Category: Uncategorized

Rob Steele: Tea Partying glutton for punishment

Rob Steele who got his proverbial ass handed to him last November by Congressman John Dingell has now

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Virginia AG Cuccinelli freezes payments to non-profits, says they’re “unconstitutional”

Virginia AG Cuccinelli freezes payments to non-profits, says they’re “unconstitutional”

Well, it’s the Kick in the Teeth du jour for our country’s neediest people. This time it’s courtesy of Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli: On Friday, Cuccinelli’s office informed state officials that it has completed its review of a number of charities funded through the Virginia Department of Health, deeming some payments unconstitutional. ~SNIP~ [T]he decision could endanger millions in […]

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Eric Cantor is so out of touch he doesn’t even know when tax day is

Fer cryin’ out loud, I thought these guys were tax freaks? House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, a guy who steeps himself in tea party rhetoric with every breath and oozes tea from ever pore, is, apparently, so completely out of touch with the everyday lives of average Americans that he doesn’t even know when Tax Day is this year. Leader […]

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John Kyl: If you’re a Senator, it’s okay to lie to make your point

Senator John Kyl is a liar. This has now been established. Last Friday he said this on the Senate floor: “Everybody goes to clinics, to hospitals, to doctors, and so on. Some people go to Planned Parenthood. But you don’t have to go to Planned Parenthood to get your cholesterol or your blood pressure checked. If you want an abortion, […]

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Fourth grade white kids auction off fourth grade black kids

File this one in the “Are You Effing KIDDING Me???” file: [D]uring a fourth grade teacher’s lesson on the Civil War, students were separated by race. White students on one side and African American and mixed-race students on the other, who were then offered up for auction… What the hell is the matter with some people??? I’m just sayin’…

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If you want to be pissed about the budget deal, try these on for size

Lest anyone think I have fallen madly in love with the budget deal the President just hammered out with Congress (aka, the Continuing Resolution or CR), I’m not. I think the President did a fine job getting as much as he could without having to give too much up, for sure. But there’s still some pretty egregious stuff in there. […]

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Being “in it for the long haul” and why it matters

Like many of you, I am truly frustrated with many of my liberal compadres who hoped for nearly instant gratification after Senator Barack Obama became President Barack Obama. I don’t have to tell you how absurd it is to expect years and years of conservative damage to be repaired, reversed and rejected in just a couple of years, particularly in […]

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Michigan Militiamen display hilarious lack of knowledge about the Constitution

Hoo boy. THIS is absolutely hilarious. Most people are aware of the Michigan Militia, a very disorganized group of separatists who believe the government is the enemy and that there’s a conspiracy behind every tree. Timothy McVeigh spent time with them before he blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City and they have been in and […]

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The Republican “Path to Poverty”

Paul Ryan calls his new budget cause the “Path to Prosperity”. The new head of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (woo HOO!!!) calls it, appropriately, the “Path to Poverty”. Mr. Chairman, I rise today in support of amendment number 4 which stops reckless and shameful cuts to senior and nursing homes. As a member of Congress representing a large […]

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Fox “News” drops Glenn Beck, sentient beings around the world cheer

Well, halle-freakin-lujah. Glenn Beck to End Daily Fox News Program Glenn Beck will end his daily Fox News Channel program later this year. His departure was jointly announced on Wednesday by Fox and Mr. Beck’s company, Mercury Radio Arts. The companies said they would “work together to develop and produce a variety of television projects for air on the Fox […]

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Former state Asst. Attorney General and gay-student stalker Shirvell sued for harassment

Former state Assistant Attorney General Andrew Shirvell is being sued by University of Michigan student Chris Armstrong for harassment: The current University of Michigan student body president filed a lawsuit Friday saying a former assistant state attorney general stalked him and inflicted emotional distress last year by posting alleged defamatory statements on a blog as part of a “bizarre personal […]

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