Category: Uncategorized

Pete Hoekstra pulls racist website down, Debbie Stabenow raises over $150K from it

Debbie Stabenow: 1, Pete Hoekstra: 0 After the devastating news coverage of the past week over the racist ad and website put up by Pete Hoekstra, he has now redirected the Chinese-themed to his own website The YouTube video is still up, however, with over a million views. Comments and ratings are still turned off for the very […]

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More anti-Choice/anti-abortion laws headed for Michigan

More anti-Choice/anti-abortion laws headed for Michigan

Government small enough to fit inside your uterus On the heels of their wildly successful year of “small government” where they created no fewer than 323 new laws, Michigan Republicans turned their attention to making abortion services as difficult as possible for Michigan women to obtain. Last year, they passed a bill making illegal abortions illegal(er). From a Detroit News […]

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Jennifer Granholm is FIRED UP! about Michigan’s recovery, credits “active government” & President Obama

From former Governor Jennifer Granholm’s new show The War Room on Current TV. This is good stuff. Very good stuff. This is what’s got me fired up: Today, on the front page of the New York Times, there was a story about Michigan’s rebound. Believe it or not, the state of Michigan now has a $457 million surplus. Tax revenues […]

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Congressman Dan Benishek getting roasted by Progress Michigan & nurses union for PAC fundraising

Congressman Dan Benishek getting roasted by Progress Michigan & nurses union for PAC fundraising

What? ME?! Oh, you shouldn’t have… Last year, Republican Congressman Dan Benishek headlined a One Nations PAC “Scotch and Cigars” fundraiser. This year, he was again listed on the invitation as being an honoree. This prompted a press release by the Michigan Nurses Association and an online petition by Progress Michigan. Here is a bit of the press release: Michigan […]

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BREAKING: Congressman Gary Peters scores coveted SEIU endorsement in MI-14

Game on Congressman Gary Peters faces two solid primary opponents in the newly-drawn 14th Congressional District in Michigan, Congressman Hansen Clark and Southfield Mayor Brenda Lawrence, a situation intentionally created by Republicans during the redistricting process last year. This morning, Peters announced that he has picked up the much-coveted endorsement of the SEIU: I’ve got some great news to share […]

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Rev. Charles Williams II & clergy call for Quicken Loans to denounce racist Hoekstra ad

The fallout continues Good to see the civil rights leaders and clergy of Michigan getting involved with decrying the racist ad put out on Sunday by Pete Hoekstra. The Rev. Charles Williams II and a coalition of clergy members are asking Hoekstra campaign contributor Quicken Loans to denounce the commercial and ask Hoekstra to pull it. Here’s their press release: […]

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Racist Hoekstra ad reframes the conversation, but not how he wanted it to

Racist Hoekstra ad reframes the conversation, but not how he wanted it to

Missed it by THAT much Pete Hoekstra is nearly giddy about all the attention his racist ad had garnered. Hoekstra, a former Republican congressman from Holland, stood his ground Monday, saying the ad did what he wanted: It drew a clear contrast between himself and Democratic U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow. […] “We knew we were taking an aggressive approach on […]

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Is media group that produced Pete Hoekstra’s racist ad full of Democrats? (Updated)

Is media group that produced Pete Hoekstra’s racist ad full of Democrats? (Updated)

Waaa-aaait a minute… I hadn’t realized this until MaddowBlog retweeted me yesterday, but the media company that created the train wreck of a racist ad for Pete Hoekstra is the same company that did two other catastrophic train wrecks: the infamous “Demon Sheep” ad for Carly Fiorina in California and Christine O’Donnell‘s legendary “I Am Not a Witch” ad. The […]

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My “appearance” on First Shift with Tony Trupiano this morning

My “appearance” on First Shift with Tony Trupiano this morning

A face for radio… If you are interested in listening to my Blog Roll segment on The First Shift with Tony Trupiano radi show his morning, click HERE. We talked about a number of topics but mainly about my piece last week about the ticking tax time bomb in Michigan. Enjoy.

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More on (Moron?) Pete Hoekstra’s racist Super Bowl ad – UPDATED

More on (Moron?) Pete Hoekstra’s racist Super Bowl ad – UPDATED

You’re in a hole, Pete. Stop digging. The fallout from Senatorial candidate and racist Pete Hoekstra and his offensive, xenophobic political ad continued unabated today. Another GOP consultant, Mike Murphy, tweeted that the ad was “really, really dumb”. According the Washington Post, “Foreign Policy magazine managing editor Blake Hounshell called the ad ‘despicable.’” Ironically, the ad, which seems to blame […]

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Justin Amash to get a solid Democratic challenger??? Maybe so if Trevor Thomas runs.

Justin Amash to get a solid Democratic challenger??? Maybe so if Trevor Thomas runs.

Trevor Thomas mulls throwing his hat into the ring in MI-03 There is no question that Congressman Justin Amash of Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District is vulnerable. As a self-identified tea partyer and with the popularity of the failed tea party agenda dwindling more every day, Amash’s own popularity is sinking as well. Enter Trevor Thomas. Born and raised on the […]

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