Category: Uncategorized

Dept of Health & Human Services buys “Obamacare”

Dept of Health & Human Services buys “Obamacare”

This is AWESOME!. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services has invested some money in a Google AdWords campaign using the word “ObamaCare”. As Dangerous Servant points out: What that means is that the administration has invested dollars in a Google AdWords campaign to pay for to appear in search results for “obamacare.” It looks like this:. Bigger […]

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Press secretary Robert Gibbs resigning

Wow. I didn’t see this coming: Robert Gibbs told White House staffers Wednesday that he is leaving his post as President Obama’s press secretary, ending a two-year tenure that made him the face of the White House as he sparred with reporters and defended administration policies… According to three Democrats with White House knowledge, Gibbs in recent weeks had been […]

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I probably give these idiots more attention than they deserve but I just HAD to share this latest piece of hilarity from Judson Phillips at the Tea Party Nation. It’s titled “Why Not?” (membership req’d.) At Tea Party Nation, we have made it a goal of the Tea Party movement to take over the Republican Party and return it to […]

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Pop quiz

Alright, Eclectafolks, pop quiz time! What do “Toot Sweets” and revolving license plates have in common? Answer in the comments. I’m just sayin’…

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Federal bureau comes in $1.6 BILLION under budget in 2010

Have you heard about the Obama administration group that ended 2010 $1,600,000,000 UNDER budget? Probably not. It was the United States Census Bureau who completed their Herculean task and came in 22% under budget. The U.S. Census Bureau announced today that it is 22 percent under budget for the 2010 Census, largely thanks to the unanticipated cooperation of the American […]

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Ladies & gentlemen, introducing: ECLECTATROLL!

I guess you can say you have “arrived” when you pick up a recurrent troll and we now have a full-fledged Eclectatroll. This person (not sure if it’s a man or a woman) has bravely adopted the very-creative nom de plume of “Anonymous” so we’ll just have to call them Eclectatroll. Here are some of their most recent comments. In […]

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Will teabaggers get called on their hypocrisy in 2011?

Well hallelujah: Joe Miller has given up his legal fight to wrest a U.S. Senate seat away from incumbent Lisa Murkowski, but promised local supporters and national TV audiences on Friday that he will continue the battle for conservative political values. Do you think anyone will call Joe Miller on all the precious and dear taxpayer money he wasted fighting […]

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Teabaggers – ugh…

Don’t ask me why I do it but I’m signed up for the Tea Party Nation’s email service. Several times a day I get emails where the teabaggers express their outrage and indignation at the latest government or liberal related atrocity. Last night’s missive was a doozy. MEANWHILE, PRESIDENT OBAMA IS IN HAWAII. (membership req’d.) I’ve been waiting patiently to […]

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Helping veterans keep their homes

The Congress really got stuff done the last couple of weeks. One thing that they did that went almost unnoticed was to pass the Helping Heroes Keep Their Homes Act of 2010. It extends the program to help keep service members in their homes for two years. President Obama signed it into law yesterday. I’m just sayin’…

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Jetpacks are here – REAL jetpacks

Jetpacks are here – REAL jetpacks

You know how you’ve been waiting for your jetpack? You know, a REAL jetpack that can go for at least a half hour and go over 30 miles? Well, it’s here. Introducing the Martin Jetpack: All for the low, low price of [gulp] $100,000. I thought they would be smaller. And quieter. I’m so picky. Video HERE. I’m just sayin’…

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Spanair: Best marketing event ever!

Coolest marketing idea ever by a company that is clearly thinking outside of the box: Spanair. And they truly seem to love their customers. The airline put together Christmas gifts together for an entire jetful of Christmas Day passengers. As they waited for their luggage, Christmas presents started coming out. With the passengers’ names on them. The best part was […]

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