Category: Uncategorized

Would Chris Christie Ask 8,821,155 People If He Could Get Married?

Would Chris Christie Ask 8,821,155 People If He Could Get Married?

Insert, ‘Why shouldn’t they be as miserable as the rest of us?’ joke here Republicans aren’t aware of this but the debate about marriage equality is over. Washington state just approved it. Maryland is next. And New Jersey governor Chris Christie just vetoed a New Jersey law that would have made gay marriage legal. He wants to put the idea […]

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LIVEBLOG: Occupalooza in Traverse City, Michigan – 2/18/2012

LIVEBLOG: Occupalooza in Traverse City, Michigan – 2/18/2012

Occupalooza, baby! I arrived in Traverse City early this afternoon, happy to find some Michigan snow and a passel of amazing Occupy activists and organizers ready to Occupy the Pinky. [NOTE: all of these crappy photos are by me with my iPhone. Do NOT blame my wife for any of them.] They have seats set up for at least 100 […]

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Justin Amash votes against extending middle class tax cuts, Trevor Thomas responds

Justin Amash votes against extending middle class tax cuts, Trevor Thomas responds

Tax cuts for the rich, but not for YOU I don’t know exactly how a tea party politician like Congressman Justin Amash does it exactly, but somehow this guy can justify supporting extending the budget-busting Bush tax cuts but not the middle class tax cuts. But that’s exactly what he has done. Trevor Thomas, who is seeking the Democratic nomination […]

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Michigan Senate Majority Leader introduces bill to prohibit university students from unionizing

Oops. Almost forgot one. In the Michigan Republican’s never-ending effort to stamp out every single public employee union in the state, Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville introduced legislation this week to make sure university graduate student research assistants (GSRAs) don’t get any wise ideas. State Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville has introduced a bill that would bar graduate student research […]

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Pete Hoeksta’s “Yellow Girl” apologizes

Pete Hoeksta’s “Yellow Girl” apologizes

Now let that be a lesson to you The 21-year old actress that was in Pete Hoekstra’s racist campaign ad, described in his now-defunct website’s code as “Yellow Girl” (which their web team disingenously/laughingly describes as “a typo”), has apologized. Via the Angry Asian Man blog: The 21-year-old actress just released the following statement on her Facebook page expressing regret […]

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The Daily Show Takes On the Birth Control Nontroversy

First they came for us coming for their birth control The argument that the right wing trying to deny women birth control is somehow a defense of liberty is an argument only a man would make. So let’s go to our panel of men to discuss it! The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The […]

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Pete Hoekstra pays for his racist ad, Debbie Stabenow now up by 14 points

Karma IS a bitch This makes me smile: Debbie Stabenow’s taken her biggest lead yet in 4 polls of the Michigan Senate race PPP has conducted dating back to December of 2010. She now leads Pete Hoekstra by 14 points, 51-37, and has an even wider 17 point advantage over Clark Durant at 50-33. In 3 previous polls Stabenow led […]

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Occupalooza comes to Traverse City, Michigan THIS SATURDAY!

Occupalooza comes to Traverse City, Michigan THIS SATURDAY!

Occupy the pinky This Saturday, up in the frozen pinky of Michigan, a group of fine organizers is having an event they call OCCUPALOOZA. Admission is a suggested donation of 99¢ (of course!) The event will feature speakers, live music, a silent auction and a food drive. It starts at 5:30 p.m. and goes through 11:00 p.m. and is being […]

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A little Valentine’s Day fun from We Are the People Michigan: “No more sweetheart deals”

It’s true love A fun video from our friends at We are the People Michigan: They have a petition circulating: Dear Legislator, Almost one year ago, the state Legislature approved a $1.8 billion tax cut for big corporations that was paid for by slashing funding for public education. The new business tax has failed to create more and better jobs […]

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Washington State Passes Marriage Equality

Washington State Passes Marriage Equality

 Grandma, why did you have to wait till you were 68 to marry grandma? For 59% of college freshmen, gay marriage is as controversial as bar soap v. liquid soap. So when Washington State legalized gay marriage today, I’m still left a bit distraught that these couples had to wait so long to marry the people they love. Even worse, […]

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BREAKING: Trevor Thomas files paperwork in MI-03 to unseat tea party candidate Justin Amash

BREAKING: Trevor Thomas files paperwork in MI-03 to unseat tea party candidate Justin Amash

Let’s roll As I wrote about earlier this month, Trevor Thomas was mulling a run for Congress in Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District. With polling completed and suggesting a very viable candidacy, Thomas filed paperwork this morning to make it official. Here’s the press release: Trevor Thomas Files to Run in 3rd Congressional District, Pledges to Stand Up for West Michigan […]

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