Category: Rick Snyder

Bernie Sanders speaks out on #FlintWaterCrisis, Gov. Snyder asks for

Bernie Sanders speaks out on #FlintWaterCrisis, Gov. Snyder asks for <10% of what's needed financially from feds

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has finally joined Hillary Clinton in speaking out about the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water by the Snyder administration. In a statement released by his campaign, he calls for the resignation of Gov. Snyder: U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Saturday called on Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder to resign for his administration’s failure to deal with a […]

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Now that his administration has created a state of emergency in Flint, Gov. Snyder wants to return control to local officials

Now that his administration has created a state of emergency in Flint, Gov. Snyder wants to return control to local officials

“I wouldn’t touch it with a thirty-nine-and-half foot pole…” Flint, Michigan was under the control of an Emergency Financial Manager from 2002-2004. Then, in 2011, it was again put under state receivership, this time under an Emergency Manager with expanded powers under what is now Public Act 436, the “Local Fiscal Stability and Choice Act” where it remained until last […]

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ACTION: #FlintWaterCrisis protests planned for next week (and more news)

ACTION: #FlintWaterCrisis protests planned for next week (and more news)

Yesterday, months after being asked by multiple groups including Congressman Dan Kildee, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder finally asked the federal government to declare a state of emergency in Flint. This move, if approved, will open up federal funds to deal with this human-made disaster that will be Flint’s and Rick Snyder’s legacy for decades to come. Snyder’s tardy response comes […]

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Is the Flint City Hall break-in the Michigan version of “Watergate”???

Is the Flint City Hall break-in the Michigan version of “Watergate”???

NOTE: It’s fundraising week at Eclectablog. If you find value in what we do here, please consider making a donation to ensure that all our regular contributors can be paid for their creative work. Click HERE for details. Thanks so much. – Chris Last December, a Flint government staffer returned from the Christmas break and discovered that an office in […]

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Michigan once again tops a list that embarrasses us all, but this commonplace happenstance seems to have numbed us

Michigan once again tops a list that embarrasses us all, but this commonplace happenstance seems to have numbed us

A recent report shows that Michigan higher education is a failure; a failure to the point that our state gets a letter grade of “F”. We are not alone, of course, but that doesn’t matter in the least. As a state, we have continued to fail the young people who have been told since they could comprehend anything related to […]

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Gov. Snyder’s slow-motion response to the poisoning of Flint’s water draws increased scrutiny

Gov. Snyder’s slow-motion response to the poisoning of Flint’s water draws increased scrutiny

The human catastrophe unfolding in Flint is the direct result of the elimination of representative government (aka “democracy”) under Gov. Rick Snyder’s Emergency Management program. With elected officials unable to help their constituents, the citizens of Flint had only one place to turn: an un-elected, state-appointed Emergency Manager. And, because the EM has no one to answer to except the […]

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UPDATED: Obama Chief of Staff on Flint water poisoning: “Nobody has asked us [for] anything yet”

UPDATED: Obama Chief of Staff on Flint water poisoning: “Nobody has asked us [for] anything yet”

Now that a state of emergency has been declared in the city of Flint over the poisoning of their drinking water by the Snyder administration, you might think that all resources are being brought to bear to resolve this human-made catastrophe. After all, the state government has a new website, sporting a snazzy new logo and a quote from […]

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Hillary Clinton weighs in on the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water

Hillary Clinton weighs in on the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water

It’s clear that the story of the poisoning of Flint, Michigan’s drinking water by the Snyder administration has finally broken through to the national news. It’s not only being reported by major national news outlets, presidential candidates are now weighing in. Today, Hillary Clinton issued this statement: The situation in Flint, Michigan, is extremely concerning. No parent should have to […]

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The worst part about the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water is that nobody will go to prison for it

The worst part about the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water is that nobody will go to prison for it

No Snyder administration officials will be held accountable. And that’s exactly the problem. At long last, after activists and elected officials and even bloggers like LOLGOP and I have been sounding the alarm about the poisoning of Flint residents with lead in their drinking water, the story has finally hit the national stage. In the past week, in addition to […]

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Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signs SB 571 into law and it’s WAY worse than you probably thought

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signs SB 571 into law and it’s WAY worse than you probably thought

Yesterday afternoon while most of us were driving home from work or home getting ready for dinner, Gov. Rick Snyder signed Senate Bill 571 into law. It’s now Public Act 269 of 2015. This legislation started out innocuously enough as a 12-page campaign finance reform bill that involved how funds are collected and distributed by organizations that manage “separate segregated […]

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BREAKING: Michigan Governor Rick Snyder finally declares a state of emergency in Flint over water poisoning by state

BREAKING: Michigan Governor Rick Snyder finally declares a state of emergency in Flint over water poisoning by state

Nearly a year after evidence surfaced that there was a very serious, odorless, and invisible poisonous menace lurking in the water of Flint, Michigan, Gov. Rick Snyder has finally declared a state of emergency in the devastated city: Gov. Rick Snyder declared a state of emergency for Flint and Genesee County Tuesday as a result of the contaminated drinking water […]

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