Category: Uncategorized

David Cobb, champion of ending corporate personhood, to speak in Grand Rapids, Michigan

David Cobb, champion of ending corporate personhood, to speak in Grand Rapids, Michigan

David Cobb, a former Green Party candidate for president and current spokesperson for the Move to Amend initiative, will be speaking in Grand Rapids on January 12. I have no affiliation with Mr. Cobb or his group but their effort to revoke the treatment of corporations as persons (“corporate personhood”) with rights like “freedom of speech” and the ability to […]

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Glenn Greenwald and the national conversation about sexual assault & rape

Glenn Greenwald and the national conversation about sexual assault & rape

My friend Extreme Liberal posted a piece at Angry Black Lady Chronicles a while back titled “I was sexually assaulted as a child”. With Glenn Greenwald’s obscene comments about my good friend Imani Gandy, the Angry Black Lady, I thought now might be a good time to tell my own story of being sexually molested as a young boy. Unlike […]

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Pres. Obama signs “signing statement” on NDAA, Glenn Greenwald says he could rape a nun & we’d support it

Pres. Obama signs “signing statement” on NDAA, Glenn Greenwald says he could rape a nun & we’d support it

On New Year’s Eve, President Obama signed the H.R. 1540 into law, the “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012”. Many are unhappy about this bill because it includes language that suggests that terrorist suspects, including Americans, can be held indefinitely without trial. One of those unhappy about this provision is President Obama himself. Toward that end, he signed […]

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Newt Gingrich: Sarah Palin is qualified to be Vice President or Secretary of Energy

Newt Gingrich: Sarah Palin is qualified to be Vice President or Secretary of Energy

While the rest of the world laughs at the United States for even entertaining the idea that a person like Newt Gingrich is qualified to be president, he raises the level of his stupidity and pandering insipidity to eleven: Caller: If you’re fortunate enough to be nominated, would you consider having Sarah Palin as your running mate? Gingrich: She is […]

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Detroit’s dog rescue heroes get a welcome gift: $1.5 million for a no-kill shelter

Detroit’s dog rescue heroes get a welcome gift: $1.5 million for a no-kill shelter

If you followed my writing about Ace the pit bull from Detroit, you know that there are as many as 50,000 stray dogs in Detroit, most of them pit bulls. Detroit Dog Rescue (DDR) puts the number at 50,000-100,000. The Detroit Animal Control Center simply cannot handle even a portion of this number of animals. Dogs that are brought there […]

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Congressman Gary Peters to host community forum Thursday, December 29, 2011

From Congressman Gary Peters’ Facebook page: If you live in or near Pontiac, I hope you can join me tomorrow (12/29/2011) at a community forum from 10:00-11:30 a.m. at the Bowen Center at 52 Bagley Street. Your thoughts and opinions are very important to me so I’d like to hear what’s on your mindas we move into the New Year.

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Newt Gingrich to the LGBTQ community: Vote for Obama

Yeah, well, at least Newt is honest about his position on LGBTQ rights: Republican Presidential contender Newt Gingrich had one message for a gay Iowa man: Don’t bother with me, vote Obama. Or so says a professor who met Gingrich at the Smokey Row coffee house in Iowa, according to the Des Moines Register. “I asked him if he’s elected, […]

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The Toil Index – Keeping the 99% busy…at work

The Toil Index – Keeping the 99% busy…at work

Via Laura Conaway at The Maddow Blog: Ezra Klein today runs a year-in-charts post that’s purely the excellent. It includes the Toil Index, by the excellent economist Robert Frank. Basically, it shows why it’s so hard for working people to live decently these days. Working families are running faster and faster just to afford the same things their parents enjoyed, […]

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Tim Walberg voted against extending the middle class tax cuts & extending unemployment insurance

Yesterday during Roll Call Vote 946, my Representative, Congressman Tim Walberg, voted against extending the middle class tax cuts and unemployment insurance for unemployed Americans. The bill is H.R.3630. I just sent him this note and I urge you to do the same: I am appalled that my Representative to Congress voted AGAINST the bill to extend the payroll tax […]

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Michigan town rolls back the clock 5 decades, bans water fluoridation

Michigan town rolls back the clock 5 decades, bans water fluoridation

The Board of Trustees in Hamburg Township, home of Hell, Michigan, voted this week by a 5-2 vote, to ban water fluoridation in their community. Hartland Township will no longer fluoridate its water supply. The Board of Trustees voted 5-2 Tuesday to immediately cease adding the element to its water supply after a lengthy discussion that echoed what became a […]

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Week 1 of post-war Iraqi War Iraq: Vice President Biden nursing the peace

The Iraq War is over but the US is still watching things closely. Today Vice President Biden checked in with the Iraqi Prime Minister and Iraqi Council of Representatives. Via the White House: The Vice President today spoke on the phone with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and separately with Iraqi Council of Representatives Speaker Osama al-Nujaifi to discuss the […]

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