Category: Uncategorized

Reporter writes an entire piece about how I am wrong and spells my blog’s name wrong throughout – Updated

Reporter writes an entire piece about how I am wrong and spells my blog’s name wrong throughout – Updated

I guess I ought to be flattered that Susan Demas at MLive took an entire article to tell me how wrong I am: Left complains about ‘almost secret’ workers’ compensation hearing on TV right now. I just wish she would have gotten my blog’s name spelled right. While promoting the liberal group We Are The People Michigan’s efforts against HB […]

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GOP using back door to derail government regulation – REINS Act & Regulatory Accountability Act

There are a pair of bills going through Congress right now that have the potential to radically alter the government’s ability to regulate industries and organizations in our country. The first of these is the childishly-named “Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act”(H.R. 10). Currently, Congress passes a regulatory law and it is up to the agencies […]

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Remember when they pepper-sprayed the tea party demonstrators?

Remember when they pepper-sprayed the tea party demonstrators?

Remember when they tear-gassed pepper-sprayed the tea party demonstrators? Yeah, me neither. Or the Westboro Baptist Church morons? Funny about that, isn’t it? But, then, they weren’t being all threatening and violent by just, you know, sitting there, right? Like these guys?

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First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden booed by NASCAR fans

After receiving a standing ovation from drivers during a pre-race drivers meeting on Sunday, First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden were unceremoniously booed at NASCAR’s final race of the year at Homestead-Miami Speedway. The two women were there honor military men and women and their families and to draw further attention to […]

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Paul Scott is officially FIRED by the citizens of Michigan

And so it is done. An election board Friday certified results from a recall election that removes a Republican state lawmaker from office. Rep. Paul Scott of Grand Blanc was removed from the Legislature by 233 votes out of more than 24,000 ballots cast in a Nov. 8 election. The Board of State Canvassers certified the results in a meeting […]

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BREAKING: Adam Zemke announces run for Michigan House of Representatives’ 55th District

BREAKING: Adam Zemke announces run for Michigan House of Representatives’ 55th District

Adam Zemke announced today that he will be running as a Democrat for Michigan’s 55th House District to unseat Republican Rick Olson. The district is strongly Democratic after recent redistricting making this a very likely win for the Democrats. Zemke ran for a seat on the Washtenaw County Commission in 2010 and lost by only 723 votes in the Republican […]

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Detroit News’ Nolan Finley: You can’t even watch a little soft-core porn without an Obama commercial

Detroit News’ blatherer Nolan Finley outdid his normal degree of insipidity today with an editorial piece titled “Hollywood ramps up to help Obama”. I was watching an episode of “Hung,” the filmed-in-Detroit HBO series about a guy with a super big — well, the story line isn’t important — when all of a sudden an Obama campaign commercial broke out. […]

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Michigan Messenger is closing

This is depressing: I am writing today to announce the closure of the Michigan Messenger. After four years of operation in Michigan, the board of the American Independent News Network, has decided to shift publication of its news into a single site, The American Independent at This is part of a shift in strategy, towards new forms of journalism […]

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Update on Super Student Brianna Amat from Pinckney, Michigan

Back in October, I wrote about Brianna Amat from Pinckney, Michigan. In the span of about 30 minutes, Brianna kicked the game-winning field goal at her school’s homecoming game and then was chosen as the Homecoming Queen. She’s been feted around the country for what she did and has remained remarkably humble about it the entire time. From my piece […]

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As states fail, Republicans still want to dump everything back on the states

Nearly every proposal I hear lately from Republicans in some form or another involves putting it back on states. Health care. Abortion rights (or lack thereof.) Job creation. Social security. Medicaid. Same-sex marriage. Environmental protection. It’s a nearly endless drumbeat during the Republican debates. I listen to that and then I look at what’s happening in my state of Michigan. […]

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Anti-teachers union StudentsFirst wants to “collaborate” with Michigan teachers union

After spending scads of money to defeat the recall of Paul Scott, a recall backed financially by the Michigan Education Association (MEA), Michigan’s teachers union, suddenly Michelle Rhee’s anti-teachers union group StudentsFirst wants to play kissy-face with them. From their recent press release: StudentsFirst Vice President of Communications Hari Sevugan sent a letter to Michigan Education Association President Steven Cook […]

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