Category: Uncategorized

Alleged St. Louis “attack victim” has no health insurance

Cross-posted at the Daily Kos. (Updated twice below.) There are already a couple other diaries up (at the Daily Kos) that talk about Kenneth Gladney, the African American man who claims he was attacked by SEIU “thugs” (HERE and HERE), so I won’t go into any detail on that. Those diarist have done a much better job than I could […]

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$1.4 Million PER DAY – Vanna, I’d like to buy a health care reform FACT

The Washington Post has reported that the anti-health care reform camp is spending $1.4 million per day to fight health care reform efforts, particularly to kill the public option. The aim of the lobbying blitz is simple: to minimize the damage to insurers, hospitals and other major sectors while maximizing the potential of up to 46 million uninsured Americans as […]

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Debunking the Lies About Health Care Reform

Spread this one far and wide. Email it to your elderly (American) grandparents, other relatives and friends/neighbors. Fighting the misinformation and outright lies is so bloody difficult but it MUST be done. I’m just sayin’…

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Garden Porn: Organic Pest Control – Working WITH Nature

Garden Porn: Organic Pest Control – Working WITH Nature

Mrs. E and I have been organic gardening together for about seven years and recently moved to a new home with an acre of land about three years ago. We now have a very nice garden, 100% organic, lush and productive. We preserve an amazing amount of food from it and, every week of the year, we eat at least […]

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Who Would Jesus Shoot?

This kind of thing is why I don’t go to church anymore. No, most churches aren’t this asinine, this completely oblivious to how far away from the true Word of Jesus Christ they are. But the fact that organized Christianity has this element in it makes it all too clear just how much a false construct the church is. Pastor […]

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A TITillating Argument for a Public Option in Health Insurance

NSFW but fun without being gratuitous. I’m just sayin’…

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My Most Awesome Wife and Her Most Awesome Photos

My Most Awesome Wife and Her Most Awesome Photos

Ya gotta dig this. Swiss Chard from our garden as only my wife could portray it. Awesome. I’m just sayin’…

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Evil Reeking Piles of Greed and Dishonesty

That pretty much sums up my opinion of the people that run the biggest health insurance companies. Watch this video. It’s testimony from some of these evil reeking piles of greed and dishonesty. If it cuts into their profits, you can be damned sure they’re going to find a way to cut off your insurance. If for no other reason […]

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Garden Porn: Spring 2009 Edition

Garden Porn: Spring 2009 Edition

We’ve been biding our time, patiently waiting since mid-February, to plant our garden. In the meantime, we got our seedlings planted and added a raised bed to plant our early cold weather-tolerant crops. With the new bed we now have a total of about 1400 square feet of garden including our herb garden. Here’s our seedlings: We have 60 heirloom […]

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Who Said THAT???! – Supreme Edition

This edition of Who Said THAT???! brings us a quote from a person who holds a supreme position of judgment. That fact makes this quote particularly bizarre to my sane mind. “I have to admit,” he said, “that I’m one of those people that still thinks the dishwasher is a miracle. What a device! And I have to admit that […]

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Goldman Sachs Robs Us in Broad Daylight – Thanks May I Have Another?

Cross-posted at The Daily Kos. The other day, I had a blog entry about how Goldman Sachs was planning on returning their TARP bailout money this week. My diary was about how they were complaining about operating in “this environment” and how I thought they should STFU and deal with it because intense oversight & scrutiny is their new reality. […]

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