Category: Uncategorized

Eclectablog on Democracy Now! Wednesday, 2/29/2012 – 8-9 a.m. ET

Eclectablog on Democracy Now! Wednesday, 2/29/2012 – 8-9 a.m. ET

All eyes on Michigan Tomorrow morning I will be on the Democracy Now! news program with Amy Goodman & Juan González from 8-9 a.m., talking about the political landscape in Michigan. With the GOP primary today, the delivery of petition signatures for the repeal of the Emergency Manager law tomorrow, the resurgence of the auto industry ongoing and the vast […]

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EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Andrew Breitbart says Occupy has a ‘culture of rape’ and ACORN is paying ‘unsafe people’ to occupy

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Andrew Breitbart says Occupy has a ‘culture of rape’ and ACORN is paying ‘unsafe people’ to occupy

Andrew Breitbart is the Andrew Breitbart of the tea party movement On Saturday, February 25th, LOLGOP and I attended the Americans for Prosperity forum in Troy, Michigan (home of homophobic tea party mayor Janice Daniels.) We obtained press passes and proceeded to livetweet and liveblog the event. (My liveblog, done entirely on my iPhone, is here: LIVEBLOG: Americans for Prosperity […]

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How Bruce Springsteen and Lady Gaga Could Speed Up Gay Marriage

How Bruce Springsteen and Lady Gaga Could Speed Up Gay Marriage

Baby, the USA was born this way Here’s the good news. On a federal level, we have a President who refuses to defend the unconstitutional Defense of Marriage act. We need a Congress who will pass a law that grants same-sex couples all the federal benefits of marriage. We already, I believe, have a President who will sign that law. […]

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Trevor Thomas gains endorsement of Gov. Jennifer Granholm in MI-03, campaign gains momentum

Trevor Thomas gains endorsement of Gov. Jennifer Granholm in MI-03, campaign gains momentum

Now we’re talking! Democratic candidate for Congress in Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District, Trevor Thomas, has scored a key endorsement this week from former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm. I’m excited to introduce to you my friend Trevor Thomas, who is running to be the democratic contender against Rep. Justin Amash in Michigan’s 3rd District. The son of two autoworkers, Trevor joined […]

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Obama isn’t responsible for rising gas prices. Surprise: it’s Wall Street. – UPDATED

Obama isn’t responsible for rising gas prices. Surprise: it’s Wall Street. – UPDATED

GOP presidential candidates: paid shills for Wall Street There has been an endless litany of GOP wharrgarbl lately about how rising gas prices are the fault of President Obama and his environmental policies. According to these professional wharrgarblists, all we need to do is drill more and open the Keystone XL pipeline and prices will magically fall below $2 per […]

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“The Saga of Larry Tunner” – Can you spare 99¢ to help get an important film made?

“The Saga of Larry Tunner” – Can you spare 99¢ to help get an important film made?

Buddy, can you spare 99¢? Followers of this website know that I have been plugging the Occupy-themed movie called The Saga of Larry Tunner. I have read the script and have become good friends with the filmakers Andrew Tomlinson and Jeff Morgan of Prometheus Motion Pictures. I can say without reservation that, should they release this movie next fall before […]

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The Defense of Marriage Act Ruled Unconstitutional

The Defense of Marriage Act Ruled Unconstitutional

It’s time to get personal “The court finds that DOMA, as applied to Ms. Golinski, violates her right to equal protection of the law … without substantial justification or rational basis,” wrote White, who was named to the federal bench a decade ago by President George W. Bush. Los Angeles Times, 2/23/2012 The Defense of Marriage Act is probably the […]

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Michele Bachmann to Bully New District

Michele Bachmann to Bully New District

Did you know Members of Congress aren’t required to live in their districts? If you’ve read any of the Gospels or see any of the two fine Broadway musicals about Jesus, you’ve noticed the sort of folk Jesus associates with: outcasts. Prostitutes, tax collectors. Saul who became St. Paul persecuted the disciples before he became one of the most important […]

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Ronald Reagan Socialized Medicine in the United States

Ronald Reagan Socialized Medicine in the United States

And he raised taxes nine times… You want smaller government. You think things were better before drinking water was regulated, before a private business was forced to serve all people, before Social Security, Medicare and the Older Americans Act cut poverty among senior citizens in half. You think everything that’s gone wrong is because of big government liberals. But it’s […]

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Larry Tunner live -shoot from Occupalooza in Traverse City

Here is the video from the live-shoot from last weekend’s Occupalooza event in Traverse City for a scene for the upcoming movie “The Saga of Larry Tunner”. It’s a movie about a down-on-his luck guy named Larry Tunner who comes into wealth and decides to run for president as a people’s candidate – an Occupy candidate. So you know, I […]

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“The Saga of Larry Tunner” – An #Occupy movie that needs YOUR help

“The Saga of Larry Tunner” – An #Occupy movie that needs YOUR help

“If corporations are people then they are the vampires of our age” – Larry Tunner Andrew Tomlinson is a movie-maker out of Ypsilanti. Together with with Jeff Morgan, he is preparing to make an Occupy-themed movie called The Saga of Larry Tunner that could very well help to shape the conversation leading up to our election in November 2012. Here’s […]

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