Category: Uncategorized

Godwin’s Bumper

Godwin’s Bumper

I’m sorry, but I totally refudiate this: Boycott Arizona – The SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS State Don’t get me wrong, I agree 100% with the sentiment. I won’t be spending a dime in Arizona until they repeal that odious law. But why the swastika? Really, has our level of discourse plummeted so far that we can toss around that symbol […]

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James O’Keefe: “I am the lowest form of morality”

This is aweseome. James O’Keefe, Pimp Impersonator Extraordinaire, has admitted that he is the lowest form of morality. [What I do] is the nadir of morality. Via Webster’s Dictionary: na·dirPronunciation: ˈnā-ˌdir, ˈnā-dərFunction: nounEtymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Arabic naḍhīr oppositeDate: 15th century 1 : the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the zenith and vertically […]

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It wasn’t an auto company “bailout” and, btw, it WORKED!

Remember back in the “good old days of 2009 when the Obama administration stepped in to keep two of the largest American auto companies from going under? Remember how, even though it was only a loan program and a temporary stock purchase that it was characterized as a “taxpayer-funded bailout”? Well check out these headlines: Chrysler Tops Operating Profit Outlook, […]

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Lance Enderle for Congress in MI-08

Are you in Michigan’s 8th Congressional District (hey, Lansing, that’s YOU!)? If you are, please spread the word about writing-in LANCE ENDERLE for the Democratic nomination for Congress. Kande Ngalamulume has dropped out but he will remain on the ballot. Lance Enderle needs an estimated 2,000 write-in votes to face Mike Rogers in November. More HERE. I’m just sayin’…

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Netroots for the Troops – Here’s what we did

Netroots for the Troops – Here’s what we did

After having raised over $1,000 for the Netroots for the Troops efforts, I had the very sincere privilege of helping the Netroots for the Troops crew produce 300 CARE packages that were sent to men and women in the military in both Iraq and Afghanistan. I have pledged to try to help more next year and in future years until […]

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Today is Boobie Wednesday

Today is Boobie Wednesday

Okay, I didn’t even know there was such a thing as “Boobie Wednesday”. There is. Here at Boobie Wednesday, our mission is quite simple. We want to help spread breast cancer awareness to as many people as we can reach! It’s been proven time and again, that early detection is our best defense against breast cancer, which is why we […]

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Off to Netroots Nation + NFTT goal SURPASSED!

This afternoon I head off to Las Vegas for the Netroots Nation conference. The opening keynote speaker is Governor Brian Schweitzer from Montana and Senator Al Franken will do the closing speech. In between there will be tons of amazing people there including Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. I wanted to thank everyone who contributed to my donation page for […]

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A Dem legislative/regulatory win you didn’t know about

A Dem legislative/regulatory win you didn’t know about

Last October, I wrote about freshman Senator Amy Klobuchar’s bill to regulate formaldehyde emissions from engineered wood panels. These are the panels used to build our homes, our desks and other furniture and that are ubiquitous throughout our lives, often unnoticed. Shop at any Office Max, Ikea, or discount furniture store and you’ll be surrounded by things made from medium […]

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Awesome New Media resources for Dems!

Awesome New Media resources for Dems!

I love that the Democratic Party has gotten its act together so well with regard to new media. This week, within a few minutes of each other, two emails hit my inbox. One was announcing a new iPhone app for the Democratic Party and the other was a new website called “Raise Your Vote“. is a new site focused […]

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Netroots for the Troops – Calling all hippies!

Netroots for the Troops – Calling all hippies!

I’m thrilled to say that next month I’ll be winging it to Las Vegas to attend the Netroots Nation conference. Netroots Nation is the biggest, most influential conference for progressive activists, bloggers and organizers in the country and I am totally thrilled to be going this year. From their website: The fifth annual gathering of the Netroots (formerly known as […]

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Rachel Maddow up for Television Critics Award – Atta girl!!!

Rachel Maddow up for Television Critics Award – Atta girl!!!

I’m so proud. I’ve been a BIG fan of Rachel Maddow since she started on Air America. She’s a class act. My most popular blog ever was about her. One of my blog entries was linked on the Maddow Blog. I listen to her podcast every morning on my drive to work and she’s eclipsed Keith Olbermann in my opinion. […]

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