Category: Rick Snyder

As we learn more about the #FlintWaterCrisis, now what?

As we learn more about the #FlintWaterCrisis, now what?

In comments here at Eclectablog and in many other media spaces around the globe, people are clamoring for the resignation of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder. For Michigan residents, that call has been ringing in the halls of this great state almost from the moment he was sworn into office for his first term. If we get into the “Way Back […]

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Oh, look. More evidence that Gov. Snyder hasn’t released all of his #FlintWaterCrisis emails

Oh, look. More evidence that Gov. Snyder hasn’t released all of his #FlintWaterCrisis emails

Yesterday, I wrote about evidence obtained by Progress Michigan that, despite his assurances otherwise, Gov. Rick Snyder has NOT, in fact, released all of his emails relating to the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water by his administration. Today, there’s more evidence. In January of 2015, Democratic State Rep. Sheldon Neeley sent Gov. Snyder a letter asking for full or, at […]

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Gov. Snyder throws mid-level bureaucrats & “career service people” under the #FlintRiverCrisis bus on MSNBC’s Morning Joe

Gov. Snyder throws mid-level bureaucrats & “career service people” under the #FlintRiverCrisis bus on MSNBC’s Morning Joe

Gov. Rick Snyder appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe program this morning to throw mid-level bureaucrats in his administration under the bus: The department people, the heads, were not being given the right information by the quote-unquote experts, and I use that word with great trial and tribulation because they were considered experts in terms of their background, these are career […]

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Dear Governor Snyder: It’s Time

Dear Governor Snyder: It’s Time

Dear Governor Snyder, I hate to break it to you, but it’s over. You had a good run, sir, but the time has come. You need to resign the office of the governor immediately and ride off into the sunset. I understand your side of the argument, even if I don’t agree with it. I understand the hubris that goes […]

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Evidence has already surfaced that Gov. Snyder’s version of the #FlintWaterCrisis is inaccurate and suspect

Evidence has already surfaced that Gov. Snyder’s version of the #FlintWaterCrisis is inaccurate and suspect

Just one day after Gov. Snyder released what he says are all of his emails from 2014 and 2015 regarding his administration’s poisoning of Flint’s drinking water along with the state government’s official timeline, evidence has already surfaced that it, at best, incomplete. Progress Michigan has discovered that his Chief of Staff met with Flint officials regarding lead contamination in […]

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Once more with feeling: Flint officials did NOT vote to switch to Flint River water

Once more with feeling: Flint officials did NOT vote to switch to Flint River water

Everywhere anyone has written about the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water by the Snyder administration, there are inevitably a few Snyder defenders trying like Hell to pin this on the Flint City Council. As I have said before (repeatedly), this simply did not happen. Former mayor Dayne Walling confirmed this in the interview I did with him when, discussing the […]

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PHOTOS: #FlintWaterCrisis & Michigan State of the State protest – This is NOT what democracy looks like

PHOTOS: #FlintWaterCrisis & Michigan State of the State protest – This is NOT what democracy looks like

[All photos by Anne C. Savage, special to Eclectablog] As lawmakers and other political movers and shakers in Michigan gathered together in the cozy warmth of Michigan’s State Capitol Building for Governor Snyder’s 2016 State of the State Address, over 500 protesters from around the state gathered in the frigid cold outside to demand substantive action by the state government […]

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The GOP’s #FlintWaterCrisis blame game continues as Republicans freak out over protest rally planned for today

The GOP’s #FlintWaterCrisis blame game continues as Republicans freak out over protest rally planned for today

Republicans across the state and even across the country are working diligently to make sure that Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder doesn’t take the fall for his administration’s role in the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water. Michelle Malkin and the Hot Air blog are both of examples of conservative, corporatist water-carriers who want the country to blame the U.S. EPA for […]

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If I were to write Governor Snyder’s State of the State Address, January 19, 2016 would stand alone in history

If I were to write Governor Snyder’s State of the State Address, January 19, 2016 would stand alone in history

Most of you don’t know that I have literally written thousands of speeches, not for myself, but for many leaders in organized labor, titans of industry, and some serious politicians, some of whom are serving today. These speeches are written within the guidelines of confidential agreements and I have always taken this job very seriously, paying a great deal of […]

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Clinton brings up #FlintWaterCrisis in Dem presidential debate, Snyder & defenders continue trying to avoid blame

Clinton brings up #FlintWaterCrisis in Dem presidential debate, Snyder & defenders continue trying to avoid blame

In her closing remarks during last night’s Democratic candidates’ presidential debate, Hillary Clinton brought up the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water, saying she’s “outraged”, that “every single American should be outraged,” and that Gov. Rick Snyder “acted as though he didn’t really care.” Here are her remarks in full: I spent a lot of time last week being outraged by […]

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Obama admin sends $5 million for #FlintWaterCrisis. Gov. Snyder says the actions he’s taken are “going beyond reason”.

Obama admin sends $5 million for #FlintWaterCrisis. Gov. Snyder says the actions he’s taken are “going beyond reason”.

NOTE: It’s fundraising week at Eclectablog. If you find value in what we do here, please consider making a donation to ensure that all our regular contributors can be paid for their creative work. Click HERE for details. Thanks so much. – Chris Following Gov. Rick Snyder’s tardy request for a federal declaration of a state of emergency in Flint […]

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