Category: Republicans

Colorado proves it’s not about stopping abortions, it’s about controlling women

Colorado proves it’s not about stopping abortions, it’s about controlling women

I’ve long believed, as do so many others, that the forced birther movement, which claims to be about “saving lives”, is little more than a subterfuge for their real aim: controlling women. Why else would they go after contraception time and time again? Why else would they want to defund Planned Parenthood that prevents more unwanted pregnancies and abortions than […]

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Republicans are as wrong about Obamacare as they were about the Iraq War

Republicans are as wrong about Obamacare as they were about the Iraq War

A new report from the Urban Institute details what every honest adult already knows: Obamacare is the most successful new government program since Medicare and Medicaid. In states that have fully implemented the law, the uninsured population has been cut in half. Tens of millions of Americans have been covered and about 14 million of them were uninsured before. Health […]

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Indiana Republicans shot down RFRA amendment by Democrats that would have protected gays and lesbians

Indiana Republicans shot down RFRA amendment by Democrats that would have protected gays and lesbians

Indiana Republicans, facing derision nationally and an economic boycott with wide-ranging impacts are now backpedalling like crazy. They claim they never intended for their new Religious Freedom Restoration Act to allow discrimination against the LGBT community and are now moving swiftly to “fix” their atrocious new law. You can read the text of their “fix”, which prohibits discrimination based on […]

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Nevada Republican state legislator declares cancer a “fungus” that can be cured with saline or sodium “cardonate”

Nevada Republican state legislator declares cancer a “fungus” that can be cured with saline or sodium “cardonate”

With all of the insanity in Michigan’s legislature these days with people like Cindy Gamarat and Todd Courser, I thought it would be a nice break to show that we’re not the only state with Republicans that are … um … “different”. Today I present you with Michele Fiore, a Republican member of the Nevada state assembly. Fiore has a […]

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Fred Upton & Greg Walden, authors of GOP’s fake net neutrality bill, are top telecom money recipients

Fred Upton & Greg Walden, authors of GOP’s fake net neutrality bill, are top telecom money recipients

“Absolutely the First Amendment issue of our time” – Senator Al Franken The Federal Communications Commission will soon issue its new rules on net neutrality which will prevent large telecommunications corporations from regulating access to the internet by allowing some customers to get better, faster, and/or more reliable access through pricing arrangements or other deals. President Obama has come out […]

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Republican U.S. Senator sues to stop Obamacare because it’s hurting his political reputation (srsly)

Republican U.S. Senator sues to stop Obamacare because it’s hurting his political reputation (srsly)

It takes a lot to surprise me when it comes to Republicans these days but this story is leaving me with my head shaking. U.S. Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin is suing to stop the Affordable Care Act because, according to him, it has hurt his political reputation and his political career. You can’t make this stuff up. Explaining this […]

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VIDEO: Rick Santorum thinks we have an immigration problem … with LEGAL immigrants (UPDATED)

VIDEO: Rick Santorum thinks we have an immigration problem … with LEGAL immigrants (UPDATED)

Rick Santorum’s grandfather came to America in 1923 as an immigrant but that fact does not deter him from thinking that we have a big problem in this country that’s “almost as bad” as illegal immigration. The problem, according to Santorum, is LEGAL immigration. According to Santorum, all those legal immigrants coming into America are taking the jobs meant for […]

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VIDEO – Rand Paul: “Over half the people receiving disability benefits are gaming the system” (UPDATED)

VIDEO – Rand Paul: “Over half the people receiving disability benefits are gaming the system” (UPDATED)

Speaking at a New Hampshire Legislative Leaders Breakfast this morning, Republican presidential contender Rand Paul made it clear what he thinks about people who receive disability benefits: over half of you are scam artists who are “gaming the system” with your so-called “anxiety” and “back pain”. Let’s roll tape (from our friends at American Bridge 21st Century): You know, the […]

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Republicans around the country call for Dave Agema’s removal – but not Gov. Rick Snyder or Lt. Gov. Brian Calley

Republicans around the country call for Dave Agema’s removal – but not Gov. Rick Snyder or Lt. Gov. Brian Calley

Republicans in Michigan and around the country are lining up to reject the notorious bigot Dave Agema. Here in our state, multiple Republican elected officials have called for his removal from the Republican National Committee: Oakland County Sens. Mike Kowall and Jim Marleau and Rep. Jim Tedder sent the 168-member Republican Party governing board a letter Tuesday pleading that it […]

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GOP launches another failed attempt to deceive voters about Democrats, target Pam Byrnes

GOP launches another failed attempt to deceive voters about Democrats, target Pam Byrnes

Republicans know they are in deep trouble across our country. Their popularity is plummeting — their “unfavorable” rating is nearly 50% — largely thanks to efforts to stop people from voting, attacks on women and the LGBT community, and for making sure government doesn’t work and then blaming that on Democrats. In response, they have turned to deceptive strategies intended […]

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This right here is how low the GOP has sunk: Fundraising with “I miss ‘W'” t-shirts.

This right here is how low the GOP has sunk: Fundraising with “I miss ‘W'” t-shirts.

I … I … I can’t even … Yes, it’s a fundraiser. Centered around how much the GOP misses George W. Bush. What was it? The wars against an enemy that didn’t truly threaten us? The catastrophic tax cuts that favored the uber-wealthy and blew a gigantic hole in our budget? The Great Recession? What? What exactly is that you […]

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