Category: Republicans

Republicans hate organized labor

File this in the “Are you effing kidding me???!” file: Republicans Go ‘Nah, Nah, Nah’ and Ban Word ‘Labor’ from Committee Petty. Petty. Petty. With major issues like jobs and the economy straining for attention, House Republican leaders took a big step to solving the nation’s problems when they boldly acted—drum roll, please—to change the name of the Education and […]

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Republicans’ last-minute dick move to stop implementation of DADT repeal fails

Unreal. Did you hear about the Republicans last-minute dick move to scuttle implementation of the repeal of DADT? Read it and weep: Republicans in the Senate filed an amendment to a sweeping defense authorization bill that would have required the four military service chiefs to be part of the certification process called for in the bill that repeals the “don’t […]

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Snyder: Michigan’s economy a wreck due to state employees

Wow. Here I thought that Michigan’s economy was suffering because of the massive economic downturn nationally and the near-collapse of the manufacturing sector over the past two years. Apparently I was wrong. According to Rick Snyder, Michigan’s problems are all the fault of government employees. Rick Snyder, a certified public accountant and businessman who has never before held public office, […]

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GOP to UN-Green the Capitol?

Remember when Ronald Reagan pulled down the solar panels installed on the White House by Jimmy Carter under the guise of routine maintenance and cleaning and then never put them back up? Well a similar effort may be underway. When she took over as Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi initiated the “Green the Capitol” initiative. Incoming Republicans are eyeing […]

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Exactly how ridiculous does the GOP have to get?

…before we can just laugh them off as a joke that nobody — and I mean NOBODY! — takes seriously anymore??? From Dave Weigel: Cornyn and Thune Defend the Earmarks They Requested and Will Vote Against Seriously. These two morons are actually defending earmarks that they themselves put into a bill and now claim they will vote against because, by […]

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Obama gets the Senate to be bipartisan

Last night the Senate voted for cloture on the tax cut deal the Obama administration negotiated with the Republicans. The vote was 83-15. When was the last time the Senate voted as nearly a single voice on anything?! Somehow this will get spun as a horrendous failure for the president I’m sure. I’m guessing the several million people whose unemployment […]

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Tim Walberg gets a headstart on GOPocrisy over health insurance

Surprise, surprise, my representative here in MI-07, Tim Walberg, is already on the GOPocrisy train. The Jackson Citizen Patriot reported earlier this week that Tim Walberg will opt out of federal health-care coverage. But it’s a nice bit of bait and switch because — wait for it — he already RECEIVES state health-care coverage!!! “The question is — will they […]

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How the HELL did this happen?

How the HELL did Democrats get their clocks cleaned so thoroughly in Michigan on Tuesday? THIS is how: About 3.3 million, 45% of the state’s 7.28 million registered voters, participated in the midterm elections, according to unofficial returns. In contrast, turnout for the last two gubernatorial elections was 47.3% in 2002 and 53.6% in 2006. When Dems stay home on […]

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Why I’m not voting for “Nice Guy” Republicans like Mark Ouimet & Rick Snyder

In Michigan this year, it appears to be the Year of the “Nice Guy” RepublicanTM. We have Rick Snyder running for governor, an Ann Arbor native, and we have Mark Ouimet, a Washtenaw County Commissioner, also from Ann Arbor. They are viewed as “Nice Guys” by many Ann Arbor-area Democrats to the point that many of these Democrats will be […]

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Rob Steele rallies with the whackos

Rob Steele rallies with the whackos

Hey, kids! Wanna have some real fun tomorrow? Get yourself down to the University of Michigan Diag for a rally with Rob Steele, the teabagger GOP candidate running against John Dingell. It starts at 6:30 p.m. and all the cool kids will be there. Like Wendy Day, Livingston County teabagger organizer and home-schooling Howell School Board member. I’ve written about […]

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Michigan GOP runs another smear robocall/mailing against Christine Green

The ink hadn’t dried on blog entry about the Christine Green smear campaign being waged by the Michigan Republican Party when I get a FIFTH robocall. At least this time they used a different woman for the robocalls: [DIFFERENT WOMAN’S VOICE]: Hello. This is Nicole. Our state has been headed in the wrong direction for years. Christine Green will a […]

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