Category: Uncategorized

More on Lord’s Resistance Army w/ a video response to Limbaugh from an LRA survivor

As I wrote yesterday, Rush Limbaugh criticized President Obama for sending 100 of our troops to Africa to help rid the planet of some of the most evil people alive. Here’s what he said: Now, up until today, most Americans have never heard of the combat Lord’s Resistance Army. And here we are at war with them. Have you ever […]

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Some views from last Saturday’s Occupy Lansing rally (VIDEO)

A great video shot by Doug Miller of Capture Me Films last weekend at Reutter Park and the state Capitol during the Occupy Lansing rally. Really good stuff.

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Attention Michigan medical community: Occupy Detroit needs YOU!!!

The organizers of Occupy Detroit are putting out an urgent call to the Michigan medical community. Your help is urgently needed to staff a medical tent at the occupation in Grand Circus Park. From Monica RW at Reach Out Job Search: A Facebook Logistics page has been set up to coordinate the URGENT NEED medical staff for the Occupy Detroit […]

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Status of Michigan recalls

Status of Michigan recalls

I have a new post up at A2Politico that talks about the recalls going on around the state of Michigan. I won’t spoil the fun by reprinting it here. Go have a look. It talks about the recalls against Republicans, Democrats and Governor Snyder as well. Here’s a list of the 26 recalls against Republicans and their current status so […]

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Working America introduces the “Job Tracker”. You can help make it viral.

Working America introduces the “Job Tracker”. You can help make it viral.

Working America, a community affiliate of the AFL-CIO, has created a Job Tracker that allows you to identify companies are not doing their part to help our country and our economy. Find out which companies in your area are exporting jobs, laying off workers, endangering workers’ health or involved in cases of violations of workers’ rights. The database contains information […]

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Nurses aides at Michigan veteran’s health care facility get reprieve from privatization

Last month, I wrote about an attempt to privatize the nurse aides at a veteran’s health care facility in Michigan. A plan to privatize nurses aides at a state-run veterans health care facility is drawing sharp criticism from unions as well as patients at the facility. At a Michigan Civil Service Commission (MCSC) hearing this week, Commissioners heard from a […]

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Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero welcomes Occupy Lansing protesters to the Capitol

Only a handful of mayors have voiced support of the hundreds of Occupations going on across the country. Most have been on the west coast. The mayor of Arcata, California, for example, joined protesters. Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn is “being patient” with protesters although has tried to get them to move to City Hall. They have not done this, however […]

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Occupy the Board Room – Your chance to take your story straight to the 1%

Occupy the Board Room – Your chance to take your story straight to the 1%

A friend of mine at Venice for Change has put together a rather interesting idea. Her group has obtained the contact information of a significant number of high level executives at the major banks (Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, etc.) Their new website allows you to send your personal story directly to one of these executives to let them know […]

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Autumn Chill

Autumn Chill

Kona the blind, nearly-deaf diabetic Everyready Doggerz:

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LIVEBLOG: Occupy Lansing – Mayor Virg Bernero in complete support

LIVEBLOG: Occupy Lansing – Mayor Virg Bernero in complete support

I’ll be live-blogging the Occupy Lansing event in Lansing, Michigan today. One thing that sets this particular event apart from many of the others is that the mayor of Lansing, Virg Bernero, is in total support of it. He has sent portable toilets, garbage dumpsters and given the protesters a permit without an expiration date to protesters at Reutter Park […]

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Read this. Read this now. Share it with everyone you know.

Seriously, if you haven’t read “An open letter to that 53% guy”, you need to do so. And then share it far and wide. It’s the most cogent explanation of why #occupywallstreet is happening right now in this country. Period. P.S. it’s officially the most viral and widely-shared post ever to appear on Daily Kos. That’s saying more than most […]

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