Category: Uncategorized

You won’t have Thad McCotter to say “WHO? Really? For PRESIDENT?” about anymore

Thad McCotter has dropped out of the race for president. Bye, bye, Thad. We hardly knew ya (by which I mean literally that almost everyone in the country has absolutely no idea who you are or that you were even running for president.) Livonia Rep. Thaddeus McCotter told The Detroit News this afternoon that he is leaving the race for […]

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Obama administration wants Wall Street banks to help pay for auto company and other bailout losses

This should make progressives VERY happy. In fact, it ought to make the Congressional Progressive Caucus especially happy because the Obama administration is pushing to adopt a key component of their People’s Budget (pdf): forcing the banks that caused our country’s economic crisis to help pick up the pieces by paying for the losses incurred by taxpayers in helping save […]

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Zoning by consent decree – is Saugatuck Dunes the first domino?

I’m reprinting a guest column titled “Dunes Decision Troubling for All”, first published at The Bridge. In this piece, Alison Swan describes how Aubrey McClendon and his development company circumvented the normal legislative process and took his fight to develop the sensitive, rare and, of course, beautiful Saugatuck Dunes directly to the courts. Here, with his deep pockets and bloated […]

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Michael Moore has now COMPLETELY lost me

I used to adore Michael Moore. I still like his “documentaries” mostly. But him, as a person who speaks for ‘liberals’? Ummm…not so much. Dude totally does not speak for me. To wit: I voted for the black guy and what we got was the white guy. Shut up, asshole. Seriously. Just shut the fuck up. H/T Angry Black Lady

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Are you freaking kidding me, you childish piece of Republican excrement?

You know the jobs bill President Obama has been exhorting Congress to pass “right away”? The “American Jobs Act”? Congressman Louie Gohmert introduced a two-page bill before any Democrat had introduced the President’s job bill and titled it “The American Jobs Act of 2011”. I’m not shitting you. This childish piece of Republican excrement took the name that President Obama […]

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Who Said THAT??? – Most awesomest quote of the day edition

So, who said this? These people who are making a big deal out of gay marriage? I don’t give a fuck about who wants to get married to anybody else! Why not?! We’re making a big deal out of things we shouldn’t be making a deal out of. They go on and on with all this bullshit about ‘sanctity’ — […]

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Working America’s response to President Obama’s job plan speech last night

From my friends at Working America: September 8, 2011 Working America Statement on President Obama’s Jobs Plan The President laid out some proposals tonight that represent a starting point for reversing the devastating jobs crisis that our nation continues to endure. But if we are to truly dig ourselves out of this hole, we have much more work ahead of […]

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Got an idea for creating jobs that doesn’t involve Congress? Let’s hear it!

Chris Bowers has a fantastic idea at Daily Kos. While a campaign on behalf of stimulative measures to create jobs is unquestionably worth a try, it will be extremely difficult to convince this Congress to go along with any new legislation other than cutting taxes for the rich, taking away entitlements from everyone, continuing to slash non-military discretionary spending, and […]

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State Rep. Dave Agema asked to speak at freakazoid “Pastor” Terry Jones’ rally at the Capitol

Want to know how bad things have gotten in Michigan? HERE is how bad. According to the shithead “Pastor” Terry Jones, one of our state representatives, Dave Agema, actually asked if he could speak at Jones’ rally held at the Michigan State Capitol yesterday. According to Jones, Agema “chickened out”. The “he said, he said” afterwards is a Popcorn Moment, […]

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I was feelin’ kinda patriotic in Detroit yesterday:

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President Obama hits the stage in Detroit on Labor Day 2011

Detroit loves them some President Obama!

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