Category: Rick Snyder

GUEST POST: Michigan Democrats Get More Votes, Lose Anyway

GUEST POST: Michigan Democrats Get More Votes, Lose Anyway

Below I am crossposting a piece written by Walt Sorg and published at his blog The Michigan Curmudgeon. Walt has held senior positions in all three branches of Michigan state government, serving under Speaker Bobby Crim and Governor Jim Blanchard as well as at the State Bar of Michigan. He began his 48-year tenure in or around Michigan government as […]

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Guess which Michigan candidates had 6,000+ people rally for them yesterday. HINT: it wasn’t the Republicans.

Guess which Michigan candidates had 6,000+ people rally for them yesterday. HINT: it wasn’t the Republicans.

While Michigan Republican Party chair Bobby Schostak, the man behind “The Worst Campaign Ad That Human Beings Actually Paid for This Year”, tells anyone who will listen that President Obama’s visit to Michigan yesterday is going to harm the election chances of Mark Schauer, Gary Peters, and all of our Democratic candidates, over 6,000 people showed up to see him […]

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INTERVIEW: Democrat Margaret Guerrero DeLuca has seen it all and has had enough

INTERVIEW: Democrat Margaret Guerrero DeLuca has seen it all and has had enough

This is the fourth and last in profiling a series of women candidates running for the Michigan State House of Representatives. As voters we have an amazing opportunity to realize something special on Tuesday and that is electing more women to the State House, something I believe is essential to moving the state forward. After spending a short amount of […]

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REMINDER: Republican Gov. Rick Snyder is taking credit for things he had no role in

REMINDER: Republican Gov. Rick Snyder is taking credit for things he had no role in

Michigan Radio’s Lester Graham has a great piece out this week titled, “More and better jobs?” that takes a balanced look at Rick Snyder’s claims about the rebounding of Michigan’s and his role in it. What Graham shows is that much of the job growth in Michigan is due to the rising national economy and, just as importantly, efforts taken […]

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Big Picture: A visual examination of whose side Rick Snyder is on when it comes to taxes

Big Picture: A visual examination of whose side Rick Snyder is on when it comes to taxes

Last week, Anne introduced a new feature on Eclectablog – Big Picture – a new way to look at the issues using an engaging visual approach. The first one took a look at Governor Rick Snyder’s harmful impacts on public education in Michigan. You can view that one HERE Today is Anne’s second installment. This one looks at the dangerous […]

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BREAKING: Snyder administration officials illegally destroyed documents sought in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request

BREAKING: Snyder administration officials illegally destroyed documents sought in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request

Progress Michigan has been doing yeomans work holding the Snyder administration accountable for corrupt actitivies, shining the sanitizing sunshine needed to ensure that transparency isn’t just a catch phrase used by our Governor. In response to an August request for documents from the Michigan Department of Community Health, Progress Michigan was told in September that no such documents existed. Then, […]

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GUEST POST: Saving Pure Michigan with your vote

GUEST POST: Saving Pure Michigan with your vote

Could this be the end of Pure Michigan? The following guest post was written by Janis Bobrin, Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner from 1989 to 2012. The Pure Michigan advertising campaign is so compelling because it touches on a fundamental Michigan value – the sense of place fostered by the state’s majestic waters, lands, fish and wildlife. No one who […]

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Michigan Republican Arlan Meekhof calls security on reporters asking about his support of dark money in politics

Michigan Republican Arlan Meekhof calls security on reporters asking about his support of dark money in politics

There’s little doubt that Republicans love mo’ money, mo’ money, mo’ money in our political process and elections. And it’s no wonder. They benefit more from the increased limits on political donations more than Democrats. Considerably more. What they especially love is money where the donors can be kept secret. That way, the donors don’t have to answer to anyone […]

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Lt. Gov. Brian Calley takes one day off each week to fly to Harvard for classes

Lt. Gov. Brian Calley takes one day off each week to fly to Harvard for classes

The Detroit Free Press is reporting that Lt. Gov. Brian Calley has been taking off every Wednesday to hop a flight to Cambridge, Massachusetts to attend classes at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government in order to get a master’s degree in public administration. Calley defends this paid time off to go to school, saying, “I’ve got no scholarships or help […]

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Progress Michigan files Hatch Act complaint against Gov. Rick Snyder for awarding no-bid contracts to campaign donors

Progress Michigan files Hatch Act complaint against Gov. Rick Snyder for awarding no-bid contracts to campaign donors

Stuff just got real Michigan Governor Rick Snyder has been pretty deft at shrugging off the many scandals that have enveloped his administration. But the most recent one, the awarding of $26.4 million in state contracts to a campaign donor might be one he can’t shrug off. Today, my friends at Progress Michigan announced that they have filed a Hatch […]

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Tell everyone why you’re voting Democratic on Nov. 4th

Tell everyone why you’re voting Democratic on Nov. 4th

There are still undecided votes to be won for Democrats. Now is the time to make your case. I know regular readers of Eclectablog are fully aware that Election Day is next week. A lot of you are the same people who are knocking on doors, making phone calls and doing whatever you can to help get out the vote. […]

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