Category: Uncategorized

Adam Zemke leads in MI-55 fundraising, GOP incumbent considers switching parties

Adam Zemke leads in MI-55 fundraising, GOP incumbent considers switching parties

Zemke showing strong support in redistricted MI-55 Last November, I broke the news that Adam Zemke had announced his candidacy for Michigan’s 55th state House district. This district was recently reconfigured and is now strongly Democratic-leaning – it is considered to be an easy pick-up for Dems. Zemke has only one Democratic opponent at this point, Bob Davidow. This week, […]

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The ongoing travesty of Jean Klock Park and the comedy of Emergency Manager Joe Harris, TAKE 2

The ongoing travesty of Jean Klock Park and the comedy of Emergency Manager Joe Harris, TAKE 2

Let’s try that again, shall we? I posted this yesterday but got some pertinent facts wrong, not once, but twice. So, I pulled the post until I could get my facts straight. In my defense, the situation surrounding the fight to save Jean Klock Park is very confusing – unnecessarily confusing, in my opinion. In a city with less than […]

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State Rep. Mark Ouimet whitewashes new tax on pensions

State Rep. Mark Ouimet whitewashes new tax on pensions

GOP supports tax hikes? Only on the 99% A couple of weeks ago, my state representative Mark Ouimet posted an op-ed at titled “New plan treats income of retirees just like that of working seniors”. In his piece, he whitewashes a new tax on pensions that will adversely impact a significant number of our state’s seniors. The plan is […]

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Michigan labor & environmental leaders unite to fight efforts to weaken environmental protections

Michigan labor & environmental leaders unite to fight efforts to weaken environmental protections

Environmentalists & unions – not-so-strange bedfellows Last week in Lansing, Michigan, leaders from labor and environmental groups around the country gathered to show a united front in their opposition to efforts by Republicans in Congress to weaken environmental protections. As John Walke at the National Resources Defense Council wrote about last fall, the drumbeats are incessant: The week of October […]

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Allen West: People who disagree with me (like Pres. Obama) should “get the hell out of the USA”

Deport the democrats! Congressman Allen West doesn’t like anyone who disagrees with him and his politics. He doesn’t even want them in the country. This past weekend, he said that President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz should “get the hell out of the United States of […]

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Last Day – First quarter fundraising drive

Last Day – First quarter fundraising drive

I want to thank everyone who has contributed to the fundraising drive this week. As I have said to most of you, I will do everything I can to earn your donation. There are two things I plan to use the donations for in the coming year. First, I will be purchasing electronic subscriptions to the Detroit News, the Detroit […]

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Day 6 – First quarter fundraising drive

Day 6 – First quarter fundraising drive

It’s sorta like NPR, only different Hi, folks. I’m winding down my first fundraising drive here at Eclectablog. The response has been excellent and very gratifying. The new media landscape these days makes it very difficult to earn a living doing what I do. Journalists are not being hired and most online content is free. There are really no existing […]

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Today’s Moment of Derp – “I don’t know how you regulate common, everyday things such as driving while impaired”

Ummm…what? Former Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox on legalizing marijuana: Former Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox admitted Friday he smoked pot when he was in high school during the 1970s. But during a symposium on the impact of marijuana reform, Cox stressed there are practical problems in legalizing marijuana, and that’s why he wouldn’t support changes some activists in Michigan […]

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Day 5 – First quarter fundraising drive

Day 5 – First quarter fundraising drive

Why should you donate? Let me count the ways reasons. It’s a big day today. My wife and I are up early, getting ready to head over to cover President Obama’s speech in Ann Arbor. We’ll be trying out some new technology today that will allow us to have Anne’s high-quality photos online within minutes of her capturing the image. […]

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Day 4 – First quarter fundraising drive

Day 4 – First quarter fundraising drive

Now you’re making me blush First, a big thanks to everyone who has made a donation this week. The support is so very much appreciated. In addition to the financial donations I have been getting, I have received so truly touching emails and comments. I got one yesterday that I would like to share with you. I’ve been reading your […]

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Day 3 – First quarter fundraising drive

Day 3 – First quarter fundraising drive

Wait, you don’t get paid for this? The tip jar was pretty quiet yesterday but I am very thankful to those of you that have contributed so far. It surprises people that I don’t get much income from my blogging. As I was walking up to the Capitol building last week with my wife Anne C. Savage and co-blogger at […]

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