Category: Republican-Fail

Romney fundraising email today: “On Board with Mitt” (Just don’t, you know, open the windows)

Romney fundraising email today: “On Board with Mitt” (Just don’t, you know, open the windows)

Has there ever, EVER been a worse-run campaign???

Anne and I were sitting around with cocktails and dogs watching Rachel Maddow talk about Mitt Romney’s absurd statement about not understanding why you can’t roll down the windows in a jet airliner that’s flying through the air at hundreds of miles per hour so high there isn’t enough oxygen to breath.

Then I got an email titled: “On Board with Mitt” with the picture of him on a jet. Details and graphics after the jump.

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Mitt Romney mines campaign roadkill for attack points

Mitt Romney mines campaign roadkill for attack points

Guys, you’re embarrassing yourselves

If attack points were the food upon which campaigns feed, Mitt Romney has begun to mine the stinking, dead carcasses of roadkill possums.

I’m not kidding. Mitt Romney is actually going BACK to attacking President Obama using the assassination of Libyan ambassador Christopher Stevens. It’s a topic that Romney so completely and tragically botched that it ended any hope of him ever becoming president. And yet he’s going “there”.

Click through for details.

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VIDEO: GOP U.S. Rep. Dan Benishek locks constituents out of his office

VIDEO: GOP U.S. Rep. Dan Benishek locks constituents out of his office

What does it tell you when your Representative is afraid of talking to his constituents???

A group of senior citizens recently tried to visit the Gaylord office of their U.S. Representative, Dan Benishek, to talk to him about his vote to kill Medicare. When they got to the office, it was locked with the blinds drawn and instructions to press the buzzer and state the nature of their business. They were eventually allowed in, one at a time while the others were forced to stand in the hallway, and then only because there was a reporter present.

Video and more after the jump.

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It’s Never Been Easier To Register, Which Is Why Republicans Have To Make It Harder To Vote

It’s Never Been Easier To Register, Which Is Why Republicans Have To Make It Harder To Vote

If you have to stop your fellow citizens from voting to win, your ideas suck. All you gotta do is go to, fill out some form fields and click submit. That’s it. Any citizen with access to the Internet can do this in minutes. And this is what freaks Republicans out. Republican Senator Lindsay Graham recently said Republicans don’t […]

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Clint Eastwood at the RNC: A perfect metaphor for Republicans & the Romney campaign

Clint Eastwood at the RNC: A perfect metaphor for Republicans & the Romney campaign

Looking back, not FORWARD

By now you’ve surely heard about, if not watched, Clint Eastwood’s tragic self-embarrassment at the Republican National Convention last night. It was painful to watch. “Cringe-inducing” comes to mind. As does somewhat guilty LOLing.

The best response we saw came from Rachel Maddow. When MSNBC cut back to her after Eastwood’s “performance”, she was uncharacteristically speechless, stammering and clearly not processing what she had just seen. Much like the rest of us.

After I DID process it, which took a good night’s sleep, I realized what a perfect metaphor this was for the Republican Party and for the Romney/Ryan ticket.

Video and commentary after the jump.

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Hold the phone! National media is starting to notice that the Romney/Ryan campaign is based on LIES

Hold the phone! National media is starting to notice that the Romney/Ryan campaign is based on LIES

Welcome aboard, media friends

Yesterday, Greg Sargent at The Plum Line wrote a terrific piece titled “Call out the lies right in your headlines”. He, as well as others, are ratcheting up the call for our main media sources to start calling what Mitt Romney and his campaign are doing: blatantly lying. Making things up and then repeating them over and over again despite being debunked and fact-checked as false Pinocchios with their pants on fire.

It’s starting to work. Proof — lots and lots and lots of proof — after the jump.

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Republican Convention recap: “America sucks and ‘WE BUILT THIS'”

Republican Convention recap: “America sucks and ‘WE BUILT THIS'”

You SURE you want that message?

Last night at the Republican Convention in Tampa, multiple speakers got up to tell us how much America sucks right now. Despite an economy that is recovering, they stood under a giant debt clock and declared “We built this”. It’s an odd message, given how responsible Republicans are FOR that national debt.

Yeah, you built that. Proof and much more commentary after the jump.

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New video from “We Approve This Message” shows why so many are leaving the Republican Party

New video from “We Approve This Message” shows why so many are leaving the Republican Party

We ALL approve this message

A new video out from the group We Approve This Message does an amazing job of showing how there used to be great Republican leaders, even presidents, who looked out for the interests of America and Americans. And how that is no longer true.

The video is one of the most powerful pieces I’ve seen in a long time and features an image by Eclectablog’s very own Anne C. Savage.

Video and more after the jump.

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Graphically @LOLGOP: Republican Insanity edition

Graphically @LOLGOP: Republican Insanity edition

Via the incomparable Eclectateam of LOLGOP and Anne C. Savage:

Larger version suitable for sharing and pinning after the jump.

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Michigan tea partiers win, Gov. Snyder backs down from state health insurance exchange

Michigan tea partiers win, Gov. Snyder backs down from state health insurance exchange

Leadership? Not so much…

As I reported last month, tea partiers in Michigan have been working diligently against their own self-interest, trying to prevent a state-run health insurance exchange from being formed in Michigan. The exchange, mandated by the Affordable Care Act, would help up to a half million Michiganders obtain affordable health insurance.

If the state doesn’t create one of their own, the federal government will do it for them. And that, apparently, is exactly what is going to happen in Michigan because Governor Rick Snyder has backed down from his push for the Michigan-run exchange.

More after the jump.

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Paul Ryan goes full Palin. Romney and the Republicans go full Pinocchio.

Paul Ryan goes full Palin. Romney and the Republicans go full Pinocchio.

Aw, geez…

Wow. Even Republicans have to be flinching when their Number One Two on the ticket resorts to going full Palin on them. But that’s what Paul Ryan did on the campaign trail yesterday.

Meanwhile, Mitt Romney and the Republicans continue to lie their asses off as if nobody is watching or cares.

Follow me over the jump.

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