Category: Rick Snyder

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Dem presidential debate comes to Flint, Darnell Earley may testify but plead the 5th

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Dem presidential debate comes to Flint, Darnell Earley may testify but plead the 5th

Democratic presidential candidates to hold March debate in Flint Democrats announced yesterday that they are adding two presidential debates to the schedule and one of them will take place on March 6th, just before the Michigan primary. Details about the time, location, and who will moderate have not yet been released. Michigan Democratic Party Chair Brandon Dillon released this statement […]

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THIS is how you know Michigan Republicans are absolutely freaking out over the #FlintWaterCrisis that they created

THIS is how you know Michigan Republicans are absolutely freaking out over the #FlintWaterCrisis that they created

After passing legislation to slash revenue sharing to already struggling urban areas including Flint and after passing an anti-democratic Emergency Manager Law – Public Act 4 – and after passing another anti-democratic Emergency Manager law – Public Act 436 – after voters rejected the first one (and making it democracy-proof with an unnecessary appropriation) and after these Republican-appointed overseers – […]

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BREAKING: Former Flint Emergency Manager, current overseer of Detroit Schools to resign, refusing to testify before Congress

BREAKING: Former Flint Emergency Manager, current overseer of Detroit Schools to resign, refusing to testify before Congress

Darnell Earley, the former Flint Emergency Manager and current Detroit Public Schools Emergency Manager will resign on February 29th according to a statement released by Gov. Snyder this morning on the state website. Earley, who has denied he was responsible for any of the problems in Flint or Detroit Schools, is quoted in the statement as basically saying, “Mission Accomplished”: […]

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#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: State inaction means many Flint citizens still unaware of the problem (+ much more)

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: State inaction means many Flint citizens still unaware of the problem (+ much more)

I’m starting today’s news round-up by featuring an essay published by Ann Arbor social worker Beverly Davidson, LMSW, at her “Voices from the Infant, Toddler and Family Field” blog. The post is titled “No words” and the title is cruelly apt. Here’s a taste of what she saw during a recent day of volunteering in Flint: We knocked on one […]

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GUEST POST: The #FlintWaterCrisis didn’t just happen

GUEST POST: The #FlintWaterCrisis didn’t just happen

Today’s guest post is by Laura Packard, a partner at PowerThru Consulting, a growing national progressive digital consulting shop. Enjoy. The Flint water crisis didn’t just happen. It’s been a story decades in the making. Cities in America have been on the downswing for many years — deliberate policy on the federal and state level has favored suburbs, and also the preferences […]

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#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Congressional hearing to hear from many players but not Gov. Snyder (and more!)

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Congressional hearing to hear from many players but not Gov. Snyder (and more!)

Congressional hearing to focus on attacking the USEPA and not the real cause of the Flint water crisis The list of those invited to give testimony before the House U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform this coming Wednesday has been released and one name is glaringly missing: Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder. Those who WILL give testimony are the […]

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#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Snyder admin trucked water to state offices in Flint amid citizen complaints (and more!)

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Snyder admin trucked water to state offices in Flint amid citizen complaints (and more!)

It’s been a busy week of news regarding the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water by the Snyder administration, so much that it’s simply not possible to post separately about each one. That’s where the news round-ups come. So here is a compilation of the latest news coming out of Flint and Lansing. Enjoy. Amid complaints of water, Snyder admin quietly […]

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Progress Michigan launches fundraiser to bring more transparency to Michigan state government

Progress Michigan launches fundraiser to bring more transparency to Michigan state government

Citing a report putting Michigan dead last in terms of ethical transparency in state government, the progressive watchdog group Progress Michigan is launching a GoFundMe drive to raise funds for a variety of activities related to shining a light on the actions of our elected officials. Top on their list is to overturn Michigan’s disgusting law that allows the Governor […]

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Did Gov. Snyder hire a PR firm to keep him from having to testify before Congress regarding the #FlintWaterCrisis?

Did Gov. Snyder hire a PR firm to keep him from having to testify before Congress regarding the #FlintWaterCrisis?

One of responses that Gov. Rick Snyder has had to his administration’s poisoning of Flint’s drinking water is to hire public relations people. LOTS of public relations people, in fact. Back in December, he brought on PR specialist Chris DeWitt. Then, even before he had given his State of the State Address, he hired Bill Nowling, another communications expert. Then, […]

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Gov. Snyder puts former “Transformation Manager” linked to numerous scandals in charge of #FlintWaterCrisis response

Gov. Snyder puts former “Transformation Manager” linked to numerous scandals in charge of #FlintWaterCrisis response

When Rick Snyder needs to have something done, he often turns to one man: Richard Baird. Baird has long been Snyder’s “right hand man”, enjoying a position in the governor’s Executive Office and listed as his “Transformation Manager”: Baird has a list of scandals in Michigan that he is tied to. He was originally paid from a fund set up […]

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#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Rachel Maddow to host Flint townhall and much, much more

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: Rachel Maddow to host Flint townhall and much, much more

The big news of the day is the announcement that Rachel Maddow will be broadcasting from a townhall meeting she’s holding in Flint next Wednesday evening. Watch the video announcement here: The Rachel Maddow Show heads to Flint! Wednesday 1/27 at 9pm ET! — Maddow Blog (@MaddowBlog) January 23, 2016 Here’s the official announcement: Rachel Maddow will host “American […]

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