Category: Uncategorized

Obama-supporter Derangement Syndrome

Obama-supporter Derangement Syndrome

First is was Queen Hamsher declaring that Obama supporters are the “dumbest motherfuckers in the world”. Now there’s this douchebag. He’s Frank Beckman, a far-right radio news personality out of WJR in Detroit. It is revealing that President Barack Obama’s re-election supporters are embracing the disjointed complaints of the Occupy Wall Street crowd now that union members and the George […]

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Privatization can get you killed

New Yorker Michael Trapp nearly found out the hard way that privatization can get you killed. Confusion by a Virginia-based controller and search operations coordinated by the U.S. Coast Guard in Cleveland are blamed in a report for delaying rescue efforts for a pilot who spent 18 hours in Lake Huron after his small plane crashed within sight of the […]

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When librarians march

When librarians march

This sorta sums things up for me with regard to the Occupy Wall Street and other protests going on around the country at the moment. Not my photo, but so very perfect. Photo by Velcro Ripper You know things are messed up when librarians start marching. Protesting! It’s not just for hippies anymore!

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Occupy Ann Arbor rally – 10/6/2011 – Getting organized!

Occupy Ann Arbor rally – 10/6/2011 – Getting organized!

Several hundred people gathered on The Diag at the University of Michigan last evening to organize for further protests in support of #OccupyWallStreet. It was a diverse crowd and may appear to some as being somewhat disorganized. But they are taking the right steps to move forward. People in orange shirts like this fine fellow collected names and contact information […]

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A fitting tribute to Steve Jobs

A fitting tribute to Steve Jobs

A fitting tribute to Steve Jobs by my wife.

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(Steve) Jobs

(Steve) Jobs

I’ve had it in my mind for a couple of years now to write about Apple and its impact on the world in terms of creating wealth. With the death of the brilliant Steve Jobs, it seems an apropos to do it now. One of the things that has fascinated me about Jobs and the amazing company that he built […]

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Fantastic turnout for Planned Parenthood’s fundraiser at Arbor Brewing Co.

Fantastic turnout for Planned Parenthood’s fundraiser at Arbor Brewing Co.

Lots of folks, lots of fun and lotsa beer! Protestor-free! Full house! State Rep. Jeff Irwin checking in Nom, nom, nom

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INTERVIEW: Former U.S. Congressman Mark Schauer from the BlueGreen Alliance

INTERVIEW: Former U.S. Congressman Mark Schauer from the BlueGreen Alliance

Former MI-07 Congressman Mark Schauer rode the Democratic tidal wave into office in 2008, defeating “The Original Tea Partier” Tim Walberg, only to be sent packing by a fickle MI-07 electorate in 2010. Since his defeat that put Walberg (eww) back in office, Schauer has stayed involved in politics and now works with the BlueGreen Alliance (BGA) as the national […]

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Planned Parenthood’s 14th Annual Ann Arbor Beer Tasting – TOMORROW! 10/5/2011

Planned Parenthood’s 14th Annual Ann Arbor Beer Tasting – TOMORROW! 10/5/2011

Tomorrow night is Michigan Planned Parenthood’s 14th Annual Ann Arbor Beer Tasting. They hope to raise $2,500 for the cause while raising awareness about the important role Planned Parenthood plays in the lives of Michigan women and women across the country. From their Facebook page: Get your tickets NOW! Three ticket levelsLager $30Pilsener $50Stout $100 The battle to protect Planned […]

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Coolness break

Coolness break

Okay, THIS is totally cool. In his 18 years at Pinckney Community High School, Jim Darga, the principal, said, the homecoming queen had always been crowned at halftime of the school’s football game. Never before, though, had she had to be summoned from the team’s locker room. Brianna Amat, the first girl to make the Pinckney varsity football team, said […]

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Privatization of nurses aides compromises Michigan veterans’ health in state-run facility

A plan to privatize nurses aides at a state-run veterans health care facility is drawing sharp criticism from unions as well as patients at the facility. At a Michigan Civil Service Commission (MCSC) hearing this week, Commissioners heard from a variety of speakers asking them to reverse their decision. Don Slocum sought relief from the heat in the shade of […]

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