Category: Uncategorized

Jocelyn Benson responds to my criticism of the Engage Michigan conference

Jocelyn Benson responds to my criticism of the Engage Michigan conference

I received this very thoughtful response from Jocelyn Benson on my post criticizing the Engage Michigan conference. I thought it should be seen by a wider audience. Thank you for your feedback on the Engage Michigan Convention. I’m sorry that your experience was not what you had hoped. Allow me to offer my own reflections on your post. The question […]

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Anti-teachers union StudentsFirst says their defeat is a “victory”

Hoo boy, talk about putting lipstick on a pig. This is from Ben Smith at Politico, via a memo from Michelle Rhee’s anti-teacher organization StudentsFirst that spent an enormous amount of money on trying to keep Paul Scott from getting recalled last week: In Michigan, Rep. Paul Scott was targeted for recall by the Michigan Education Association because of his […]

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More “We Can’t Wait” awesomeness from the Obama White House

I like this: We Can’t Wait: Health Care Innovation Challenge will improve care, save money, focus on health care jobsNew funding available for next generation of health care innovations WASHINGTON, DC — Up to $1 billion dollars will be awarded to innovative projects across the country that test creative ways to deliver high quality medical care and save money. Launched […]

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Michigan Dems in the minority: finding new ways to have a voice & an impact

I have a piece up at A2Politico this week that talks about how Democrats in the Michigan legislature are finding ways to have a voice in our state despite their minority status. Using the example of the “anti”-bullying bill passed by Senate Republicans earler this month, I show how they managed to impact a similar bill that was passed by […]

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Mich GOP Senate contender on the wealth gap: “I think it should be wider”

Here’s how the GOP rallies “the 99%”: In regards to the Occupy Wall Street movement, [GOP Senate candidate Clark] Durant said the protesters should “go find a job.” In regards to the wealth gap the movement decries, Durant said, “I think it should be wider.” Get a job, hippy! Too bad there aren’t jobs available. As I recently pointed out, […]

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Michigan Nurses hold townhall mtgs for Camp & Upton…since they won’t hold their own

The Michigan Nurses Association are the cutting edge of activism once again. Check out their latest events (and, yes, YOU are invited): Since Rep. Camp Won’t Hold Citizens Town Hall, Nurses Will Do It For Him on MondayMonday’s event gives citizens opportunity they’ve been denied by supercommittee member MIDLAND – Since Congressman Dave Camp of Midland has denied multiple requests […]

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Michigan is 10th nationally in mercury emissions, has 3 of the 100 dirtiest coal-fired power plants

Michigan is 10th nationally in mercury emissions, has 3 of the 100 dirtiest coal-fired power plants

A new report out today from Environment Michigan titled “Michigan’s Biggest Mercury Polluters” (pdf) shows that Michigan is tenth in the country for mercury emissions and has three of the top 100 most-polluting coal-fired power plants. Their report shows that: The Detroit Edison Monroe Power Plant in Monroe emitted the most mercury pollution of any power plant in Michigan in […]

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Herman Cain’s supporters call his latest accuser Karen Kraushaar “an ugly bitch” – UPDATED x2

Herman Cain’s supporters call his latest accuser Karen Kraushaar “an ugly bitch” – UPDATED x2

The screenshot below tells you pretty much everything you need to know about Herman Cain’s supporters and why he is actually doing pretty well in the polls and with fundraising right now. The screenshot is from his PAC. The title of the post is “Herman Cain Accuser Karen Kraushaar works for Obama and she’s ugly” The comment with the photo […]

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Ohio Governor Kasich gets only half the message sent to him right

Here’s Ohio Governor John Kasich about the stunning defeat handed to him yesterday by Ohio voters who are having none of his union-bashing garbage: At a news conference Tuesday night, Mr. Kasich congratulated the winners and said he would assess the situation before proposing any new legislation. “It’s time to pause,” he said. “The people have spoken clearly.” When asked […]

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Everything would be fine in this country if it wasn’t for Baal

America is about to get saved. On 11/11/11, TheCall Detroit prayer rally is gonna save us all. On November 11–12, 2011, thousands from across America will gather to Ford Field (Home of the Detroit Lions) to fast, pray and cry out to God. We will gather to this city that has become a microcosm of our national crisis—economic collapse, racial […]

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The little GOP recall that could – recalling anti-teacher, anti-union Rep. Paul Scott

The little GOP recall that could – recalling anti-teacher, anti-union Rep. Paul Scott

In what can only be called a nail-biter last night (see my liveblog HERE to see what I mean), the effort to recall anti-teacher, anti-union Republican Rep. Paul Scott from Grand Blanc was successful last night. After all of the votes were counted, Scott was recalled by a margin of only 197 votes – 50.4% to 49.6%. This is, however, […]

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