Category: Uncategorized

HCR is a PROCESS, people! A bit of historical perspective

Look, we KNOW this bill isn’t perfect, people! We KNOW that. We know. We know. We know. We know. It’s not perfect. Got it. In fact, for us proponents of a single-payer system, it sucks. Did I mention we know that? But we have to get a bill passed. We clearly need to fight tooth and nail to the bitter […]

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Celebrating “Buy Nothing Day” – You too?

Celebrating “Buy Nothing Day” – You too?

I’m on strike. I absolutely refuse to go shopping today unless it’s for life-sustaining food or drink. Today is Buy Nothing Day. It’s “sponsored” (promoted?) by, the organization founded by Kalle Lasn, author of “Culture Jam: How to Reverse America’s Suicidal Consumer Binge–And Why We Must” There are events all around the globe. I participated this morning. How did […]

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1Sky’s Make-Art-For-Climate project

1Sky’s Make-Art-For-Climate project

Cross-posted at the Blog. I have spent quite a bit of time volunteering for the 1Sky Campaign through our local Michigan affiliate, Clean Water Action. 1Sky is a well-funded coalition of environmental groups promoting three major intiatives known as “1Sky Solutions”: 5 million new green energy jobs, reducing global warming pollution and a moratorium on new coal plants. This […]

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Ocote Soul Sounds LIVE!

Ocote Soul Sounds LIVE!

Ocote Soul Sounds: Check ’em out. They are HOT! Dueling flutes?! Oh yeah.. I’m just sayin’…

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Lazy Wednesday

Lazy Wednesday

Took the day off work to enjoy the one and only Indian Summer day of 2009. Got some food + beer: Put in on the Huron River (along with a buncha other smart folks): Then enjoyed the day on the river, photographing, drinking and floating: Even met up with some friends on the river. Life is good. Oh, and tonight? […]

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Stuffed Deliciousness from the Garden

Stuffed Deliciousness from the Garden

Last weekend’s harvest of bell peppers and Beaver Dam peppers got turned into “Mexican” stuffed peppers that now reside in the freezer. It started with a sinkful of deliciousness: The day before we had made a huge pot of stuffing that’s mainly peppers, onions, chilies, black beans, more chilies, tomatoes, rice and more chiles along with some awesome spices, vegetable […]

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Ken Burns’ National Park series PERFECTLY timed

Ken Burns’ National Park series PERFECTLY timed

Cross-posted at Daily Kos. I watched the first installment of the gloriously filmed and narrated Ken Burns series “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea” last night. As a major supporter of the National Parks system, I have been eagerly awaiting this since I first learned of it. NOTE: Here’s a link to last night’s episode HERE. From taking my four-year […]

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Baked Stuffed Jalapeno Peppers – RECIPE

Baked Stuffed Jalapeno Peppers – RECIPE

This was first posted at an earlier version of this blog in 2007. Today, we’re going to process 100 jalapenos into these remarkably awesome stuffed peppers so I thought that I’d repost it. Enjoy. At long last, I’m finally getting this recipe up. We do HUGE amounts of these at once but the recipe is for 15-20. The photos are […]

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H1N1 is actually starting to scare me

I’m not very reactionary or easily worried. In fact, the whole H1N1 swine flu thing, to me, has been sort of a ho-hum deal. I really haven’t expected much to come of it. Something along the lines of the Y2K bug or something, I suppose. Then the emails started to arrive this week. Now I’m starting to get a leeeeetle […]

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Over 1/3 of Americans already in government-run health care

Yesterday, the US Census Bureau released a major report that outlines poverty and other issues in this country including health care coverage. The stats are for 2008. Looking through it today, one thing really stuck out: Over one-third of Americans are already covered by “government health insurance”. Over one-third. 255.1 million Americans have health insurance and 87.4 million are “covered […]

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R.E.M. and get it right

We need health insurance reform. We need it NOW. We’re not rushing this through, it’s been sixty long, long years to get to this point. Saying we’re rushing is absurd. We need reform NOW and we can’t afford to wait any longer. Watch the vid: I’m just sayin’…

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