Category: Republicans

Obamacare ‘horror stories’ are harder and harder for Republicans to find

Obamacare ‘horror stories’ are harder and harder for Republicans to find

They keep trying to dig them up, but Americans are responding with success stories instead.

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Democrats school GOP Congressional candidate David Trott on the Republican budget

Democrats school GOP Congressional candidate David Trott on the Republican budget

Dodgy or dumb? When Republican candidates won’t talk about the issues, it’s tough to tell the difference. What is it with Republican candidates refusing to talk about their positions on the issues? Maybe they’re afraid voters won’t like what they have to say. Or maybe they don’t know the answers. In the case of David Trott, who is running for […]

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GOP Congressional candidate Dave Trott won’t easily shake his foreclosure record

GOP Congressional candidate Dave Trott won’t easily shake his foreclosure record

Even Republicans aren’t happy about Trott’s predatory practices. That won’t do him any favors in his bid for the seat held by Kerry Bentivolio, who’s on shaky ground himself. David Trott’s reputation as a foreclosure vulture precedes him. And it’s going to be a huge albatross hanging around his neck in his campaign in Michigan’s 11th Congressional District. He’s been […]

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BWAHAHAHA!!! Republican Governors Association attacks Mark Schauer over bill Gov. Snyder extended in 2011

BWAHAHAHA!!! Republican Governors Association attacks Mark Schauer over bill Gov. Snyder extended in 2011

I don’t know what happened here. Maybe Republican Governors Association Vice Chair Chris Christie is too busy dealing with his George Washington Bridgegate problem to be doing his job. This morning, the RGA released another attack video on Mark Schauer for supporting a bill that required criminal background checks for nursing home employees, paid for by a small fee on […]

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Republicans who deny women equal pay are denying them an equal voice

Republicans who deny women equal pay are denying them an equal voice

Refusing to debate fair pay is one more way Republicans are trying to marginalize women — and their votes. It should come as no surprise that Senate Republicans have blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act for the third time. On Wednesday — the day after Equal Pay Day — they blocked a vote to simply open debate on the bill. Republicans […]

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Congressman Dan Kildee of Michigan leads the charge to renew unemployment insurance benefits #RenewUI

Congressman Dan Kildee of Michigan leads the charge to renew unemployment insurance benefits #RenewUI

Rep. Kildee calls for an immediate up-or-down vote on a bill he introduced to restore emergency unemployment benefits. Since last November, Congressman Dan Kildee (MI-05) has been at the forefront of efforts by U.S. House Democrats to extend, and then renew, unemployment insurance (UI) benefits. Immediately after the bipartisan passage of a bill in the U.S. Senate on Monday to […]

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Snyder administration dodges questions like potholes, refuses to respond to FOIA request

Snyder administration dodges questions like potholes, refuses to respond to FOIA request

Same-day service! Governor’s office wastes no time saying “no” to request from ProgressNow and Progress Michigan. Regular readers of Eclectablog know that Chris Savage has been regularly calling out Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder on his lack of transparency. You can read some of that coverage HERE, HERE and HERE. And Chris is not the only one. Gov. Snyder promised transparency […]

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When will Americans wake up and smell the money?

When will Americans wake up and smell the money?

Anyone who thinks that the wealthy who are buying elections are doing it to help the country is in for a rude awakening. The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission is a staggering blow to democracy. But it’s certainly not the only obstacle average Americans face in the fight to maintain a fair election process. Because […]

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Democrats running from President Obama and Obamacare? Not. Even.Close. (PHOTOS)

Democrats running from President Obama and Obamacare? Not. Even.Close. (PHOTOS)

Please proceed. Republicans want you to believe that even Democrats are jumping ship in their support for President Obama and the Affordable Care Act. Unfortunately, the truth is getting in the way of this convenient (for them) meme. There was solid proof it overnight in Ann Arbor. The last time President Obama came to Ann Arbor in January 2012, demand […]

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UPDATED: Conduct unbecoming: Par for the course with Michigan Congressman Kerry Bentivolio

UPDATED: Conduct unbecoming: Par for the course with Michigan Congressman Kerry Bentivolio

By tacit approval, Rep. Bentivolio endorses disparaging comments made by staffer Tim Bos about Rep. John Dingell. UPDATE: Rep. Bentivolio’s office responds. See below. When the news broke that U.S. Congressman John Dingell was retiring, social media was buzzing at full tilt. Almost to a person, everyone I saw comment on the news was respectful of Rep. Dingell’s longstanding service […]

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Republicans maintain a laser-like focus on Obamacare misinformation campaign

Republicans maintain a laser-like focus on Obamacare misinformation campaign

GOP Congressmen Walberg and Bentivolio are so busy trying to discredit the ACA, how can they have time for anything else? How many Obamacare “horror stories” have to be debunked for people to realize that the GOP spin machine is pedaling so hard it’s about ready to rotate off its axis? Better yet, let’s call it what it is: lying. […]

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