Category: Uncategorized

Michigan Leads the Way…To the Bottom

Michigan Leads the Way…To the Bottom

Cross-posted at the Daily Kos. In February Michigan residents learned the unemployment in our state had risen to a national high of 11.6%. That beat the national average of 7.6% handily. This morning we found out that last month it ticked up a bit more and now 12% of Michiganders are unemployed. And it’s probably more than that given the […]

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Bring on the Financial Sector Regulation

The New York Times is reporting that Goldman Sachs has decided it doesn’t want the TARP bailout money after all and is going to return it. You know what? It’s not going to matter. They should get used to the way things are right now with the federal government looking over their shoulder and pretty much the whole country breathing […]

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xkcd Puts the AIG Bonuses in Perspective

xkcd Puts the AIG Bonuses in Perspective

Yeah, the bonuses are infuriating. Absolutely, maddeningly infuriating (I refuse to say I’m “outraged”. That word got used up this past week.) But let’s keep things in perspective. Like this: 1000 Times I’m just sayin’…

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Racism: Thy Name is Republican

Racism: Thy Name is Republican

This goes beyond the bounds of political correctness. This is pure and unadulterated RACISM. Los Alamitos Mayor Dean Grose is finding himself in hot water after sending out this fake photo of watermelons on President Barack Obama’s White House front lawn. Grose’s email included the heading, “No Easter Egg hunt this year.” Here’s the picture: More HERE. Turns out Grose […]

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Conservatives In the Unemployment Line: We’re All Socialists Now

I work in the very conservative Livingston County, Michigan. You may know of the city of Howell because it’s where a former Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, Robert Miles, lived for some time. Even recently mysterious pamphlets have shown up in the driveways of Howell residents condemning Tiger Woods for marrying a white woman. Many of coworkers are […]

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Oh Yeah, Baby – Rothbury is ON!!!

Oh Yeah, Baby – Rothbury is ON!!!

There was a LOT of talk after last year’s Rothbury Festival that it wouldn’t happen again. The guy who owns the ranch where it was held was in all sorts of legal/bankruptcy trouble, etc. But, it looks like things have cleared and Rothbury is ON! If you’d like to read my review of Rothbury, you can find it HERE. My […]

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Honey, I Shrunk the President

Honey, I Shrunk the President

University of Michigan mechanical engineering professor John Hart has downsized our president. He’s nanosized him, in fact. In the picture below, each Obama face is only 500 microns wide. According to Hart’s website: Each face is made of approximately 150 million tiny carbon nanotubes; that’s about how many Americans voted in the 2008 presidential election. I wonder if the AP […]

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Bill Gates is Brilliant

I love this. The guy is geeky-brilliant, uber-wealthy, and has a gigantic heart. Bill Gates’ campaign to wipe out malaria just took a funny step forward. LONG BEACH, California (AFP) – Microsoft founder turned disease-battling philanthropist Bill Gates loosed mosquitoes at an elite Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) Conference to make a point about the deadly sting of malaria. “Malaria is […]

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Gratuitous Obstructionist Pissants

The GOP (Gratuitous Obstructionist Pissants) are blowing gaskets left and right over the stimulus package being promoted by President Obama and his team. They go on and on and on about how horrible it is. “Research to stop STDs???!” they scream. “Funding the arts???!” they bellow. “Refurbishing the National Mall???!” they yell. “This is just one big pork barrel of […]

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AP Goes After Shepard Fairey

AP Goes After Shepard Fairey

Remember when I wrote about how Shepard Fairey totally stole a photographer’s work? This one? Turns out that Manny Garcia was an AP photographer when he snapped the photo and the AP owns the rights to the image. They aren’t happy about the situation. The AP says it owns the copyright, and wants credit and compensation. Fairey disagrees. “The Associated […]

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Famous Savants

I just got lost on this site: 10 Most Fascinating Savants in the World. I knew some of this but I was completely blown away by what I read there. Put this one on the “highly recommended websites” list. I’m just sayin’…

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