Category: Republicans

Newsweek columnist John Avlon asks “Are Republicans at war with reality?”

Whoa. A mainstream media figure gets it. John Avlon, senior columnist at Newsweek and Daily Beast contributor asks, in a piece for CNN, “Are Republicans at war with reality?”. So here’s what I learned watching Thursday night’s Republican debate: States’ rights should rule the day, unless you’re gay. Small government is the rule unless a rapist impregnates his victim. Loyalty […]

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Nice job, GOP

Nice job, GOP

Nice job, GOP. The Dow Jones Industrial average dropped more than 500 points today, one day after the index staged an impressive late day rally erasing a more that 200-point drop to end the day in the black . The 512-point plunge makes Thursday Aug. 4, 2011 one of the top 10 worst days in Dow history in terms of […]

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Mission Accomplished – Michigan Republicans pass Sndyer’s package of budget bills ahead of schedule

Mission Accomplished – Michigan Republicans pass Sndyer’s package of budget bills ahead of schedule

It’s oh-so-much easier to get things done when you have both houses of the Legislature and the Governor’s office in your control. Today, Michigan Republicans showed just how much easier it is. Both the state House and Senate completed passage of the various packages of budgetary bills this week and, today, in a wham, bam, thank you, ma’am flurry of […]

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Missouri Republicans defy voters, vote to block regulation of puppy mills

I’m pretty stunned by this. Last fall, the voters approved “Proposition B”, a bill that puts stronger regulations on so-called “puppy mills”, breeding facilities that prioritize cranking out large numbers of puppies over the welfare of the animals themselves. Last week, Republicans in the Missouri House of Representatives overturned the will of the voters by passing a bill to reverse […]

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What the hell? Are Democrats FINALLY getting it on messaging?

Seriously, who are these people and what have you done with my Democrats? These people appear to have a clue about how to effectively deliver their message with a *punch* and succinctly frame the debates of the day. Here’s Congressman Joe Crowley of New York. You won’t want to miss this. Here’s the message in total: LAST FALL THE AMERICAN […]

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Michigan Republicans score a win against their own governor, protect senior and tea party vote

There’s more to this than meets the eye. Snyder, Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville and House Speaker Jase Bolger are expected to confirm a compromise that would phase in Snyder’s proposed tax on pensions and delay by one year a scheduled decrease in the income tax. The proposed deal would phase in the planned income tax for public and private […]

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As the lefty commentator Chicken Littles run around, President Obama piles up the wins

As the lefty commentator Chicken Littles run around, President Obama piles up the wins

Oh. My. Lord. To read the lefty pundits today, you would think that President Obama had changed parties overnight, handed over the keys to the Oval Office to the resurrected body of Ronald Reagan, and hitchhiked back to his hometown in Kenya/Moscow. After stepping in and helping to broker a deal to keep the government from shutting down, something members […]

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Can the GOP win in a hostage situation without vulnerable hostages?

Last December the Republicans in Congress held unemployed Americans hostage in order to secure tax breaks for the nation’s über-wealthy. It was a strategy that worked because Democrats, including President Obama, were unwilling to sacrifice the welfare of our most-vulnerable citizens simply to win a political battle. Once again the country finds the GOP in a hostage-taking situation. In order […]

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Michigan Governor Snyder signs bill outlawing workplace safety rules

Yes, you read that right: outlawing workplace safety rules. Governor Rick Snyder has, apparently, identified one of the chief reasons Michigan businesses aren’t successful and why businesses refuse to come to Michigan: they are afraid we’ll pass a law requiring businesses to implement ergonomically safe workplaces. Well, they need not worry anymore. Today, Snyder signed a bill outlawing laws that […]

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A tale of two political parties in Michigan – a study in contrasts

A tale of two political parties in Michigan – a study in contrasts

If you want to get a clear picture of the differences in between the two main political parties, you need look no further than Michigan this week. The differences between the parties could not be clearer … or starker. This week Democrats called for a state constitutional amendment that would guarantee workers the right bargain collectively. Private AND public workers. […]

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Is it just me or has the GOP really lost its schpadoinkle?

UPDATE: Barb over at the Eclectablog Facebook Page suggested that we keep updating the list below so if you have something to add, email me at eclectablog at gmail yada yada and I’ll include it! Borrowing a phrase from the inimitable Bob Cesca, but, honestly, have the Republicans really gone over the edge? Have they really lost their schpadoinkle??? Just […]

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