Category: Uncategorized

LIVEBLOG: Recall of Michigan Rep. Paul Scott – UPDATED: Recall succeeds!!!

At 10:12 p.m., with 65.7% of precincts counted, the recall of anti-teacher, anti-union Michigan State Representative Paul Scott stands thusly: 49.49% FOR recall50.51% against recall ====== 10:18 p.m., with 74.29% of precincts counted, the recall of anti-teacher, anti-union Michigan State Representative Paul Scott stands thusly: 49.39% FOR recall50.61% against recall Difference is 237 votes. Think your vote doesn’t count? ====== […]

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Banks glad you’re moving your money to credit unions – you aren’t profitable enough & they have too much $$$

Banks glad you’re moving your money to credit unions – you aren’t profitable enough & they have too much $$$

I’m sorry, but I’m having a REAL hard time believing this load of manure: DCDecoder asks [Motley Fool’s] Morgan Housel: Why do you think Bank Transfer Day may end up working out for banks AND customers? Housel: One of the drivers behind [Bank Transfer Day] is people trying to teach banks a lesson. The irony of that is since the […]

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Lance Enderle announces run for Congress in Michigan’s 8th District

Lance Enderle announces run for Congress in Michigan’s 8th District

Lance Enderle, who ran against incumbent Republican Mike Rogers in 2010, has announced he will run again in 2012. From his candidate’s website: I’M BACK! I am honored to announce that I have begun my campaign to represent Michigan’s 8th Congressional District in 2012. I am on a continued mission that began when I ran for the same office in […]

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Sugar Law Center to host lecture and fundraiser – November 16, 2011

Sugar Law Center to host lecture and fundraiser – November 16, 2011

Friend of the Blog™ (hey, if Stephen Colbert can have a Friend of the Show™…) Sugar Law Center is having a very special night next week, Wednesday, November 16th. First, they are hosting the Leonard Grossman Memorial Lecture. As you know if you read this blog regularly, Sugar Law Center is suing the State of Michigan over the Emergency Manager […]

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Following the money: who wants Paul Scott’s recall to fail – Michelle Rhee, the DeVos family, and beyond

You can tell a great deal about a given situation, as they say, by following the money. As anti-union, anti-teacher Republican state Rep. Paul Scott faces the voters of his district in a recall election tomorrow, it’s useful to see who has been pouring money into his coffers for the past couple of months. All of this information is available […]

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Occupy Chicago protesters shut down WI Gov. Walker appearance with The People’s Microphone

This is exactly the kind of civil disobedience I can completely get behind. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker appeared at a public policy breakfast at the Union League Club in Chicago. A collection of about 50 Occupy protestors purchased tickets and sat quietly, dressed to the nines, eating, conversing and waiting. Waiting until Governor Walker took the podium to give a […]

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Herman Cain is shocked that the press is doing journalism

Herman Cain is shocked that the press is doing journalism

Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich had a mini-debate this past week, just the two of them. During this debate, Cain expressed his utter shock at the fact that [you won’t believe this] the news media actually looks into the pasts of presidential candidates and investigates the things they say and do. Tea party organizers explicitly limited to the discussion to […]

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Latest poll shows Paul Scott recall VERY close, gives Scott the edge

Latest poll shows Paul Scott recall VERY close, gives Scott the edge

The lastest poll conducted by MIRS and Practical Political Consulting shows GOP Rep. Paul Scott winning his recall vote by a very narrow margin. New polling shows Rep. Paul Scott, R-Grand Blanc, beating Tuesday’s recall election with half of the vote. The poll, commissioned by Michigan Information and Research Service and conducted by Practical Political Consulting, shows Scott getting 50 […]

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Republicans say “no new taxes” – for 30 of the most-profitable companies, that means NO taxes at all

Republicans say “no new taxes” – for 30 of the most-profitable companies, that means NO taxes at all

I’m getting a bit weary of the obnoxious political commentary suggesting that the Occupy movement is full of spoiled brats with plenty of money. The reality is that many people in the middle class, people like me, for instance, are one or two missed paychecks from losing everything. President Obama and the Democrats want to put people to work on […]

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SHOCKER! Goldline indicted for fraud!

SHOCKER! Goldline indicted for fraud!

I travel a fair bit for work and have found that, in the South especially, the only radio stations that come in loud and clear are generally AM talk shows. Which means I dip my toe into the insanity that is Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and Glenn Beck from time to time. I look at it like scoping out the […]

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Saugatuck Dunes gets a temporary reprieve from developer Aubrey McClendon & his Singapore Dunes development company

Saugatuck Township on the shore of Lake Michigan has been battling against developer and natural gas tycoon Aubrey McClendon for several years to prevent the development of sensitive dune land in the community. They were subject to countless lawsuits, essentially draining the Township coffers until, last summer, they finally capitulated and came to an “agreement” with McClendon’s group, Singapore Dunes. […]

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