Category: Uncategorized

Just askin’…

So, anyway. When did it become censorship to ask people to show a little tact, consideration and decorum? Since we started asking conservatives to stop being douchebags, I guess… I’m just sayin’…

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What is it with the freaking VIOLENCE??? Part II

A wrestling coach in Minnesota is on administrative leave for being an idiot. Marisa Vette, the [White Bear Lake High School] district’s director of communications, confirmed to Fox News Radio that [Jacob] Volkmann is on paid leave. She refused to say if his comments about President Obama sparked the investigation. “We have an employee who is on leave and the […]

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What is it with the freaking VIOLENCE???

WTF is it with Tea Partiers and their desire to solve every problem with violence? The latest effluent (membership req’d) from Judson Phillips of the Tea Party Nation is another example. In his essay, he rightly characterizes the Westboro Baptist Church and their leader, Fred Phelps, for the shitbags they are. Not content with that, however, he goes on with […]

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Eclectablog in the running for Daily Kos Diarist of the Year

Much to my surprise and delight, I am in the running for Daily Kos Diarist of the Year. If you’re so inclined, you can vote for me HERE. While you’re at it, I’d like to commend your attention to my friends LaughingPlanet who is in the running for Best Teaching Diary and BlackWaterDog who is in the running for Diary […]

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Speaker Boehner chooses to get his swerve on instead of attending Arizona memorial

Tonight Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and President Obama attended the very moving memorial service in Tucson, Arizona. Although he was invited to ride on Air Force One to attend as well, Speaker of the House John Boehner decided to stay in Washington, D.C. Why? So he could attend a cocktail party. I’m not kidding. Speaker John Boehner will host a […]

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Ted Nugent wants you to know there are bad people out there

Hey. Did you get the memo? No? You didn’t? Ah, well. You can read it here then. Ted Nugent wants you to know that there are evil people among us and that you should be prepared. There is evil among us, and it will again attempt to execute evil, but the good must always be ready to conquer evil if […]

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While the world watches, Sarah Palin misuses the term “Blood Libel”

Now that all eyes are on Sarah Palin waiting for her to respond to accusations that she has a role to play in the amount of political violence in our country recently , she steps into the fray and does something else completely idiotic. In a video comment/response released on her Facebook page today, she had this to say: “Vigorous […]

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Tea Party Nation, methinks thou protest TOO MUCH

Only two days from the Arizona shooting that claimed six lives and injured several others and the Tea Party Nation has sent out no less than SEVEN EIGHT emails explaining why this is not their fault and how those evil, nasty librulz are hell-bent on blaming them. In the first one, Tea Party Nation leader Judson Phillips said this (note, […]

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Lemon lime with a twist

Lemon lime with a twist

You may have noticed one of these photos in my EclectaPhoto D’Jour on the right sidebar. It’s the latest from my oh-so-talented wife, Anne C. Savage. This is a complimentary image that goes with a lemony version from a few months ago. Unlike most photos like this you see, these fruits are not splashing INTO water, they are actually rising […]

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Crosshairs and 2nd Amendment remedies come home to roost

Crosshairs and 2nd Amendment remedies come home to roost

Earlier today, 20-something gunman Jared Lee Loughner shot Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in the head at point blank range She is in critical condition but is expected to survive. Among the six dead from the shooting are a 9 year-old girl and Federal Court judge John Roll. 18 people in total were shot. Judson Phillips of the Tea Party Nation […]

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Obama poster update

Just a quick note to let everyone who ordered an Obama photomosaic poster that they have all new shipped as if yesterday. They should begin arriving in your mailboxes as early as tomorrow depending on how far from Michigan you live. Enjoy! I’m just sayin’…

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