Category: Teachers

Impeachment witnesses say they are “demoralized”; America’s teachers: “First time?”

Impeachment witnesses say they are “demoralized”; America’s teachers: “First time?”

As a career teacher, watching the House impeachment hearings has been a sort of “out of body experience.” Like the rest of America, I’ve witnessed a parade of brilliant, highly-educated, dedicated foreign service diplomats deliver eloquent, insightful testimony under the most pressure-packed circumstances they’ve ever experienced, and do so with grace, elegance, and professionalism. At the same time, reports have […]

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Courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action.

Should all teachers be certified? Charter school leaders say no…

“I wouldn’t want to be the one that tells Gov. Jerry Brown that he can’t teach a government class because he would otherwise have to go back to college,” said Myrna Castrejón, president and CEO of the California Charter Schools Association. I would. Because Jerry Brown is in no way qualified, prepared, certified, or remotely capable of being a teacher. […]

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Betsy DeVos rewrites the definition of “public schools” to suit her own Christian Dominionist ideology

Betsy DeVos rewrites the definition of “public schools” to suit her own Christian Dominionist ideology

In a presidential administration that seems to function as a turnstile with people coming and going from their positions on a nearly continuous basis, one person seems to be a constant: Betsy DeVos. It’s no surprise, of course. She and her husband and other families members give enormous amounts of money to Republicans. The Center for Responsive Politics found the […]

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It’s not just Michigan: Betsy DeVos and the Koch brothers have immiserated teachers across the entire USA

It’s not just Michigan: Betsy DeVos and the Koch brothers have immiserated teachers across the entire USA

A couple of weeks ago, I published an essay titled Betsy DeVos and the Koch brothers must be so proud: Michigan teacher salaries down 16% from 2009. The title is pretty self-explanatory and the bottom line is that there is a very predictable (and predicted) teacher shortage in our state now because of how we have demonized, diminished, and demeaned […]

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Betsy DeVos and the Koch brothers must be so proud: Michigan teacher salaries down 16% from 2009

Betsy DeVos and the Koch brothers must be so proud: Michigan teacher salaries down 16% from 2009

It’s taken years of concerted effort but, at long last, Betsy DeVos and the Koch brothers can finally claim victory: Teachers in Michigan are now paid less today in both real and corrected-for-inflations dollars. In 2009, the average teacher salary in our state was $63,025. In 2017, the most recent year for which we have data, the average was only […]

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If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Lie: The Trump/DeVos Doctrine of Redefinition

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Lie: The Trump/DeVos Doctrine of Redefinition

Trump and his Republican enablers, like Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, are beginning to realize that they have approximately zero chance of ever winning another election–if held and run fairly–on the issues, so they are scrambling frantically to redefine these issues in a clumsy and desperate effort to confuse and distract voters. Here are just 2 examples; one from national […]

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Anti-labor hypocrisy is clear as day in lame duck bill to kneecap (some) unions in Michigan. Again.

Anti-labor hypocrisy is clear as day in lame duck bill to kneecap (some) unions in Michigan. Again.

This week marks the painful beginning of the lame duck (or, as I call it, “enflamed duck”) session in the Michigan State legislature. With a Democratic governor about to take the reins, Republicans are hell-bent to pass as much regressive legislation into law as they can before Gov. Gretchen Whitmer moves into her new office. One of the worst is […]

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Let’s talk about Teach for America…

Let’s talk about Teach for America…

I think we need to start being very intentional with the language we use when referring to organizations like Teach for America (TfA) and the persons who decide to join them–and having made some of the mistakes I’m about to point out myself, I’m taking the liberty of making the following suggestions: • There are no TfA “teachers”–teachers decide to […]

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Hug a music teacher today…

Hug a music teacher today…

Every time I go out to observe one of our music student teachers, I come away thinking three things… 1. These new music teachers are really, really good. Much better than I was just coming out of school. More musically versatile, more aware of the profession, so passionate about teaching kids about music. In spite of the doom & gloom […]

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Pay teachers more? Absolutely, but let’s do it for the right reasons

Pay teachers more? Absolutely, but let’s do it for the right reasons

Now Texas Governor Greg Abbott wants to pay “good” teachers $100+K. With workers’ wages stagnating, and teachers being historically underpaid, how is this not great news? Don’t teachers deserve bigger paychecks? Who would turn down a 6-figure salary?!? Well, as always, the devil is in the details… For instance, who will determine who the “good” teachers are? Their principals? School […]

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Please stop with the “heartwarming” teacher stories: this is no way to treat professionals

Please stop with the “heartwarming” teacher stories: this is no way to treat professionals

You can listen to Mitchell Robinson read and discuss this now-viral essay here: It seems like every day now we see another one of these stories that are supposed to be “heartwarming,” or show how “dedicated” teachers and other school personnel are… this superintendent spent 90 hours per week this summer repainting his school to save $150,000! this teacher […]

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