Category: Republicans

Now YOU Can Apologize to Rush Limbaugh

Now YOU Can Apologize to Rush Limbaugh

It’s easy-peasy. Just head over to this site, click a few drop-down menus and before you know it, viola! You have your very own personalized apology to the de facto head of the Republican Party. Be the first on your block to pucker up and kiss the extraordinarily large, flabby buttocks of the Conservative-in-Chief. He’s waiting… I’m just sayin’…

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Steele Apologizes to RNC Chief Rush Limbaugh

The other day, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele made a horrible mistake. By total accident, without meaning to he did something for which is eternally sorry: He criticized the ACTUAL head of the Republican Party, comedian Rush Limbaugh. “Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. Rush Limbaugh — his whole thing is entertainment. He has this incendiary — yes, it’s ugly.” […]

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Lies and More Lies: The Politics of Nastiness

Well then. Wasn’t that just speshul? Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani and Sarah Palin dished out the nastiness and the lies and the personal attacks with a giant spoon last night. My take on it: * Romney is trying to be Ronald Reagan so hard that it’s actually painful to watch. Oh, and he fails, too.* Huckabee was a […]

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