Category: Republican-Fail

GOP Rep. Huizenga: It’s being “responsible” for your own healthcare to let 10-year old son suffer with a broken arm

GOP Rep. Huizenga: It’s being “responsible” for your own healthcare to let 10-year old son suffer with a broken arm

“There’s definitely going to be changes in the health care delivery system. We can’t just continue to squeeze providers to say this is how we are going to save money. It’s forcing health care providers … into some very different actions that in most people’s opinion is unhealthy … At some point or another we have to be responsible or […]

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APPEAL REJECTED: Federal court orders Gov. Snyder’s administration to distribute water in the #FlintWaterCrisis for a THIRD time

APPEAL REJECTED: Federal court orders Gov. Snyder’s administration to distribute water in the #FlintWaterCrisis for a THIRD time

As I wrote about earlier this week, rather than stepping up and doing the right thing in the Flint Water Crisis, Gov. Snyder is spending taxpayer dollars in court trying to get out of distributing water in Flint, Michigan as its residents continue to struggle with the poisoning of their drinking water with the powerful neurotoxin lead. Despite knowing about […]

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BOOM! Facing withering backlash, Michigan Republicans back down from attacks on first responders

BOOM! Facing withering backlash, Michigan Republicans back down from attacks on first responders

As I wrote about earlier this week, one of the more outrageous things being pushed through during the Michigan legislature’s lame duck session is a 13-bill package that would “end post-retirement health care for new local government workers and generally force existing workers and retirees to pay 20% of their post-retirement health care costs”. This was the first time that […]

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Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder: Michigan kids don’t have a constitutional right to be able to read

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder: Michigan kids don’t have a constitutional right to be able to read

It’s bad enough that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is fighting a federal ruling that the state of Michigan supply bottled water to Flint residents still contending with drinking water that is poisoned with the powerful neurotoxin lead. It’s actually REALLY bad. But he’s found another way to make his contempt for poor people known. In response to a lawsuit filed […]

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Judge compels State and City to distribute bottled water during #FlintWaterCrisis, Snyder admin responds by fighting it

Judge compels State and City to distribute bottled water during #FlintWaterCrisis, Snyder admin responds by fighting it

As we talked about on this week’s podcast, a federal judge has ordered the State of Michigan and the City of Flint to return to providing bottled water to the resident of Flint who are being impacted by the ongoing tragedy of the poisoning of their drinking water with the powerful neurotoxin lead: A federal judge has ordered state officials […]

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Michigan Gov. Snyder tweets about “Lead Poisoning Prevention Week” with no apparent sense of irony

Michigan Gov. Snyder tweets about “Lead Poisoning Prevention Week” with no apparent sense of irony

“Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Political Suicide” image by DonkeyHotey | Flickr On Tuesday this week, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder tweeted about “Lead Poisoning Prevention Week” with no apparent sense of irony whatsoever: It’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Week and Lt. Gov. @BrianCalley is sharing prevention tips to keep our kids safe — Governor Rick Snyder (@onetoughnerd) October 25, 2016 The […]

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Jack Bergman: Running FOR Congress and AWAY FROM voters in MI-01, “You’re gonna hafta roll the dice with me.”

Jack Bergman: Running FOR Congress and AWAY FROM voters in MI-01, “You’re gonna hafta roll the dice with me.”

Watching Republican Jack Bergman running for Congress in Michigan’s mammoth 1st Congressional District is fascinating. He’s a charming, affable guy but when you scratch the surface of his façade, he’s not informed about many issues and he’s nothing more than a typical tea party Republican on all of the others. The campaign of the Democrat running for the seat, Lon […]

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Are our children our future in Michigan? Not any longer

Are our children our future in Michigan? Not any longer

Yesterday, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed a bill into law that on the surface seems less than toxic, but it is toxic – VERY toxic! Details of the bill can be found HERE. As I have been watching this bill evolve – or devolve, more appropriately – I have been stunned by the actions of the GOP-led legislature to make […]

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On Day #Flint365 since Gov. Snyder admitted the #FlintWaterCrisis, only 0.7% of lead service lines have been replaced

On Day #Flint365 since Gov. Snyder admitted the #FlintWaterCrisis, only 0.7% of lead service lines have been replaced

At the Michigan Nurses Association conference taking place in Lansing this week, residents of Flint got up to talk about the ongoing catastrophe happening in their city – the so-called “Flint Water Crisis”. Calling this situation a “crisis” is, in fact, understating the problem. The women who spoke and later talked in-depth to my wife Anne described how very little […]

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House passes GOP Rep. Tim Walberg’s bill to delay low-wage workers getting overtime pay

House passes GOP Rep. Tim Walberg’s bill to delay low-wage workers getting overtime pay

Last week I wrote about Michigan Republican Attorney General Bill Schuette’s federal lawsuit to deny you being paid overtime if you are a low-paid salaried worker. However, Schuette isn’t the only Michigan Republican who wants to stop the new federal law from taking effect. MI-07 Republican Congressman Tim Walberg is also getting in on the act. Last week he introduced […]

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Michigan Republicans throw GOP candidate Steve Marino under the bus

Michigan Republicans throw GOP candidate Steve Marino under the bus

Republican Macomb County Commissioner and candidate for the 24th House District seat, Steve Marino, has been in the news a LOT lately. His 27-year-old big mouth has him in big trouble with his own party, with people he’s either trashed or lied about, and for his call to raise the retirement age to 75. It appears that his own party […]

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