Category: Republican-Fail

An astonishing act of Republican dickishness

An astonishing act of Republican dickishness

Going above and beyond the call of duty? New Hampshire House Speaker Bill O’Brien is displaying a level of complete and utter dickishness unlike anything I have ever seen in my life. State Rep. Tony Soltani is threatening legal action because he says House Speaker Bill O’Brien has refused to accommodate his disabilities in his seating assignment as part of […]

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Mitt Romney hates teachers

Mitt Romney hates teachers

We’re failing our children! Last summer I posted a rant against the GOP’s demonization of teachers that gained a bit of traction. It went like this: In any rational society, teachers are not considered “costs”. They are considered assets. Something to be valued. Something to be rewarded. The Republicans have done an amazingly effective job of turning the public’s perception […]

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Hey! Guess who still gets mega tax breaks under the GOP budget plan? BIG OIL!

Hey! Guess who still gets mega tax breaks under the GOP budget plan? BIG OIL!

It’s good to be the king Not only is Paul Ryan’s “Path to Poverty” budget going to give rich people tax breaks and cut benefits to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security while maintaining current levels of military spending, it does something else, too. The GOP budget preserves massive subsidies to Big Oil companies while cutting investments in renewable energy. [I]t […]

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GOP primary candidates: “Obama wants high gas prices because…um…”

GOP primary candidates: “Obama wants high gas prices because…um…”

Dude, that doesn’t even make any sense Mitt Romney claimed this week that the Obama administration wants gas prices to be high: [Romney] called for President Barack Obama to fire what he called the “gas hike trio” of Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson. “These three, this trio of his energy […]

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Republicans jump the shark in their “War on Women” crusade – Release “Obama’s War on Women” video

Republicans jump the shark in their “War on Women” crusade – Release “Obama’s War on Women” video

Hoo boy… “Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others originate those feelings.” That definition of projection succinctly defines what is happening with […]

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Think Rick Santorum won the day yesterday? He didn’t. (Updated)

Think Rick Santorum won the day yesterday? He didn’t. (Updated)

Rick, you’ve been Romney’d All the headlines this morning are blaring “RICK SANTORUM WON THE DAY AND YES I’M SHOUTING!!! [Image credit: Daily Kos via Newseum] But they are wrong. As it turns out, even in Mississippi where Santorum got the most votes, Mitt Romney walked away with more delegates that poor Rick. In fact, yesterday Romney ended up with […]

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Michigan Court of Appeals smacks down Republicans

Nice try, jerks Last month I wrote about how my favorite judge, William Collette, had found Republican redistricting in Oakland County to be unconstitutional: An Ingham County judge on Wednesday struck down a controversial state law that changed the way Oakland County’s commissioner districts are drawn. Judge William Collette said the law was unconstitutional. Plaintiffs hailed the striking down of […]

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Santorum campaign protest rally outside Mich GOP HQ for that ONE delegate draws three. People.

Santorum campaign protest rally outside Mich GOP HQ for that ONE delegate draws three. People.

The never-ending Clown Show™ As I wrote about yesterday, Rick Santorum is fighting tooth and nail for that one Michigan delegate that they believe was inappropriately awarded to Mitt Romney. So, they staged a protest rally outside the headquarters of the Michigan Republican Party (MRP) headquarters. It drew three. Not three busloads. Not three dozen. Three. People. These Republicans could […]

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Two more advertisers abandon Rush Limbaugh’s hate show – AOL and Tax Resolution bail

It’s still working Two more national advertisers have pulled their advertising dollars from Rush Limbaugh’s odious hate show: AOL and Tax Resolution. AOL, parent company of the Huffington Post, became the eighth advertiser to pull its ads issuing this statement: At AOL one of our core values is that we act with integrity. We have monitored the unfolding events and […]

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The GOP clownshow continues – Michigan edition

The GOP clownshow continues – Michigan edition

You call that “winning”? Although Mitt Romney is crowing about his big win in Michigan this past Tuesday, it appears that he split the Michigan delegates evenly with Rick Santorum. Comically, though, the Romney camp is saying that’s not true. Santorum, campaigning in Tennessee, one of 10 states with contests on Super Tuesday next week, said he and Romney have […]

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Mitt Romney chooses empty, cavernous space for Detroit speech to a tiny crowd

Mitt Romney chooses empty, cavernous space for Detroit speech to a tiny crowd

Who thought THAT was a good idea? I cannot for the life of me understand why he did it, but when Mitt Romney came to Detroit today, he chose the 65,000-seat Ford Field. It was such a bizarre choice that even the Detroit Free Press wrote about it. Romney camp’s game plan: Make Ford Field look crowdedIt won’t be hard […]

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