Category: Uncategorized

Eclectablog talks Benton Harbor on Lansing’s WLNZ 89.7

I joined Dr. John Schweitzer from Michigan State University on Bonnie Bucqueroux’s radio show last night to talk about the situation in Benton Harbor. Dr. Schweitzer spent two years there, working with a grant from the Whirlpool Corporation, bringing the University’s many various resources to bear in Benton Harbor. Unfortunately, his funding was pulled the third year. I come in […]

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Citizens United threatens to sue Recall Rick group

Citizens United (yes, that Citizens United) has threatened to sue the group heading up the recall of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, forcing them to change their name from Michigan Citizens United to the Committee to Recall Rick Snyder. Lansing— A group seeking to recall Gov. Rick Snyder is changing its name under threat of legal action, a spokesman said today. […]

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Don’t let ANYONE EVER tell you racism isn’t alive and well in the USA

Don’t let ANYONE EVER tell you racism isn’t alive and well in the USA

From The Maddow Blog: That bumpersticker says “Don’t RENIG in 2012”. “RENIG” is not a misspelling of the word “renege”, it’s saying “don’t relelect a nigger in 2012”. This particular photo was snapped in Arizona but someone in the comments section said they’ve seen it in the Detroit area, too. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised to see it in […]

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Eclectablog interviewed

So, if you’ve been just dying to know more about who I am and what motivates me, head over to the most-awesome A2Politico blog where yours truly was recently interviewed. Please tell me I don’t come across as an egotistical attention whore. That was supposed to be my secret.

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More federal loans to auto industry being paid back by Chrysler Corp

The federal government is about to get back more of the money it loaned to American automakers. This time it’s the Chrysler Corporation. They are going to sell some debt and take out bank loans to pay back the U.S. government.  Chrysler says it will take out bank loans and sell debt later this quarter to repay $6.6 billion in […]

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Vermont Senate follows House by passing single payer healthcare bill

This is absolutely fabulous news: The [Vermont] state Senate gave preliminary approval Monday to health care legislation that is a key part of Gov. Peter Shumlin’s agenda. The bill, a version of which already has been passed by the House, would put Vermont on a path toward what it calls a “universal and unified health system” and what the Democratic […]

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Dems gather enough signatures to recall a 6th Republican, Republican recall efforts bomb

Oh, hardee har har har. Yesterday, the group collecting signatures to recall Wisconsin Senator Robert Cowles announced they have enough signatures to put his recall on the ballot. That makes the sixth such announcement since the wave of recall campaigns began. Six down, two to go. Meanwhile, Republican efforts to recall two three Democrats crapped out. A recall effort targeting […]

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Saugatuck Dunes threatened by a web of Republican influence in Michigan

Last week, I wrote about the connection between Congressman Fred Upton, the Emergency Financial Manager takeover of Benton Harbor and Aubrey McClendon, a millionaire developer and owner of the Chesapeake Oil natural gas company. In the piece, I talked a bit about McClendon’s lawsuits against Saugatuck Township in their efforts to prevent McClendon from developing a piece of duneland at […]

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Fracking millionaire claims “There’s no such thing as clean coal” 2 weeks before his natural gas disaster

Last week, I wrote about a millionaire natural gas tycoon named Aubrey McClendon and his ties to Michigan. I also wrote about the man-made disaster his company Chesapeake Oil has created in Pennsylvania when one of their natural gas wells blew up and spewed thousands of gallons of chemical soup into the surrounding land an into a creek that leads […]

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Apology accepted!

Apology accepted!

Apparently Rachel Maddow got at least a bit of an earful about mispronouncing my name on her show last night, calling me Electablog. (Well at least one tweet from me ;) It’s a common mistake, so, whatevs. I kinda facepalmed it, had some fun on Twitter with it and moved on. Tonight I got this tweet: I hereby submit to […]

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Netroots for the Troops – Where “Support the Troops” actually means something

Netroots for the Troops – Where “Support the Troops” actually means something

Hi. I’m back again to talk about Netroots for the Troops, a project aimed at providing 600 CARE packages to men and women in the military who are stationed overseas. As I mentioned in my last blog about this, I have set up a team called “Team Eclectablog” (original, eh?) and have given myself a goal of raising $2,500 for […]

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