post that he claims is by a “doctor” who says that, among other odious things, gays are for half the murders in large cities, 39-59% of homosexuals are infected with intestinal parasites like worms, flukes and amoebae and that part of the homosexual agenda is to turn people from Christianity. It was truly hideous. Agema has since doubled and tripled down on his outrageous post.

One group that has been on the forefront pushing back against this hateful rhetoric is Progress Michigan. Click through for details on how you can help them fight this very good fight now and into the future.

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North Carolina House Speaker kills legislation to create official state religion

North Carolina House Speaker kills legislation to create official state religion

Maybe someone read them the U.S. Constitution?

North Carolina House Speaker Thom Tillis, a Republican, has ended any chance that a recent resolution that would pave the way to establishing an official state religion will see the light of day. Tillis said yesterday that he will not allow a vote on the resolution known as the “Defense of Religion Act”.

The bill was a response to an ACLU lawsuit regarding the reading of Christian prayers at official government functions.

Click through for details.

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North Carolina GOP wants to create state religion, says federal courts have no power to determine constitutionality of anything

North Carolina GOP wants to create state religion, says federal courts have no power to determine constitutionality of anything

Hey! There are crazier Republicans than Michigan Republicans!

This is absolutely incredible. Republicans in North Carolina have introduced legislation that will allow them to set up their own state religion and ignore all federal laws.

If you think I’m joking, read on.

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Lest we forget: Mark Sanford didn’t just have a dalliance. “He was told…not to see her”

Lest we forget: Mark Sanford didn’t just have a dalliance. “He was told…not to see her”

To err is human, to forgive is divine, to trust a lying, cheating politician is idiotic

Yesterday, it occurred to me that the very first time I made it to the “Recommended List” at Daily Kos it was with an essay I wrote about Mark Sanford and his hideous betrayal of his wife, family and constituents. I went back and read it and it reminded me that his was not just a brief dalliance. His wife knew about it and he continued the intercontinental affair after she told him in no uncertain terms to cut that shit out.

I’m reprising the post here today but it’s crucial that we remember just what this asshole did to his wife Jenny and their kids. Recall that his “Appalachian Intercontinental Booty Call” happened on Father’s Day weekend.

Sanford says he’s a solid Christian and is calling on voters to show Christian forgiveness. Fine. We forgive your sorry ass. I’ll try to disregard it when I buy a used car or some life insurance from you or whatever your new career is now that you have proven that you’re not fit to be a leader or a lawmaker. It’s one thing to forgive. It’s another thing to trust and trust is one thing Mark Sanford has decidedly NOT earned.

It’s all there after the jump.

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Michigan Republican meddling in university union contracts leads judge to intervene

Michigan Republican meddling in university union contracts leads judge to intervene

Now we’re getting somewhere

An administrative law judge has ordered Ferris State University to explain why they rejected a union contract that had already been agreed upon in an attempt to see if Michigan Republican meddling interfered with the collective bargaining process. It’s the first time a judge has looked into whether or not this interference has violated the law or, perhaps more accurately, coerced university board members into violating the law.

The union contract contained a provision that extended the right of the union to continue to collect dues from its members, staving off the impacts of the Right to Work law that has not yet gone into effect. After it was rejected, the union filed an unfair labor practice charge against the university.

Click through for more.

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