Category: Uncategorized

Chuck Norris thinks “Arabic class” is mandatory in Texas schools

You know all those Chuck Norris jokes? Where he’s so powerful he does unbelievable things? Well, Chuck Norris is unbelievable, alright: [J]ust this past week, some of our state’s educational administrators joined the feds in seeking to mandate Arabic classes for Texas children. No joke! He’s right, it’s not a joke. It is, in fact, completely untrue. The district had […]

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Its been a fine week, hasn’t it? In the space of less than three weeks, Egyptians managed a non-violent transition of power that has the promise of a true democracy forming in the coming year. Other countries, inspired by the Egyptians’ magnificent accomplishment, are moving in a similar way, hopefully in the same non-violent fashion. We had an amazingly warm […]

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Speak up, Justice Thomas. We can’t hear you.

Unless he says something next Monday when the Supreme Court is hearing cases, Tuesday will be a special day for Justice Clarence Thomas. A week from Tuesday, when the Supreme Court returns from its midwinter break and hears arguments in two criminal cases, it will have been five years since Justice Clarence Thomas has spoken during a court argument. If […]

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When social welfare works the way it should

I was reading Reddit’s politics page this morning when I came across this Self Reddit: Thank you unemployment benefits. Because of you I was able to pay my rent wash my clothes, eat, and today was offered a job for over 100k. I’ve been unemployed for almost 2 years. I will happily pay my taxes, and not cry about it […]

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Chrysler hits a homerun with “Imported From Detroit” Superbowl commercial

Chrysler hits a homerun with “Imported From Detroit” Superbowl commercial

If you haven’t seen the new ad Chrysler ran during the Superbowl last night, you should really have a look: VOICE OVER: I got a question for ya. What does this city know about luxury, huh? What does a town that’s been to Hell and back know about the finer things in life? Well I’ll tell ya: More than most. […]

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Comic artist pwns hateful homophobic bigots – world laughs

Comic artist pwns hateful homophobic bigots – world laughs

I can’t even begin to express how absolutely full of awesome this is. There’s an online comic I read regularly called Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal that’s drawn by Zach Weiner. It’s a rather bizarro comic, lots of science fictiony type stuff, generally hysterical. Not long ago, he ran this comic: The odious homophobic, anti-gay, anti-same sex marriage group, National Organization […]

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TARP program nearly breaks even, expected to turn $20B profit

If there’s one government program folks on both the left and the right love to hate it’s the Toxic Asset Relief Program (TARP). Started under George W. Bush and continued under Barack Obama, it seems everyone from the farthest-right tea party to farthest-left liberals hate it. It’s about to turn a profit. The program under the $700-billion financial bailout package […]

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The white deer herds of northern Wisconsin

The white deer herds of northern Wisconsin

My friend Carol sent me this and it’s way, way cool. In northern Wisconsin, there are herds of white deer. They are true abino deer though they do not have pink eyes. They do have pink ears, pink hooves and pink noses. They even have white velvet in the springtime. They are beautiful. Native Americans considered them spiritually significant. They […]

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Barbara Bush (daughter) speaks out for same-sex marriage rights

I’m going to say right here and now that I’m both surprised and thrilled to see Barbara Bush do this PSA for the HRC campaign of New York. I’m Barbara Bush and I’m a New Yorker for marriage equality. New York is about fairness and equality and everyone should have the right to marry the person that the love. Join […]

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GOP intros bills to “Pay China First” before Soc. Sec. recipients

GOP intros bills to “Pay China First” before Soc. Sec. recipients

You might think the GOP hates the poor and the elderly and, really, all of those that rely on entitlement payments of one sort or another. But I’ll bet you didn’t know how much they hate them. They hate them enough to introduce a bill that prioritizes paying off our debt to China over their monthly checks. That’s right. Congressman […]

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Tips for preserving cell phone battery life

I saw this item this morning over at the CQ Blog and thought I would pass it on. TIPS FOR PRESERVING SMARTPHONE BATTERY LIFE Plug in your smartphone whenever you can. It is OK, even desirable, to “top off” today’s lithium ion batteries, so taking advantage of outlets or a car charger is a good idea. Talk, don’t e-mail. Cellular […]

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