Category: Uncategorized

The (Semi) Daily Medley

The (Semi) Daily Medley

Funniest animated blog about dogs EVAH: Hyperbole and a half’s “Dogs Don’t Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving” Hat tip to my daughter and sister-in-law, both of whom sent me this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Speaking of dogs, a woman in England returned her recently-rescued Jack Russell terrier to the animal shelter where she had gotten it. Why? Because it clashed with her curtains. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A […]

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U.S. economy hitting its stride

More bad news (not) for the Obama administration. The U.S. economy is picking up a head of steam. The economy gained strength at the end of last year as Americans spent at the fastest pace in four years and U.S. companies sold more overseas. The growth is boosting hopes for a stronger 2011. The Commerce Department reports Friday that growth […]

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The crazy hiking trails of Mt. Hua Shan

The crazy hiking trails of Mt. Hua Shan

Mount Hua Shan, in China, has some of the craziest hiking trails you have ever seen. Check it out: From Teh WikiGodsTM: There are two walking trails leading to Huashan’s North Peak (1613 m), the lowest of the mountain’s five major peaks. The most popular is the traditional route in Hua Shan Yu (Hua Shan Gorge) first developed in the […]

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Weird news about Dennis Kucinich

Dennis Kucinich broke a tooth on an olive pit in a sandwich he bought at the Congressional cafeteria. He’s suing them. For a LOT of money: Kucinich didn’t detail the costs of the dental work, or precisely what “enjoyment” he lost. Or why he’s filing a complaint three years after the olive incident. But he’s suing Restaurant Associates and three […]

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Congressman Paul Broun is an idiot

Congressman Paul Broun is an idiot

It’s bad enough that he had this year’s “You LIE!” moment during the President’s State of the Union Address last night. But the depth of Congressman Broun’s idiocy runs much deeper, apparently. Check out this tweet from earlier that evening: Corporate Tax rates should be zero. Not only do corporations hold immense sway in Congress due to mammoth political contributions, […]

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Obama admin considering raising fuel economy std. to 62 mpg

Last October, the Obama administration announced that it is considering raising auto fuel economy standards to as high as 62 mpg by 2025. The move went mostly under the radar. The White House has said it is considering a range of fuel economy standards for 2017 to 2025, with 62 mpg being on the high end, and the alliance said […]

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What the…?

What the…?

Vegetarians save money on their car insurance? What the…? Seriously. This was one of the ads I saw on my Facebook page: I clicked through and it was even more ridiculous: Entering my zip code and clicking through took me to an insurance company’s webpage which, of course, had nothing to do with me being a vegetarian. So it’s a […]

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Ding, dong, Keith is gone

So, without warning or even leaked hints that it was coming, Keith Olbermann announced on his show last night that he’s parting ways with MSNBC. The new line-up features Cenk Uygur at 6, Chris Matthews at 7, Lawrence O’Donnell at 8, Rachel Maddow at 9 and Ed Schultz at 10. Frankly, I won’t shed any tears over this. I think […]

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Did you hear the one about Obama putting up “APPLAUSE” signs?

Holy crap, are you effing kidding me??? I guess this is the reason I don’t read the Hot Air blog. One of their bloggers actually wrote this about President Obama’s speech at the Tucson memorial last week: [T]he White House wrote the speech, and apparently added “applause” indicators into Obama’s speech that the university put on the Jumbotron in their […]

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Call your member of Congress NOW! Protect our Progress!

Call your member of Congress NOW! Protect our Progress!

This is a crucial time to contact your member of Congress regarding the Republican’s attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act. You can do so by clicking HERE. Call them and tell them that you want them to vote against the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Need some reasons why? How about because, despite their ridiculous name for the […]

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Eclectablog: Freedom-hating communist

Eclectablog: Freedom-hating communist

I’ve learned this week that I am, not kidding, a “freedom-hating communist”. Why? Because I have no problem limiting Americans’ right to bear arms. I’m not talking about taking away Americans’ right to bear arms. I’m talking about limiting that right. Sort of along the lines of limiting the right to freedom of expression by making it a crime to […]

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