Category: Uncategorized

A2Politico: The double-edged sword of being “The Most Beautiful Place in America”

A2Politico: The double-edged sword of being “The Most Beautiful Place in America”

I have a new piece up at A2Politico that looks at the impact on the area in and around the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore on being named “The Most Beautiful Place in America” by “Good Morning, America” viewers. It talks about the history of the formation of the national park, why some locals are not particularly happy about all […]

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Sorta live-blogging The Most Beautiful Place in America, Day 4 – Ahhhhhh

Sorta live-blogging The Most Beautiful Place in America, Day 4 – Ahhhhhh

=10:00 a.m. on the Crystal River ====== When you arrive back in Glen Arbor, you see this on the side of one of the kayak liveries: Me and Eclectablog reader Lisa Nordby who works at the Cherry Republic ( yum) ====== Whale-watching on Lake Michigan with the Wisconsin Alps in the background. Only saw two today. And a proper one […]

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Sorta live-blogging The Most Beautiful Place in America, Day 3 – More Sleeping Bear Goodness

Sorta live-blogging The Most Beautiful Place in America, Day 3 – More Sleeping Bear Goodness

Just outside of Cedar, 10 a.m., going in search of the Cedar Creek Just another day in paradise The Most Beautiful Place in America. ====== Found it: a natural cedar bonsai tree, sharing a stump with some moss and fungus. Just saw a river otter chomping on a crawfish. First one I’ve ever seen in the Lower Peninsula. ==== Coming […]

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Sorta live-blogging The Most Beautiful Place in America, Day Two – the socialist Nat’l Parks

Sorta live-blogging The Most Beautiful Place in America, Day Two – the socialist Nat’l Parks

Click image for a larger version As I ramble about this most awesome place with my best friend, soulmate, lover and wife (all the same person, fortunately for me), I’m reminded that this this amazing place belongs to all of us. That’s the beauty and strength of the National Parks — they are owned by all of us collectively, a […]

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Sorta live-blogging The Most Beautiful Place in America

Sorta live-blogging The Most Beautiful Place in America

Our first real view of Lake Michigan. Just north of Empire near North Bar Lake. A view north from the beach: Adding… Did I mention that they have 3G data coverage throughout the whole park? === Here’s the (only) sign that marks the trail to this beach: ====== North Bar Lake, just one small dune away from Lake Michigan. Click […]

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Michele Bachmann thinks Americans are afraid of (Russian) ghosts – the tea party worship of ignorance

Michele Bachmann thinks Americans are afraid of (Russian) ghosts – the tea party worship of ignorance

Michele Bachmann apparently does not realize there actually is no such thing as the Soviet Union any more. She thinks Americans are afraid of it, though. I would say it’s a unified message. It really is about jobs and the economy. That doesn’t mean people haven’t [sic] forgotten about protecting life and marriage and the sanctity of the family. People […]

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Losing our voice in how our communities are developed

In March of 2008, Governor Jennifer Granholm signed into law legislation called the Michigan Planning Enabling Act (Michigan Public Act 33 of 2008.) This new law replaced three separate laws governing planning for municipalities, townships and counties, bringing their separate provisions into one unified law. Among other things, PA 33 changed how counties must set up their Planning Commissions, requiring […]

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White boy got (bad) dance — all over the world

This is a few years old but it’s the first I’ve seen it (H/T Rhoda A.) It’s Matt Harding from Where The Hell Is Matt?. He danced his white butt all over the world. And I do mean all over the world. Check it out: Matt is a 34-year-old deadbeat from Connecticut who used to think that all he ever […]

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Help out a buddy for me? All he needs is your vote NOW!

A friend of mine has a remix of Alicia Keys’ “Rock Wit U” in a competition and is on the event horizon of 1st and 2nd place. So, how can you all help, you ask? Easy, you just have to vote for him. With YOUR vote, he could be firmly in first place. Gotta do it NOW, though because voting […]

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Rick Perry repeats an urban legend, is an idiot

Dude, you’re running for president for Godess’s sake. Get your damn facts straight, willya??? I was at the Iowa State Fair today and caught Rick Perry’s speech. He started talking about this stupid new regulation that would require farmers to get commercial drivers licenses if they drive their tractors across the road. I remember reading about this very issue … […]

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The zucchinis are coming! The zucchinis are coming!

The zucchinis are coming! The zucchinis are coming!

Does your fridge look like this these days? If so, here’s a great way to use up some of those prolific fruits. From my wife’s blog, The Savage Feast: Stuffed baked zucchini with rice, orzo and cherry tomatoes Nom, nom, nom…

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