Category: Republicans

Wisconsin Senator introduced bill classifying single parenting as “child abuse”

Wisconsin Senator introduced bill classifying single parenting as “child abuse”

You think the War on Women isn’t real or doesn’t affect you? Think again.

Wisconsin Republican Senator Glenn Grothman has completely gone off the rails in the GOP’s War On Women. Back in March, he introduced legislation that classifies single parents and other non-married couples as contributing to child abuse.

All the offensive and gory details after the jump.

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Supreme Court rules to uphold Obamacare, the right goes completely freaking nuts

Supreme Court rules to uphold Obamacare, the right goes completely freaking nuts

Going off of the rails on the crazy train…

It’s hard to believe that it’s been over two years since the Affordable Care Act, our beloved Obamacare, was signed into law. After all, the sky is still up, right?

Today’s Supreme Court ruling upholding the constitutionality of Obamacare is exactly what happens when the right challenges the constitutionality of a law that was supported, endorsed, and championed by a president who is a constitutional scholar: they get their asses handed to them. The result has been predictable, even if the SCOTUS ruling was not.

Much more after the jump.

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Why I’m literally going after the @GOP

Why I’m literally going after the @GOP

Republicans have been getting their news from clowns for years As @LOLGOP, I try to use GOP tactics to mock the GOP and GOP tactics. Basically I’m an enraged, ranting megalomaniac—at least on Twitter. Over 60,000 fine Twitter users follow LOLGOP. That’s more than follow the corporate sponsors of the tea party movement @FreedomWorks and four-times more than a likely […]

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The GOP is Threatening Your Job

The GOP is Threatening Your Job

If you have to sabotage the economy to win, your ideas suck Of all the terrible lessons the Republicans have learned since 2009, the worst is: Economic sabotage works. In 2009, the President’s immediate efforts to stimulate the economy and rescue the auto industry took us from losing 800,000 jobs a month to creating thousands. But, before the policies were […]

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Break up the big banks, now

Break up the big banks, now

Ask not who the banks will screw; ask if this is still our country If a law repealing stop signs resulted in streets clogged with totaled cars, you’d think they might bring back the stop signs. And that’s what I thought would happen when in 2008—less than ten years after the repeal of the New Deal era law Glass-Steagall—we saw […]

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In Memoriam: Newt Gingrich for President

In Memoriam: Newt Gingrich for President

How the bane of our political system made Bain Mitt’s Albatross. With the possible exceptions of Grover Norquist, Karl Rove and Roger Ailes, no one man has done more damage to the American political system than Newt Gingrich. But that was back when he was relevant, more than a decade ago. In the last year, Newt’s campaign for President re-imagined […]

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Three Years After Bush, the GOP is Still Wrong About Everything

Three Years After Bush, the GOP is Still Wrong About Everything

Learning is not fundamentalist. What did the GOP learn from eight disastrous years of George W. Bush and the worst financial crisis in a half-century? Nothing good. If we’d followed their advice to shrink government spending dramatically, the US line in the chart below would be flat—much like Europe’s and the UK’s. It might even be nosediving as Italy’s is. […]

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The Real Battleground for 2012: Women’s Wombs

The Real Battleground for 2012: Women’s Wombs

He who controls the uteri should be she. We all know this: If you want to prevent abortions, you make sure everyone has health care, a high school education and birth control. Not the exact opposite. Then why do the people who purport to want to stop all abortions seem to favor almost every policy that makes them inevitable? Egyptian-American […]

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GOP Set to Double Student Loan Interest Rates

GOP Set to Double Student Loan Interest Rates

Millionaires to be blissfully unaffected. During last week’s debate on the Buffett Rule, the GOP complained again and again that the rule was a political ploy because it would only raise a few billion dollars every year. Also it would hurt the economy and possibly turn Grover Norquist into Grover Norquist HULK who bashes Republican brains with primary challengers made […]

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Republicans come to the rescue of the military but food stamp recipients will have to pay the price

Republicans come to the rescue of the military but food stamp recipients will have to pay the price

Won’t someone think of the bombers? Nevermind. Someone did. When the deficit cutting committee failed to reach agreement last year, it set in motion a series of automatic budget cuts which included some military cuts. This, of course, is an anathema to the Republicans so they have been scrambling like crazy to find a way to trim the budget to […]

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When you’re a foot soldier in the War on Women, even dirt clods & spit balls look like ammunition

When you’re a foot soldier in the War on Women, even dirt clods & spit balls look like ammunition

A tale of an Obama surrogate who isn’t This is the Week of the Woman™ for the Romney campaign and Mitt is going whole hog trying to prove that it is he, not President Obama, who is the pro-woman candidate (maybe I should pause while you stop laughing.) His chief advisor in this effort is, apparently, his wife Ann, pictured […]

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