Category: Uncategorized

OMFG – CuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCute…

OMFG – CuteCuteCuteCuteCuteCute…

Click the pic for a larger version Rare to see, even more rare to photograph. My wife and I saw this wonderful sight of a brandy-new just-born baby goose peaking out from his mother’s wing while kayaking last Friday. And Anne was there to get the shot. Q: Does it get any cuter than this? A: No. I’m just sayin’…

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Care to help a brutha out?

Care to help a brutha out?

I have a friend over at Daily Kos. He’s a great writer and frequent contributor to Kos. He’s handicapped and gay and that gives him an interesting perspective on the world. He’s also lacking funds that will allow him to attend the Netroots Nation 2010 conference in July. I’ll be attending and a guy like him should be there, too. […]

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More good news for Mich/USA: Ford earns $1B in Q1

More good news for Mich/USA: Ford earns $1B in Q1

On the heels of good news that I reported in my blog entry two days ago about GM, now comes Ford. And Ford comes in a Big Way: Ford, a year ago in danger of being dragged down with a collapse of its nearly bankrupt Detroit rivals, is projected to report nearly $1 billion in first-quarter profits Tuesday, the strongest […]

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Tim Wise: “If the Tea Partiers were black…”

Tim Wise: “If the Tea Partiers were black…”

I realize pretty much everyone on the internet but me has seen this but, just in case you’re one of the few that, like me, ducked when this Awesome Ball came toward you, have a look. “Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black” – Tim Wise Tim Wise is a white guy who writes about racism (his blog is HERE.) […]

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An open apology to a tea partier at the Waffle Guy rally

An open apology to a tea partier at the Waffle Guy rally

Two days ago I published very popular blog entry titled “Tea partying in Ann Arbor – Waffles are delicious!!!“ In it, I had the following photo and comment: I think of this one as “The Battle of the Bellies”. Angry-looking fat white guys at a teabagger rally. What are the odds…? After hearing from a number of folks and then, […]

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It’s not just FOX News, people

As Rachel Maddow so clearly stated during her show last Friday, there’s a whole lotta makin’ shit up goin’ on out there. Yes, a great deal of it is coming from the FOX News machine. But not all of it. All you have to do is to look at the local newspapers across the country to see that. Today’s edition […]

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Gunn High School conquers hate with Love

If only all high schools could be this awesome. When the odious Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) ghouls announced they were going to picket Gunn High School in Palo Alto, California because it is too tolerant of gay students, the students, teachers, administrators and parents responded by drowning out their hate with powerful statements of love, acceptance and embracing of diversity. […]

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About that “Hopey-Changey Thing”

About that “Hopey-Changey Thing”

It’s working out just fine for me, thank you very much. The American economy added 162,000 jobs in March, offering some hope that the labor market, after shedding millions of jobs during the recession, has reached a turning point… The pace of job growth in March was the best in three years. Suck it, Palin. I’m just sayin’…

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Teabagger Clown Show in the Desert Wrap-up

Teabagger Clown Show in the Desert Wrap-up

Most news outlets are reporting that the Teabagger Clown Show in the DesertTM drew about 9,000 people. That’s pretty righteous, considering they were out in the middle of nowhere on a dusty, windblown plot of desert land and it was COLD! I’ll give the Teabaggers credit for their enthusiasm if nothing else. There’s a great wrap-up with some terrific pictures […]

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Nancy Pelosi threatened with a bomb

Nancy Pelosi threatened with a bomb

John Dennis is running for Congress. He’s a Republican running to unseat the most powerful woman in American politics at the moment: Nancy Pelosi. He is encouraging his supporters to send Nancy Pelosi a bomb for her birthday. This same imaging shows up as a pop-up on his website when you first enter it. Oh, sure, it’s all tongue in […]

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My iPhone brings the good news

My iPhone brings the good news

First there was this on my television screen: Then my iPhone told me this: And the sweetest, juiciest cherry on the top of it all was watching John Boehner beg. I’m just sayin’…

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