Category: Republican-Fail

Tim Walberg: One of the “10 Scariest Republicans heading to Congress”

This is why I and so many others worked sofa king hard for Congressman Mark Schauer’s campaign. He’s been named one of the People for the American Way‘s “Ten Scariest Republicans heading to Congress”. Tim Walberg, who is returning to the House next year after representing Michigan’s 7th district for one term from 2007-2009, brags that he “was a tea […]

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Time for some realistic “redefinitions”

Time for some realistic “redefinitions”

Michele Bachmann has shown true leadership in her call recently for a “redefinition” of earmarks. She wants to take the tiny sliver representing earmarks in the chart below and make it smaller: “Advocating for transportation projects for ones district in my mind does not equate to an earmark.” “I don’t believe that building roads and bridges and interchanges should be […]

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Mark Ouimet gets busted AGAIN!

Mark Ouimet gets busted AGAIN!

I know Mark Ouimet is popular in Ann Arbor but when you look at the mounting evidence, I urge you to take a second look at Scio Township Trustee Christine Green (Democrat) if you’re even thinking about voting for Mr. Ouimet. First there Ouimet’s abuse of the per diem system as a County Commissioner. Another good link HERE. Then there […]

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Rob Steele rallies with the whackos

Rob Steele rallies with the whackos

Hey, kids! Wanna have some real fun tomorrow? Get yourself down to the University of Michigan Diag for a rally with Rob Steele, the teabagger GOP candidate running against John Dingell. It starts at 6:30 p.m. and all the cool kids will be there. Like Wendy Day, Livingston County teabagger organizer and home-schooling Howell School Board member. I’ve written about […]

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The Curious Case of Mark Ouimet’s endorsements (and lies)

The Curious Case of Mark Ouimet’s endorsements (and lies)

Mark Ouimet is running for the state House of Representatives in the 52nd District, facing Democrat Christine Green. I have written before about accusations regarding Mark Ouimet’s financial misconduct with regards to tens of thousands of dollars of reimbursements for travel and per diems during his time as Washtenaw County. I have also written about the near slanderous attacks on […]

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Of Republicans and broken glass and the Democratic clean-up crew

Yesterday morning on MSNBC, Matt Lauer and Chuck Todd had this exchange regarding the so-called “generic poll” that asks respondents about their party choices. LAUER: …43 percent say they prefer Democrats, 50 percent say they want Republicans. When–did those questions accurately predict an outcome when people actually go into a voting booth and they’re faced not with a generic question… […]

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MI GOP targets minority & student voters w/3K poll challengers

Illinois GOP Senate candidate Mark Kirk isn’t the only Republican setting out to intimidate “vulnerable” voting precincts. Not by a long shot. The Michigan Republican Party is training as many as 3,000 people to work as poll watchers, targeting mostly the southeastern part of the state: Michigan Republicans are recruiting and training up to 3,000 people to work as poll […]

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Tim Walberg: Pander Monkey

Tim Walberg should have stayed home from his meet-and-great at an Adrian coffee shop this week. All it did was to reveal just how much of a Pander Monkey he is. When he was in Congress, he missed a vote on the rescue of America’s auto industry due to surgery. At the time he said he would have “reluctantly” voted […]

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Tim Walberg: Still a birther, suggests impeachment

As I blogged about last month, Tim Walberg (the Original Tea Partier™) has indicated in the past that he just wasn’t sure the president was a USA citizen. He then backtracked saying he was sure he was. And then, last night, he doubled back and suggested that he still isn’t sure because President Obama “hasn’t resolved it”. At a meet-and-greet […]

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Michigan GOP runs another smear robocall/mailing against Christine Green

The ink hadn’t dried on blog entry about the Christine Green smear campaign being waged by the Michigan Republican Party when I get a FIFTH robocall. At least this time they used a different woman for the robocalls: [DIFFERENT WOMAN’S VOICE]: Hello. This is Nicole. Our state has been headed in the wrong direction for years. Christine Green will a […]

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Washtenaw County Commissioner Mark Ouimet accused of widespread financial fraud

Mark Ouimet, Washtenaw County Commissioner and candidate for the State House in the 52nd District, is being accused of inappropriately collecting tens of thousands of dollars of reimbursements for fees and expenses during his time as Commissioner. In a press release yesterday from the Washtenaw County Democratic Party, the details were revealed: Washtenaw County Democratic Party Chairman Stu Dowty today […]

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