Category: Uncategorized

Michigan Corporate Accountability Amendment effort postpones until 2014

Stay tuned… Earlier this month, I wrote about an effort being spearheaded by Jocelyn Benson to put a constitutional amendment up for vote in November called the Corporate Accountability Amendment. The amendment would bring a level of transparency to our state’s elections that is sorely needed: Michigan has some of the weakest lobbying and ethics laws in the country, with […]

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Happy St.Patrick’s Day to all our Eclect O’Blog fans

Happy St.Patrick’s Day to all our Eclect O’Blog fans

A fine day for the wearin’ o’ the green Whattya say? Shall we call it Eclect O’Blog, just for today? My grandfather’s parents came to the USA from Ireland — the McCann Clan. Explains my dear love of ales, I guess. I’m gettin’ ready ta whip up a fantastic vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie and some traditional Irish soda bread for dinner […]

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Katie Goodman video: “Probably Gay” – Absolutely HILARIOUS!

I got an email from Katie Goodman this afternoon telling me about a video she put up recently that has gone somewhat viral. We just posted my new video two days ago that we thought would be right up your alley. It got 27,000 hits in one day and HuffPo picked it up and put it on their front page! […]

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Interactive Pano of Dexter tornado devastation

Interactive Pano of Dexter tornado devastation

Below is an exclusive interactive panoramic image taken by my wife Anne C. Savage. You can view three more panos on her blog post on her Politics in Pictures blog as well as some of her fantastic still photography. You can make this image fill your screen by clicking the word “FULLSCREEN. You can also zoom in and out using […]

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Dexter tornado leaves a path of devastation but no serious injuries or deaths (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

Dexter tornado leaves a path of devastation but no serious injuries or deaths (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

Missed us by THAT much Last night, the village of Dexter where I live was hit by an F3 tornado. The two blue Xs are where the touchdowns occurred and the red X is where I live, less than a mile away. The upper left blue X is near the Dexter Mill. The lower right X is the neighborhood of […]

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Terrific Debbie Stabenow campaign video for your viewing pleasure

That’s the way, uh-huh, uh-huh, I like it. Uh-huh. Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow released this awesome campaign video at the Michigan Democratic Party Nominating Convention last Saturday and now it’s available for everyone to see. What I love most about it is that it is POSITIVE. It’s a sharp contrast to Pete Hoekstra (who?) and his racist, xenophobic, lying ad […]

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What would you call a state that allowed employers to fire users of contraception? Arizona

What would you call a state that allowed employers to fire users of contraception? Arizona

Holy mother of goddess It’s almost impossible to believe this is true but Republicans that control Arizona’s legislature are pushing through legislation that will allow employers to fire employees who use contraception. You read that right: Legislation that will allow employers to fire employees who use contraception. The Republicans who control the Arizona legislature are pushing through a bill that […]

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Obama administration goes after China for unfair trade of rare earth metals (Updated with transcript)

Obama administration goes after China for unfair trade of rare earth metals (Updated with transcript)

It IS a matter of national security, actually The Obama administration announced this morning that it is requesting a “consultation” with China with the World Trade Organization over unfair export restraints on rare earth metals, as well tungsten and molybdenum, materials used in a wide array of electronics including the burgeoning industry of electric vehicle batteries. U.S. Trade Representative Ron […]

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Mich Sen. Hune decries Dem effort to provide all students with college education as raising taxes on “my people” (businesses)

Mich Sen. Hune decries Dem effort to provide all students with college education as raising taxes on “my people” (businesses)

Well, at least he’s honest… Earlier this month Michigan Democrats released a plan they call Michigan 2020. The plan would identify $1.8 billion in corporate tax cuts that aren’t being effective and redirect that money to education so that all Michigan students have the opportunity to go to college. The Michigan 2020 Plan would provide Michigan high school graduates – […]

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Ohio Democrat introduces bill to protect men from themselves, help them make “informed decisions” re: treatment for erectile dysfuntion

Ohio Democrat introduces bill to protect men from themselves, help them make “informed decisions” re: treatment for erectile dysfuntion

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander Democratic State Senator Nina Turner has introduced legislation designed to help men seeking treatment for their “erectile dysfunction” make “informed decisions”. State Senator Nina Turner (D-Cleveland) announced legislation today that would protect men in Ohio from the risks of PDE-5 inhibitors, drugs commonly used to treat symptoms of impotence. Turner’s […]

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More on the Protect Our Jobs constitutional amendment drive in Michigan

More on the Protect Our Jobs constitutional amendment drive in Michigan

Stop the attacks on organized labor This past weekend at the Michigan Democratic Party Endorsement Convention, Michigan AFL-CIO President Karla Swift led a training session for people that will circulate petitions for the Protect Our Jobs constitutional amendment drive. As I wrote before, the effort has the goal of enshrining protections for collective bargaining rights in Michigan’s constitution. Bonnie Bucqueroux […]

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