Category: Uncategorized

Pragmatism has its costs

Pragmatism has its costs

First of all, a big welcome to folks coming in from Blackwaterdog’s most-excellent blog “The only adult in the room”. My blog entry yesterday certainly got some attention. I got over 1,100 hits on my website. It was shared on Facebook almost 1,000 times. The Daily Kos version was the #2 diary of the day, getting over 1,500 comments and […]

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Wifeproud. Again.

Wifeproud. Again.

My wife’s photomosaic of Barack Obama (which appeared in Time magazine) was recently used in a TED talk by Sylvain Zimmer. Check it out. Tres cool. I’m just sayin’…

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Anti-bullying advocate “promoting the nat’l homosexual agenda” in class?

Anti-bullying advocate “promoting the nat’l homosexual agenda” in class?

Several weeks ago, Howell teacher and teachers’ union president Jay McDowell got into a verbal altercation with two of his economics class students. It happened on the nationwide Spirit Day (October 20th), a day in which awareness of anti-gay bullying issues is raised by supporters wearing purple t-shirts. McDowell wore a purple shirt himself. In the classroom, one of McDowell’s […]

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Liberals + conservatives working together grow & donate 2 TONS of food!

Liberals + conservatives working together grow & donate 2 TONS of food!

I have to tread carefully here because I cannot allow my blogging life to overlap into my work life. I won’t be saying who my company is or what city it’s in. Please respect that, m’kay? So. While I live in Ann Arbor, one of the most liberal communities in Michigan, I work in one of the most conservative parts […]

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A few thoughts on what happened on Tuesday and the future

On the heels of my blog entry last week, I struggled to put what happened to Democrats on Tuesday into some meaningful context. My contention in that blog was the Organizing for America (OFA) was going to change the election in unpredicted ways. And, of course, it appears that I was quite wrong. As Brainwrap has already reported, Michigan was […]

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Punkins! The coolest Punkins evah!

Punkins! The coolest Punkins evah!

This was VERY popular last year so I’m reposting it with very few changes. I simply don’t have time because, well, we’re just GOTVing our little hearts out here in Ann Arbor today (and tomorrow and Tuesday…) I have added a handful of new ones before I head out the door. Enjoy. I love Halloween but I’m not much of […]

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I am Christine O’Donnell

I am Christine O’Donnell. It’s been a busy week being you. Goodness, I never realized there were so MANY of you to be! Sometimes I wish I could just wave my magic wand and… Oh, wait. Nevermind. Before my big debatey thing with Chris (“girly pants“) Coons last week, I reached into my back pocket and realized there was this […]

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Homophobic stalker & Asst. AG wants new judge

This has to be a joke. Michigan Assistant Attorney General Andrew Shirvell is asking a Washtenaw County judge to withdraw from hearing a request for a personal protection order against him because of the judge’s ties to state representative and former gubernatorial candidate Alma Wheeler Smith. In an Oct. 6 court filing, Shirvell requests that Judge Nancy Francis recuse herself […]

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Mark Ouimet: A “Nice Guy” Republican goes to the gutter

Mark Ouimet: A “Nice Guy” Republican goes to the gutter

Talk to anyone in Ann Arbor about Mark Ouimet and they are sure to tell you that he’s a really “nice guy”. I’ve never met him but I feel certain that he is, indeed, a really nice guy. But he’s also a politician and he’s also a Republican. So I guess it shouldn’t have surprised me when robocalls started showing […]

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46 second mental health break

Trust me. It’s 46 seconds you won’t regret. No kid CAN resist a mud puddle. I’m just sayin’…

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AZ-Sen: This is (not) good news for John McCain

AZ-Sen: This is (not) good news for John McCain

Last month, our good friend poblano Nate Silver gave Rodney Glassman only a 1.5% chance of beating Grandpa Senator McCain. But that was before the latest Rasmussen poll came out. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds McCain earning 51% of the vote to Democrat Rodney Glassman’s 37%, his best showing to date. Seven […]

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