Category: Republicans

Stop calling them “Tea Partiers”. They’re REPUBLICANS!

Stop calling them “Tea Partiers”. They’re REPUBLICANS!

I’m just sayin’… Giving my wife props for the idea for this blog entry. It’s time we changed the meme and change how we talk about the teabaggers. There is no “Tea Party” in the USA, not as a political party. There may be a bunch of clubs scattered around the country, groups of like-minded mostly-white, mostly-bigoted, super conservative no-brainers […]

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“The Tea Party” excluded from Nov. ballot due to font size

An effort to put “The Tea Party” on the November ballot in Michigan has failed. Not because it’s a fake group trying to help Democrats at the polls by splitting far-right wing votes (which it is.) No, it’s because the font size of the word “the” was wrong. Totally not kidding. The Michigan Court of Appeals said Monday that a […]

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Why Michigan (all???) Democrats should be scared

Why Michigan (all???) Democrats should be scared

Michigan dodged a bullet last week when we chose Virg Bernero as our Democratic candidate for governor over Blue Dog Andy Dillon. But here’s something to chew on: Number of people who voted for a Republican gubernatorial candidate in last week’s primary election in Michigan: 1,047,048 Number of people who voted for a Democratic gubernatorial candidate in last week’s primary […]

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He’s more Republican now than man, twisted and evil

Most of us that have been paying attention have known for some time that the Republican game plan for the Obama administration is to make sure the economy stays depressed and jobless. Any hint that the economy is improving will spoil any electoral chances they have. Now they are pretty much admitting it. Here’s House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Tanfast): […]

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Racist GOP candidate sees America as “white homeland”

Via Think Progress Racist GOP candidate for New Hampshire’s House of Representative, Ryan J. Murdough, has an interesting point of view: For far too long white Americans have been told that diversity is something beneficial to their existence. Statistics prove that the opposite is true. New Hampshire residents must seek to preserve their racial identity if we want future generations […]

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Oh, great. Here’s what we need: MORE money in politics.

Oh, great. Here’s what we need: MORE money in politics.

It’s clear to me that the single biggest item on the Progressive agenda right now should be campaign finance reform. I’ve written about this before but it bears repeating: every single battle that you can name that we’re fighting would be world’s easier without the influence of humongous amounts of money from corporations and wealthy donors. Now a (no surprise) […]

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How is this a winning strategy for Republicans?

Several recent polls say that the top issue for Americans right now is unemployment. So what do Republicans do? Filibuster and block a bill that would extend unemployment benefits for upwards of 1.2 million Americans. Also this week, they blocked passage of a bill that would help homeless female veterans and veterans with children. No, seriously. I can not for […]

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There’s a reason we’re in the situation we’re in

There’s a reason we’re in the situation we’re in

Bush apologists tell us all they want that we “need to quit blaming Bush for everything”. But there’s a reason we blame him for the USA being in two wars, in what Paul Krugman this week called The Third Depression and that our unemployment levels are so high: George W. Bush and his administration put us here. More to the […]

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Walberg and Rooney battle over who’s the most anti-Choice in MI-07

Popcorn time once again as far-right Tim Walberg and farther-right Brian Rooney battle it out for who wants to deny women their legal right to choose to have an abortion most. Yesterday, Walberg sent out an email that said this: Voters Never Have to Question Where I Stand Voters never have to question where I stand, my principles or priorities. […]

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Of petards, Republicans and hoisting

Or maybe I should call this “Of chickens and Republicans and roosting”. From the Associated Press comes this article today: Republicans suffering for 2008 bank bailout vote: Some of Congress’ staunchest conservatives voted two years ago to prop up the nation’s banking industry. At the time, they saw a threat to American business. Now the emergency is their own political […]

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The legendary hypocrisy and lies of Tim Walberg

The legendary hypocrisy and lies of Tim Walberg

It’s masochism on my part, I suppose, but I have gotten on the email lists of the two leading GOP contenders who are seeking the nomination to challenge Congressman Mark Schauer (MI-07) this November. The leading leading contender is an odious man named Tim Walberg who held the position for only one term before being sent packing in 2008. His […]

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