Category: Republican-Fail

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Gov. Snyder knew about Flint water issues 9 months before admitting it (and MORE!)

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Gov. Snyder knew about Flint water issues 9 months before admitting it (and MORE!)

“Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Political Suicide” by DonkeyHotey Gov. Snyder knew about Flint’s water issues nine full months before going public Time after time after time, Gov. Rick Snyder’s response to questions about his administration’s lackadaisical response to the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water with the powerful, odorless, invisible neurotoxin lead has been “I never knew about it”. He has […]

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Republican Congressman Walberg’s takeaway on the #FlintWaterCrisis: “Government can’t protect us against everything”

Republican Congressman Walberg’s takeaway on the #FlintWaterCrisis: “Government can’t protect us against everything”

Yesterday on the Michigan’s Big Show, MI-07 Republican Congressman Tim “I was a tea partier before there was a tea party” Walberg was asked about the Flint water crisis. His takeaway message from the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water with the powerful odorless, tasteless, invisible neurotoxin lead is that “government can’t protect us against everything”: “This shows that government can’t […]

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State loan to Flint during #FlintWaterCrisis came with deadly string attached: Must not return to Detroit water system

State loan to Flint during #FlintWaterCrisis came with deadly string attached: Must not return to Detroit water system

The Michigan Democratic Party released shocking documentation this morning showing that a $7 million emergency loan to the city of Flint in April of 2015 came with a very deadly sting attached. Two actually. First, they were not allowed to return to water supplied by the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD). Second, they were compelled to remain in the Karegnondi Water Authority, a regional water system that won’t be completed until this summer. The two conditions had the effect of forcing Flint to stay with the Flint River as its source of drinking water, a decision that has led to the poisoning of Flint residents with the powerful, odorless, tasteless, invisible neurotoxin lead.

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(U.S. Air Force graphic)

GUEST POST – Dishonoring the Constitution: The Senate majority’s fundamental misunderstanding of “Advice and Consent”

The following guest post was written by Nick Krieger, an attorney and former clerk in the Court of Appeals. Follow him on Twitter at @nckrieger. His essay is published here with permission. Enjoy. “Republican senators have dishonored the original meaning of the United States Constitution” We hear it almost every day. Like a broken record, the Republicans in the United […]

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More evidence that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is the worst CEO ever

More evidence that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is the worst CEO ever

If Michigan actually WAS a corporation with Rick Snyder as its CEO, it would have gone bankrupt years ago… Rick Snyder sold voters on the idea that (a) government should be run like a business and (b) that he’s the perfect CEO to do that. We now have ample evidence that government should NOT be run like a business. And, […]

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Gov. Snyder boldly responds to #FlintWaterCrisis by replacing communications team (and much more news)

Gov. Snyder boldly responds to #FlintWaterCrisis by replacing communications team (and much more news)

“Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Political Suicide” by DonkeyHotey When in doubt, change the messenger Further demonstrating an inability to deal effectively to the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water with a powerful neurotoxin, Gov. Snyder took the bold step of replacing his communications director and his press secretary: Gov. Rick Snyder removed his communications director and press secretary Thursday amid the […]

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MI-01 GOP candidate “troubled” that privatization of veterans home healthcare he oversaw is harming disabled vets

MI-01 GOP candidate “troubled” that privatization of veterans home healthcare he oversaw is harming disabled vets

Earlier this week, former Michigan state legislator Jason Allen told UP Matters reporter Brittany Denny that he is “troubled” by the recent reports of disabled veterans in the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans suffering under the atrociously inadequate care provided by J2S Group. J2S Group is the for-profit healthcare corporation that was the beneficiary of Gov. Snyder’s privatization scheme that […]

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#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: More Republicans admit “running government like a business” led to poisoning Flint’s water

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: More Republicans admit “running government like a business” led to poisoning Flint’s water

NOTE: There is simply too much news arising from the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water to do separate posts for everything. Therefore, I am assembling various news items into a single news round-up on a semi-regular basis. You can follow all of our coverage HERE. Former Snyder advisor concedes that “running government like a business” led to the poisoning of […]

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#FlintWaterCrisis transparency dealt another blow with no-bid contract awarded for lead water line replacement (updated)

#FlintWaterCrisis transparency dealt another blow with no-bid contract awarded for lead water line replacement (updated)

This post has been updated below. Transparency was something Gov. Rick Snyder crowed about during his first election campaign. He issued a white paper titled “Create A Culture Of Ethics In Michigan’s Government” in which he said, “As Governor, I will ensure that government is open, fair, and accountable to the citizens by making Michigan a national leader in transparency […]

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Republicans want to stop Michigan from informing people about state’s “Healthy Michigan” (Medicaid expansion) program

Republicans want to stop Michigan from informing people about state’s “Healthy Michigan” (Medicaid expansion) program

The history of Medicaid expansion in Michigan as part of the Affordable Care Act is a long and troubled one. The Republican-led legislature hemmed and hawed and finally passed it in a way that wasted hundreds of millions of dollars and unnecessarily delayed working poor Michiganders from obtaining coverage. When they finally got around to passing it, they did it […]

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Republican candidate for Michigan’s 99th House race announces candidacy. In the wrong district.

Republican candidate for Michigan’s 99th House race announces candidacy. In the wrong district.

Bryan Mielke is running for a second time for the House seat in Michigan’s 99th House District, a race he lost to House Speaker Kevin Cotter two years ago. He announced last fall and it wasn’t until recently that the Republicans finally fielded a candidate. At that point, hilarity ensued: Republicans have turned to Roger Hauck as their candidate to […]

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