Category: Uncategorized

Occupy Niles – VIDEO from last Saturday’s protest in southwest Michigan

Occupy Niles – VIDEO from last Saturday’s protest in southwest Michigan

Another of Capture Me Films most-excellent videos, this one from the Occupy Niles protest in Niles, Michigan last Saturday. The group Occupy Southwest Michigan is very clearly not a bunch of dissatisfied hippy kids, venting their spleens as is too often portrayed in the media surrounding the Occupy Wall Street movement. This is a group of articulate, angry adults, pissed […]

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Sub-prime AUTO loan securities? Are these people insane? No. Greedily exploiting the poor.

It was the invention and subsequent abuse of sub-prime mortgage securities that crashed our economy. Now these idiots are trading sub-prime auto loan securities. Private equity firms are investing in chains of used-car lots, and auto loans are being packaged into securities much like subprime mortgages. They’re attracted by the industry’s average profit of 38% for each car sold. […] […]

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The Paul Scott recall effort NEEDS YOUR HELP!!!

The Paul Scott recall effort NEEDS YOUR HELP!!!

Okay, folks, it’s crunch time. The election that may well lead to the expulsion of anti-teacher, anti-union Republican Paul Scott is next week. (Details of his epic struggle to avoid this recall are HERE.) His side of the effort is spending lotsa money on yard signs, robocalls, and deceptive radio ads. Hell, he has the governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder, […]

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Who said THAT???! – LGBT coolness edition

Who said this? “For all the girls who think tradition should be continued, go back to the kitchen, stop having sex before you’re married, get out of school and job system, don’t have an opinion, don’t own any property, give up the right to marry who you love, don’t vote, and allow your husband to do whatever he pleases to […]

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Punkins! Punkins! Punkins! The coolest Punkins evah!

Punkins! Punkins! Punkins! The coolest Punkins evah!

This was VERY popular last year so I’m reposting for your Halloween viewing pleasure. Enjoy. I love Halloween but I’m not much of a punkin carver. However, I love looking at them. Here’s a bunch of the coolest punkins I could find on the web. Well, except this one. It was taken by my wife: From her Flickr page: I’m […]

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Herman Cain is tired, people. Quit asking him hard questions.

Herman Cain is tired, people. Quit asking him hard questions.

Is Herman Cain presidential matterial? Not hardly. Cain…said he plans to “dial back” his campaign and media appearances in order to avoid missteps. Since climbing in the polls, he has had a series of fumbles, forcing him to clarify comments on abortion, immigration and terrorism suspects. Cain has chalked up the mistakes to a grueling campaign schedule jammed with media […]

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MLive poll: over 82% say “Recall Paul Scott!”

I’m traveling for work this week so it’s been light blogging. I thought you might enjoy this link, however: Poll: Should Rep. Paul Scott be recalled? Answer: with over 800 votes cast, an overwhelming number say “YES!”. 78+% in fact. [NOTE: this is even higher than the 61% in support of the recall that came out of a MIRS poll […]

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Michigan Supreme Ct. to GOP Rep. Paul Scott: “Strike three, you’re out!” Recall is STILL on!

After going to the Michigan Supreme Court well for a third time, GOP Representative Paul Scott has been smacked down a third and final time. The Supreme Court ruled today that Paul Scott’s recall WILL go forward. The Michigan Supreme Court says it will not stop or postpone a recall election targeting a state lawmaker. Today’s decision clears the way […]

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Rep. Eric Cantor to speak at University of Michigan on Oct. 31, will be greeted by protesters

Rep. Eric Cantor to speak at University of Michigan on Oct. 31, will be greeted by protesters

Next Monday, October 31, 2011 (Halloween!), Congressman Eric Cantor will be giving a speech on the Campus of the University of Michigan. When he arrives, he will be greeted by a multitude of protesters angry with his obstructionism and his anti-Middle Class agenda. Dear Fellow Graduate Student or University or Michigan faculty member, After previously canceling a public appearance at […]

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Climate change deniers get pwned by their own Koch-paid-for study

Climate change deniers get pwned by their own Koch-paid-for study

So, you know the routine: the conservatives in this country are convinced, despite all scientific data to the contrary, that global climate change is a myth concocted by Al Gore and his minions to … raise money or something. (I don’t really understand their rationale, quite frankly.) Well, they got a bunch of climate scientists together and created the Berkeley […]

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Cain’s 9-9-9 tax scheme: a MASSIVE tax cut for the wealthy

Cain’s 9-9-9 tax scheme: a MASSIVE tax cut for the wealthy

There’s been a lot of talk lately about Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan (or 9-0-9 for po’ foke.) It’s not only a regressive tax that disproportionately impacts poor people, it’s also a MASSIVE give-away to the very, very rich. That weird looking thing to the right of this text is a graph of whose taxes go up and whose taxes go […]

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