Category: Republican-Fail

Romney won’t give you details because he thinks you won’t like them (and he’ll lose)

Romney won’t give you details because he thinks you won’t like them (and he’ll lose)

At last, an honest answer…

Turns out there’s a reason that Mitt Romney won’t give us details about any of his plans: he thinks if he does, Americans won’t like them and he’ll lose the election.

As Steve Benen put it at The Maddow Blog, “It’s better, he effectively argued, to hide the facts from voters until after the election.”

Proof after the jump.

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Another bad news cycle for Mitt Romney, even Republicans want him to come clean

Another bad news cycle for Mitt Romney, even Republicans want him to come clean

When was the last time a presidential candidacy imploded this early in the campaign???

If Wednesday was a bad day for Mitt Romney’s campaign (and it was), and if yesterday was an even worse day for Mitt Romney’s campaign (and it was), today isn’t going to be a whole hell of a lot better.

Much more after the jump.

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Wisconsin Senator introduced bill classifying single parenting as “child abuse”

Wisconsin Senator introduced bill classifying single parenting as “child abuse”

You think the War on Women isn’t real or doesn’t affect you? Think again.

Wisconsin Republican Senator Glenn Grothman has completely gone off the rails in the GOP’s War On Women. Back in March, he introduced legislation that classifies single parents and other non-married couples as contributing to child abuse.

All the offensive and gory details after the jump.

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Michigan Tea Partiers working to stop health insurance exchange

Michigan Tea Partiers working to stop health insurance exchange

Sorry, face. This nose has GOT to go…

Tea party types in Michigan, facing the stinging blow of the U.S. Supreme Court upholding the constitution, are now working on a self-defeating effort to make sure that Michigan doesn’t create a health insurance exchange for Michiganders to shop for affordable health insurance. This comical effort apparently disregards the fact that, if they are successful, the federal government will create one FOR us, limiting our state legislators’ ability to have any say or control in the matter.

This is from an email I received yesterday from the Tea Party of West Michigan (all typos and grammatical errors are theirs, not mine – like the grammatically incorrect tagline at the top of every page on their website: “Influence policy, effect elections, protect the Constitution”)…

[Email and more after the jump.]

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Pete Hoekstra releases new ad highlighting his failed fight to kill the Affordable Care Act

Pete Hoekstra releases new ad highlighting his failed fight to kill the Affordable Care Act

Oh, yeah, that’s gonna work, Pete

Last February, I asked the question “Is media group that produced Pete Hoekstra’s racist ad full of Democrats?”

I’m asking this question again because Hoekstra’s latest ad basically highlights his failure to stop the Affordable Care Act that he claims “takes your freedoms away”. With last week’s Supreme Court ruling, all this ad does is show how bloody ineffective he is.

Video after the jump.

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UPDATED: Gov. Snyder vetoes 3 GOP voter suppression bills, Speaker Bolger resorts to bringing up nonexistent ACORN

UPDATED: Gov. Snyder vetoes 3 GOP voter suppression bills, Speaker Bolger resorts to bringing up nonexistent ACORN


In a surprising blow to conservative Michigan Republicans working to make it harder to vote in our state, Governor Rick Snyder vetoed three key components of a package of voter suppression bills. The move apparently caused House Speaker Jase Bolger to temporarily lose his mind.

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Why Debbie Stabenow will crush Pete Hoekstra in November

Why Debbie Stabenow will crush Pete Hoekstra in November

Between a tea bag and a hard place

Poor Pete Hoekstra. He tries so hard but fails so big. His “Yellow Girl” Superbowl ad all but tanked his candidacy. His fundraising in completely in the toilet and his Democratic opponent, should he win the primary (probably but not certain), is eating his lunch in terms of donations.

But his life is getting worse. Yesterday, the right-leaning Livingston County Press & Argus had a blistering op-ed accusing Hoekstra of doing what he very blatantly IS doing: trying to position himself as a bipartisan, work-across-the-aisle-with-the-other-guys, tea party.

No, I’m not kidding.

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Supreme Court rules to uphold Obamacare, the right goes completely freaking nuts

Supreme Court rules to uphold Obamacare, the right goes completely freaking nuts

Going off of the rails on the crazy train…

It’s hard to believe that it’s been over two years since the Affordable Care Act, our beloved Obamacare, was signed into law. After all, the sky is still up, right?

Today’s Supreme Court ruling upholding the constitutionality of Obamacare is exactly what happens when the right challenges the constitutionality of a law that was supported, endorsed, and championed by a president who is a constitutional scholar: they get their asses handed to them. The result has been predictable, even if the SCOTUS ruling was not.

Much more after the jump.

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Conservative radio show host says nuns should be “pistol whipped”, Rep. Tom Latham cracks up laughing

Conservative radio show host says nuns should be “pistol whipped”, Rep. Tom Latham cracks up laughing

Really? You went THERE?

Conservative Iowa radio talk show host Jan Mickelson says that a group of nuns that are currently on a bus tour to lobby against the Paul Ryan plan should be pistol whipped.

When he did so, his guest, Republican Congressman Tom Latham, could hardly control his laughter.

In fact, he didn’t.

Audio and transcript after the jump.

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UPDATED: Michigan House Republicans are afraid of vaginas. And vasectomies. What’s next? Elbows?

UPDATED: Michigan House Republicans are afraid of vaginas. And vasectomies. What’s next? Elbows?

Oh, grow up.

Michigan House Representative Lisa Brown was banned from speaking on the floor of the state House today. Why? Because Michigan Republicans are afraid of vaginas.

The the terrifying and unconscionable act of verbal vaginaism that got her banned after the jump (video and SO much more.)

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What Mitt Romney is Hiding

What Mitt Romney is Hiding

If you don’t stand for anything, you’ll fall for Mitt Romney Some late Friday afternoon, probably in late July or early August, Mitt Romney will release his tax return for 2011. Though he’s been running for President for nearly a decade, he filed for an extension that is already months past the deadline most Americans abide by. He’s clearly taking […]

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