Category: Uncategorized

Teh st00pid. It burns.

I have only three words to say about this video: It is totally freaking hilarious. (Watch it to see why that comment is funny.) I’m just sayin’…

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Look out! It’s the Demon Pass!!!

Look out! It’s the Demon Pass!!!

I’m pretty puzzled why House Democrats are going the route of using the “Deem and Pass” procedure to pass the Senate’s version of the health insurance reform package + the sidecar bill to “fix” it. Seems like they just looo-ooove to hand the Republicans brickbats to clobber them over the head with. And one that sounds like “Demon Pass”? Are […]

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Abortion language in the Senate Health Care bill

In case you’re ever talking to Bart Stupak or someone else concerned about the abortion language in the health insurance reform bill, simply commend their attention to pages 118-124. I have put them into a convenient pdf file HERE. It falls collectively under a section titled: “SPECIAL RULES RELATING TO COVERAGE OF ABORTION SERVICES — PROHIBITION ON THE USE OF […]

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Proof that not ALL churches hate progressive reform

Proof that not ALL churches hate progressive reform

Let’s start with a visual: Sorry, Mr. Beck. Jesus preached social justice. Then there’s this: Pro-life group urges Congress to pass Senate health care bill Twenty-five pro-life Catholic theologians and Evangelical leaders yesterday sent letters to members of Congress urging them not to let misleading information about abortion provisions in the Senate health care bill block passage of sorely-needed reform. […]

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Lowering the budget with health insurance reform

Lowering the budget with health insurance reform

One of the most frequent claims I hear from people opposed to health insurance reform is that “we can’t afford this” and “this will our raise taxes”. The fact of the matter is that this country can’t afford not to do this. What’s more, not only does this not cost the country more, it actually will cost us LESS, lowering […]

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Reid demands climate bill ASAP + “72 Hours of Clean Amer. Power” action

The Washington Post reported this week that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is calling for a climate bill to finished up and ready for a vote as soon as possible. Senators John Kerry and Lindsey Graham have been working together (along with Joe Lieberman of all people) on legislation and Reid is lighting a fire under their backsides. “The majority […]

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OFA+HCAN+Allies rally in Mich. yesterday for jobs and more (PHOTOS)

OFA+HCAN+Allies rally in Mich. yesterday for jobs and more (PHOTOS)

On February 18, 2010, Organizing for America (OFA), Health Care for American NOW! (HCAN) and no less than THIRTY other organizations sponsored a CALL FOR ACTION rally in Madison Heights in southeastern Michigan calling for Congress to act now on jobs for Michigan. These sponsoring groups represent a broad coalition of interests including health care reform, peace, immigration reform, clean […]

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Alma Mater Blues

Dang it. I’m just sayin’…

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Rachel Maddow trying to single-handedly change the country’s trajectory

Rachel Maddow trying to single-handedly change the country’s trajectory

Rachel Maddow has been on FIRE this week. I’ve been a fan of hers since I started listening to her Air America podcasts three years ago. Smart. Funny. Brilliant. Incisive. Genius. Awesome. All of these words describe her well. When she’s on a panel, she’s the smartest person there. When she’s on the radio, she has no peer. When she’s […]

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Super Bowl Ads 2010 — mostly offensive and/or dumb

First of all, congratulations to Nawlins and Saints fans everywhere. What a great game, great victory and a great team with tons of heart. The game just finished and I’m pretty sure I can hear the party all the way up here in Michigan. Speaking of Michigan, could you guys send a little good luck juju up to us? We […]

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Palin: Obama could play the ‘war card’ to be re-elected

Aw, Jebus. Dear Lord baby Jebus: (H/T Think Progress) WALLACE: How hard do you think President Obama would be to defeat in 2012? PALIN: It depends on a few things, say he played — I got this from Buchanan — say he played the war card. Say he decided to declare war on Iran or decide to really come out […]

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