Category: Uncategorized

Oh, Sarah Palin, why are you so unbelievably stupid?

Oh, Sarah Palin, why are you so unbelievably stupid?

First there’s this reference to the “Statute” of Liberty in a tweet: We’ll highlight the beauty of legal immigrants’ work ethic and love of freedom while visiting Ellis Island & Statute of Liberty today. And then there’s these fine examples of mush-mouthed inanity, courtesy of Bob Cesca: “This Statue of Liberty was gifted to us by foreign leaders, really as […]

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Goodbye, Hara

Goodbye, Hara

Unfortunately, on Saturday, our beloved Hara lost her fight against what was either advanced liver disease or cancer. Less than three weeks ago, she was acting totally normal and showed no obvious signs of being sick. The speed with which this took her astonished us and, frankly, left us unprepared for how much of an emotional blow it would be. […]

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The Detroit News responds to their lack of coverage of Michigan protest rally

The Detroit News responds to their lack of coverage of Michigan protest rally

I have a new piece up at A2Politico that looks further at the Detroit Newspaper blackout of the gigantic union rally last weekend. Here’s a brief excerpt: Bill Moyers once said, “There is no more important struggle for American democracy than ensuring a diverse, independent and free media. Free Press is at the heart of that struggle.” In Michigan right […]

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Light blogging – dog drama continues

Sorry for the light blogging the past couple of days. We’re still dealing with a very sick dog and it now appears she has liver disease which was the original cause of the thrombocytopenia. She had a liter of fluid drained from her belly yesterday and had a rough night. I thought for sure we’d be putting her to sleep […]

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6,000+ people rally at the Michigan Capitol, media focuses on the Rapture

6,000+ people rally at the Michigan Capitol, media focuses on the Rapture

I wish this headline were bogus. It’s not. Yesterday, over 6,000 people, mostly teachers and their supporters, rallied on the lawn of the Michigan State Capitol building to protest Governor Rick Snyder’s cuts to education, used to fund an 86% tax cut for corporations. This is what it looked like: The major media outlets in Michigan seem to think it […]

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Open mike — take it away

Probably no blogging today or tomorrow. We’re prepping the garden and harvesting something like six pounds of spinach to be turned into spinach pizzas for the freezer. Tomorrow, I’ll be attending the Michigan Summit (and missing the big recall kickoff at the Capitol, unfortunately.) So, I’m turning the blog over to you folks for awhile. What’s the news of the […]

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Eclectadog update – the news is good!

Eclectadog update – the news is good!

Here’s a quick update for all those who have asked. Hara is doing much better. Here’s a shot my wife took of her on their trip to the vet yesterday: Her bruising is almost entirely healed up. Her red blood cell levels are on the rise and, best news yet, the vet said we may actually be able to get […]

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Netroots for the Troops – Where “Support the Troops” actually means something

Netroots for the Troops – Where “Support the Troops” actually means something

NOTE: This is a repost of my previous diary. We are woefully short of meeting my goal of raising $2,500 for Netroots for the Troops and the Netroots Nation Conference is only a month away. Please consider joining TEAM ECLECTABLOG and making a donation. Even $10 is very helpful. And please consider sharing this on your Facebook page, tweeting it […]

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It’s “unAmerican” to want to end corporate welfare for Big Oil & Gas

It’s “unAmerican” to want to end corporate welfare for Big Oil & Gas

The profits being made by Big Oil & Gas companies right now aren’t just big. They aren’t just eye-popping. They are historical. I mean, hello, momma, look at this: In fact, in the past decade, the top five Big Oil & Gas companies have made almost $1 TRILLION in profits. Pretty impressive, really, particularly in light of the fact that […]

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Eclectadog update

Eclectadog update

I apologize for the overly personal stuff about my dog but, when I describe her as “the President of the Eclectablog Fan Club”, I should always add that I am also the president of the Hara fan club. Hara kept food down overnight. Her red blood cell levels are coming up as is her blood protein. She ate a whole […]

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Homophobe & former asst. AG Andrew Shirvell still making a mockery of our court system

I have written about the pathetic excuse for a public servant that is Andrew Shirvell before (here and here). To recap, he was stalking University of Michigan student body president, Chris Armstrong, posting offensively Photoshopped images on an anti-Armstrong website, writing defamatory things about Armstrong (an openly gay man) and conducting one-man protests outside the home of Shirvell and his […]

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