Category: Trump Administration

Trump supporters like being lied to — and the press needs to be honest about why

Trump supporters like being lied to — and the press needs to be honest about why

The fetish for covering Trump backers fails to treat them like adults “The Wall is the Wall, it has never changed or evolved from the first day I conceived of it,” the loser of the 2016 popular vote tweeted last week, before rejecting at least two bipartisan agreements to keep the government open. Both reportedly included some funding for the […]

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Trump’s attack on the free press is perfect practice for the 2018 midterms

Trump’s attack on the free press is perfect practice for the 2018 midterms

Let’s practice minimizing the Trump infection First, here’s what you need to do: That’s the word from brain scientist George Lakoff. Here’s why I’m joining in and I hope you will, too. Did you know the president is about to step up his attack the free press using all the authority the American people have invested in his office? If […]

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Don’t believe the GOP tax scam is a crime against workers? Ask some Republicans!

Don’t believe the GOP tax scam is a crime against workers? Ask some Republicans!

The reviews are in! The GOP went too far to help corporations in its new tax bill, says Marco Rubio, who voted for the bill after “winning” concessions that deliver $0.00 to $6.25 a month to some of America’s poorest families. “If I were king for a day, this tax bill would have looked different. I thought we probably went […]

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If you thought science was dead under George Bush, wait until you see what Trump is doing

If you thought science was dead under George Bush, wait until you see what Trump is doing

On January 20th, 2009, scientists (and anyone who values science) in the USA breathed a collective sigh of relief. After eight years of President George W. Bush, a Democratic president – Barack Obama – was taking over and science once again took its rightful place in American society as a force for good and an asset to policy making. It’s […]

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